The plot thickens

For all of you out there who are waiting anxiously for the November release of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Nintendo has just released a few new nuggets of information regarding the game's storyline and characters. It seems the developers are delving a bit deeper into character development in Link's newest outing.

The new game’s storyline begins in Skyloft, an island town suspended high in the sky, on the day before young Link™ is to compete in a major bird-flying competition. The winner of the contest will earn the honor of taking part in a special ceremony with Zelda™.
Link and Zelda
Friends since childhood, Link and Zelda have always shared a special bond. Events in the new game will add even more depth to their relationship.
Link’s nemesis at school, Groose, plays a significant role in the early moments of the new game. This bully of a character not only threatens Link’s chances to win the bird-flying competition, but he also reveals a jealous streak toward Link and Zelda’s special bond.
Early on in Link’s new adventure, he encounters Fi, the spirit of the powerful Goddess Sword. Fi’s guidance proves to be crucial as Link goes forth on a challenging quest that will ultimately result in the creation of the Master Sword.
Zelda’s father
Gaepora, Zelda’s father, is the headmaster of Link’s school. As such, he has knowledge of the history and legends of Skyloft.

Nintendo plans to release even more information about the game in the coming weeks leading up to its November 20th launch in North America. And don't forget that the game will be available in both a standalone version as well as a limited edition bundle that will include a special gold coloured Wii Remote Plus controller. You'll also get a CD soundtrack chock full of orchestrated renditions of select Zelda tunes to jam to if you pick up one of the first production runs of the game.