Image: Beamdog

Embracer Group is continuing its efforts to restructure its organisation, this time resulting in multiple job losses at developer Beamdog, which was acquired by Aspyr / Embracer last year.

As reported by GameDeveloper (thanks, Eurogamer), a total of 26 employees at the MythForce developer were let go according to multiple posts on LinkedIn.

Amongst these was Associate Producer Misia Bloniarz, who wrote "On Friday 26 people were laid off at Beamdog, and I unfortunately am one of them. After 4 years at the company, I look back at my time there fondly, and wish everyone the best."

Beamdog was acquired by Embracer back in April 2022, however, the media conglomerate has been hit by hard times recently, announcing in June 2023 that it would be commencing a "restructuring program" that would include "the closure or divestments of some studios and the termination or pausing of some ongoing game development projects".

It was also recently reported that Embracer may be looking to sell Borderlands developer Gearbox Entertainment shortly after the total studio closure of Saints Row developer Volition. Needless to say, it seems Embracer Group is most certainly following through on its restructuring plan.

What do you make of this latest round of lay offs at Embracer Group? Let us know your thoughts with a comment down below.

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