
Topic: Kid Icarus: Uprising and the vastly superior controller config

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I remember when KI came out back in early 2012 and a lot of publications faulted it poor controls. I never understood that considering KI is easily one of the best titles on the 3DS. All you have to do is spend 30 seconds in options and change Pits movement to the x/y/a/b buttons (N64 style) and the target reticle to the joystick, while shooting defaults to the r button. It's such a superior config IMO, it tee's me off when people criticize the game without trying this input.

Did anybody else play through the title like this?



If you're left-handed, that's cool, otherwise a no-go. You CAN attach the Circle Pad Pro and do it this way but it's horribly, HORRIBLY cramped.

It still blows my mind that they didn't include dual-analog. Like seriously, why? I am always the first one to defend that game but there was no reason to not include. If they let you aim with the mothereffing face buttons they should let you aim with the damn CPP.

Also, you can play through the title like that maybe, but have fun not totally sucking at multiplayer and playing on anything above 5.0. The game is heavily based on flick action (minus the Magnus chapter) so the stylus was pretty vital to gameplay.

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I'm right handed, it's a small learning curve, but I think it's by far the best input method outside of the N3DS. Everyone has a prefance though.



rayword45 wrote:

It still blows my mind that they didn't include dual-analog. Like seriously, why?

I'm assuming because the system had too many things going on as is that even something seemingly minor like this could've ruined things. I would not be an expert on how that works exactly, but considering how they couldn't include better battery life or a less silly start button, it wouldn't surprise me.

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^I'm not talking about the console. I'm talking about circle pad pro support in a game.

The game allows you to move with analog stick and aim with face buttons
It also allow you to move with face buttons and aim with analog stick.
If you attach a circle pad pro, you can move with face buttons and aim with right analog stick but the option to move with left analog and aim with right analog does not exist. What moron excluded this?

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Screw you.


As much as I enjoy the game, the original control scheme affects how often I want to play it (prefer not sitting at a table or desk to play it).
Your suggestion makes me want to kick myself, configuring the controls is a no-brainer. I'll be sure to try it out once my 3DS's B button is repaired.

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Port it to Wii U where it can really shine.

I own a Wii U and 3DS. I also own a PS4!

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Blast wrote:

Port it to Wii U where it can really shine.

KI is one of the few 3DS games that has the scope and depth to make it on the big screen, I agree with you.



Tried various control options. Nothing was comfortable. It's a gorgeous game, full of addictive gameplay, fun voice acting, and stellar music, but I've never actually had fun playing it.

I honestly wish the entire game had been a rail shooter. Would have been much more comfortable to play. I liked the flying sections.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


You pretty much have to use the analog for movement. I tried using the buttons but I couldn't dash. I played through with analog as move, and the buttons for aiming, which was pretty terrible, but it was the only option since I'm left handed.

Edited on by sevex



sub12 wrote:

I'm right handed, it's a small learning curve, but I think it's by far the best input method outside of the N3DS. Everyone has a prefance though.

I can see someone using default settings having a much easier time in multiplayer though.

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sub12 wrote:

I'm right handed, it's a small learning curve, but I think it's by far the best input method outside of the N3DS. Everyone has a prefance though.

The game has N3DS c-stick support?


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


I've been hardwired for the last 20 years to move the character with my left hand and perform actions with my right. Every single game I've ever played in my entire life has had controls optimized this way. You're telling me that it's just a simple matter of swapping my left and right hands around, you may as well tell me to start writing with my other hand. I'm not going to sit down and literally re-teach myself how to play video games just to play one game.

All it needs is a patch to work better with the CPP. That's all it needs.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


I never had a problem with the controls, aside from early on when I was learning them. This is one of the few games I'd say that I am really good at.(Or WAS good at, since I haven't played it in a while.) I could play most chapters on highest difficulty, and the controls felt simple and easy. But I'd be all for extra control options for others to use.

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@sevex "I tried using the buttons but I couldn't dash."
This is the polar opposite of my issue which is auto-dashing. I want to call you a liar. There are no options to turn this off/on when using abxy for movement. However I read a post on another forum where the user claimed" double tapping" activates dash and "double tapp plus hold" activated run. This seems to be complete balgona though as in my copy he just dashes RIGHT OFF THE BAT and running expending all stamina which obviously leads to many bad situations like changing your shot type which throws away your shot charge leaving you vulnerable as well. Why does can't I have dash controls. This scheme would be perfect otherwise.


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