
Topic: Hey! Pikmin

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It reminds me more of Kirby Mass Attack than Zip Lash.

But yeah it seems it's being made by the New Island people, this is even using the same graphical style as Yoshi's New Island.

Edited on by Eel


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My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Another one of those games I wouldnt need but am gonna buy it anyway. Not the pikmin I wanted but still, could be cool.



Unlike Chibi Robo, this franchise could work really well in a side scrolling format. Especially if it was a sort of Metroidvania style of exploration. Pikmin is one of those rare franchises where if the execution goes any idea could be good



Is it just me, or is it weird how slow Olimar moves in this game? It the original Pikmin games, Olimar ran like a jogger with a New-York minute to spare, but in this game, he walks slower than Wario in the first Wario land game.

"I'll take a potato chip... AND EAT IT!"
Light Yagami, Death Note
"Ah, the Breakfast Club soundtrack! I can't wait 'til I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff!"
Phillip J. Fry, Futurama


@skywake As much as it pains me to say it, Other M is a mainline title. Minor correction.

@Meowpheel It did remind me of Zip Lash at first glance too. Upon knowing more about it, I had the same feelings as @YellowFighter.

Edited on by MarcelRguez


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


So it reminds people of either Zip Lash or New Island. In either case, not much of a glowing sign lol. But I'll be honest, I'm buying the heck out of it day 1. Just like i did federation force, because I'm such a fan of the franchise I'll consume anything that comes of it. I just hope it'll be a good investment.



Keep your pitchforks ready guys: Nintendo is destroying ANOTHER franchise! You can bet we will never see a proper Pikmin-game again. Ok, the game looks decent. But nothing more then that.



Henmii wrote:

Keep your pitchforks ready guys: Nintendo is destroying ANOTHER franchise! You can bet we will never see a proper Pikmin-game again. Ok, the game looks decent. But nothing more then that.

First Kid Icarus, now Pikmin. When will this stop???

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


Game looks fine. Comparisons to Zip Lash are unwarranted- Zip Lash changed genres completely in favor of a platformer. This is not a platformer- watch the gameplay. This is indeed a Pikmin game. Just... it's been 2D-ified (presumably because of the weaker hardware- a 3D Pikmin would never work on 3DS). And for the record, Zip Lash was a pretty decent game.

As for the developers- you could have Scrooge McDuck develop this game and it could still come out great. Why? Because it's Miamoto's best IP creation to date and it doesn't matter who the hired help is if Miamoto is the one making the creative decisions. With past games they may have relied on their own creative direction but with this game you already know Miamoto will be micromanaging everything.

And I think it's time people stop acting like the only games Nintendo should release are the ones that a few people on the Internet personally desire. A) fans only ever want the same thing over and over B) fans think they represent the entire world but most of the time they only speak for small minority. I look at Axiom Verge, and for all the talk of wanting a Metroid game it debuts in 15th place, behind over a dozen 20 year old Mario games? The same Mario games fans say they're tired of and don't want more of?

So ya, i'm still hoping for a 3D entry and I'm not as excited for this as I would be if it was a full-blown title on NX, but this does look super original and fun. There's definitely nothing like it on the 3DS.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


They could have made a 3D platformer based on Pikmin rather than make yet ANOTHER side-scroller for the 3DS. I'm so sick of 2D platformers as that seems to be all that we get, even with AAA packaged releases. There needs to be a balance. The only AAA 3D platformer on 3DS that springs to mind is Super Mario 3D Land, and that was released in the first year of the console's lifespan.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


then do not buy it. We dont know enough about this game to judge it yet.
I personally can not wait for this game and neither can my kids. My son loves Pikmin 3.

Want: Harvest Moon: One World, Story of Seasons: Pioneering Town, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

Finished the Alola Dex.
Now playing New Horizons, Wrath of White Witch and Sword


I can't say I'd agree on the statement a 3D pikmin game wouldn't work in its current general mechanics on the 3DS.

The only thing the 3DS would have to worry about is the cap limit of whats on the screen (100 pikmin on your screen may drop framerate).. but then you look at it from a hyrule warriors technological standpoint, and it looks pretty possible and easy to put a 3D version of a general pikmin game. I wouldn't disagree the idea of an original pikmin remake for the 3DS like ocarina of time as it would probably run perfectly.

The 2D style is probably nintendo wanting to experiment with what else they can do with the franchise besides its generally same core mechanics. (Lets be honest, no matter what pikmin you're playing, its the same game mechanically speaking, you throw pikmin, they do things, thats it. Biggest changes are just how the game progresses and what pikmin you use against what enemies.)

Nintendo can do this with pikmin, its not like the franchise is dead, we got a pikmin game a few years ago, we got confirmation of a 4th game in the making and nearly finished, so nintendo is perfectly free to see how this works out and whether or not they can pull off a NX+handheld split series.

Edited on by Araquanid

3DS FC: 0774-5098-1425
Pokemon Sun IGN: Joe
My Shinies
(User name changed in November 2016, MegaBeedrill)

3DS Friend Code: 0774-5098-1425 | Nintendo Network ID: FreakyMantis17 | Twitter:


@JaxonH Nah, the 3DS could handle a regular Pikmin game when it comes to power. The main problem is that the abysmal 240p resolution on that small of a screen would make it practically impossible to see the Pikmin.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


I'm pretty certain this is the game miyamoto was referring to when he said the next game in the series was almost complete.



I think miyamoto specifically stating pikmin 4 was almost complete, if this game isn't confirmed as the fourth installment we should be getting another in the near future. Possibly delayed for the NX like pikmin 3 on the wii was delayed for wii u production.

Edited on by Araquanid

3DS FC: 0774-5098-1425
Pokemon Sun IGN: Joe
My Shinies
(User name changed in November 2016, MegaBeedrill)

3DS Friend Code: 0774-5098-1425 | Nintendo Network ID: FreakyMantis17 | Twitter:


That's what I mean. You could make any game run on any system, but there are certain levels of acceptability and if it can't meet that then it's really pointless to do so. Even on the top screen they'd be too small to see, although I noticed the Pikmin are a lot bigger in this game.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

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