
Topic: Double Dragon collection physical collection.

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I'm trying to find out if this collection on switch was ever released physically in America. Everything I'm finding online mentions Europe and Asia but I'm not clear on this.

Plus i keep finding two different box covers so I'm even more confused. I figure it shouldn't matter if i just import since there's barely any dialog in these games. Was it ever released physically in the states?



Double Dragon Collection has only been released in Asia, for the time being. Clear River Games (a Swedish publisher) will release a European version next week. Nothing has been mentioned for US, as of yet, but there is a possibility that Limited Run Games will pick it up, as they have done with other Double Dragon/Arc System Works games.

If you don't want to wait, both the Asian and the upcoming European versions support English, so you won't be left out in the dark.




Okay thanks. I'll probably wait for the European version then.



Truegamer79 wrote:

I figure it shouldn't matter if i just import since there's barely any dialog in these games.

The games have full English support and are identical to what's available in the eShop internationally. I was surprised to see that there's a European release coming soon, but I've already imported the Asian release a few months ago. The Japanese and Asian releases are identical (most Asian releases seem to repackage the Japanese cartridges), except that the Asian release has English-language packaging and a reversible cover that matches the Japanese and European releases, so I sprung for that.

Dimjimmer wrote:

Nothing has been mentioned for US, as of yet, but there is a possibility that Limited Run Games will pick it up, as they have done with other Double Dragon/Arc System Works games.

That won't happen in this case as LRG have already released Double Dragon IV separately 2.5 years ago, and LRG do not reissue their games on the same console. Are you guys really so averse to importing games? I'm from Australia, so we miss out on quite a lot of physical releases given our relatively minuscale market, but I think it's silly to hold out, potentially in vain, for a wide American retail release, if you're adamant on owning a physical copy. I also have a Japanese account, mainly for sussing out whether the Japanese/Asian physical release of a game will have English support (in the event that the game is not being issued a physical release elsewhere).

All six games spawn their own icon on the home menu screen, and there are no software updates (at the time of writing), so, absolutely everything is on the cartridge. Highly recommended for Double Dragon lovers. I just wish that they had included the arcade versions of the original trilogy instead as there's no physical release of that (yet), while the NES trilogy has now been issued no less than three separate physical releases.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I may go ahead and import then. If the European and Asian versions are identical aside from the cover art why wait right?

It would be nice if Neon and the arcade versions were on there but i have those. I won't miss Double Dragon 5 cause that was just a dumb 1 on one beat em up on snes.



@Truegamer79 : Neon was issued a standalone release via LRG, and I've spotted a few copies that aren't too overpriced on eBay, if you're so inclined. I'm just glad that we finally got it on a Nintendo console as the Wii missed out back in the day.

As for the arcade versions of Double Dragon, II and III are available on an Evercade cartridge, so, I'll most likely grab that at some point. Still puzzled by the fact that III (Arcade) isn't available on Switch yet (whatever the criticisms may be).

And I wish they had included the GB games too.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


Yeah Neon was awesome! IGN trashed it saying beat em ups were dead, the 80s style was cheesy and something about the hit detection being off. I was like what game were you playing? Talk about completely missing the point entirely.

Whatever. They constantly assign reviews to people who don't even like the genre of the games they are reviewing anyway.




Since Clear River Games is publishing, chances are good LRG will distribute in Murica.

Other games they've published received ESRB releases, distributed by LRG.

Alwa's Collection, Gimmick, Akai Katana Shin, Death Smiles I & II, etc.

Edited on by Magician

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Some old games that came out on Nintendo Switch was digital, and some are physical. Have you tried GameStop?

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