
Topic: Pikmin 4

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I didn't really like the time limit, the setup in 3 was perfect to me. If there must be a competitive element in the single player, perhaps the end result could be ranked among players the world over, or something.

I don't know about the three character switching mechanic. Usually, sending them places worked, but doing stuff needed your attention because, well, if the cpu does it half the pack dies one way or the other, lol.

3 is an amazing game though. If it's just more of the same, that'd be more of one of the best games to date to me. Never a bad thing.

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@erv I can relate, I kinda liked less of a time limit, as it enabled a lot of time to just explore and go on an adventure.

During your first play through of the game, the first thing you want to do is see everything new, but at the same time you feel in a constant rush because you don't know how clutch the last days or treasures/parts/fruit may be. After the first playthrough and you realize you had THAT much leftover time, players can make a second, more adventurous playthrough just to appreciate their surroundings instead of the clock.

Pikmin 3 kinda had that balance, as you knew you'd be fine day by day as long as you get one piece of fruit. I've managed to have my juice counter over 30 very early on, and pretty much just took the game slow and steady, even picking days dedicated to just killing beast and expanding my army to conquer the universe and destroy all who inhab- I mean saved my planet from starvation..

I just didn't like the other modes that much, bingo battle, (the number of times all four of my opponent's tiles spawn right next to him..), collect the fruit, etc.. boss battles were cool though, but in Pikmin 2 I could easily just rebattle all the bosses as well, and there was more of them. I kinda missed the piklopedia as well.

it legitimately bothers me how I have no idea who is in your avatar... I've seen this gif before and never figured it out yet

Edited on by Araquanid

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Spoony_Tech wrote:

Well no Pikmin 4 news yesterday so it's either not a thing as of yet or it may be a NX launch title. Would be wise to go that route but who knows.

This thread is more appropriate for a reply I think.

Super Mario 3D World was revealed at E3 and released that same year. That was a pretty big game. The Pikmin franchise is a lot smaller than Mario obviously, and since this Direct focussed on Spring/early Summer, there's still room for Pikmin 4 later this year.



@Octane: Thanks, I didn't even realize there was a Pikmin 4 topic. Didn't even bother to look lol.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


Maybe it wasn't "close to completion" after all..

Miyamoto wrote:

Yes, you are right, and we’re working on [Pikmin 4]. So, you know, when we’re in development we have to create a list of priorities and it has been hard to kind of fit that into that list, but we’re hopefully starting to see that on the list now.



@Tsurii I think it's a combination of all of those points. A Wii U game that got moved over to NX.



For what it's worth, some retailers have apparently listed ''Pikmin World'' for a 2017 release on the Switch. We know that the game's pretty much done, it's more a question of ''when'' instead of ''if'' at this point. Not being called Pikmin 4 also lines up with the rumour that it's a ''reboot'', and supposedly, more unannounced Switch games will be revealed in the coming months.



@Octane Yeah, I'd be shocked if Nintendo didn't make an E3 play. I expect to see Pikmin (thanks to your source), whatever Retro's doing, maybe a Smash 4 Deluxe shadow drop, or — god willing — something Metroid.

Edited on by Haru17

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


If the new Pikmin game will follow Zelda and Mario and make it more open worldish, my head will explode.

I kinda love it that we will have 4 open world/semi open world games in the 1st year of Switch's launch. Maybe even 5 with Pikmin.


3DS Friend Code: 3754-7789-7523 | Nintendo Network ID: Longforgotten


@Haru17 Well, according to Reggie, there's some hope for Metroid (he almost confirmed it was in the works):

@Spanjard Open world Pikmin, huh, didn't think of that yet. Not sure how I feel about that. I'd be okay with it if it still preserves the core gameplay of Pikmin. Get back to your ship at the end of the day. Maybe they could have it where you can explore an open world, discover new landing sites and pick those to land on on the next day. So you're slowly exploring a world, yet you're still bound by the ''Pikmin laws''.



@Octane I would love a Pikmin game like that. Like you, I would want most of the basic Pikmin "rules" and gameplay to remain. I'll add, I hope they don't reduce us to just the original 3 Pikmin types. I hope all or most of the Pikmin types are there.

I could actually see a Pikmin game that incorporates more RPG-lite elements being kind of interesting. If Pikmin World and other rumors are true, I'm curious what direction they take Pikmin. As much as I love it, I think the series is kind of due for some new ideas.


3DS Friend Code: 0860-3388-5483 | Nintendo Network ID: Tainy_Tonner | Twitter:


@DylanMcGrann Yeah, thinking about it, I could see a more open world approach working for the franchise. Don't know if that's what the series needs or whether that means they're just jumping on the open world band wagon, because they're also doing that with Zelda, but still, it could be an interesting concept.

I think that five Pikmin types was a perfect balance, anything more than that, and it becomes too confusing. Though I do wonder how many types of Pikmin they can come up with before they start to run out of ideas. Rock and Winged Pikmin worked pretty well, but I can't think of anything that hasn't already been done, but I probably would've said the same before they announced the Rock and Winged Pikmin.

Not sure what kind of RPG elements you're talking about though, you mean like a level system?



I can see them adopting a more open overworld structure but with the cave system of pikmin 2 for more contained experiences . Though hopefully the world would be big enough for environments to change. Sunny to snowy to whatever other

Edited on by TuVictus



@Operative2-0 Didn't like the dungeons in Pikmin 2 at all, so I hope they're not coming back. It's my least favourite Pikmin game because of that. The dungeons took away all the things that made the games good, the pressure of the time of day passing by and getting everything done in time.



@Octane I was thinking along the lines of things like a simple inventory system and messing with player and Pikmin stats with items and things. They've done it already, mostly in Pikmin 2, in very limited ways with things like the two sprays, item upgrades, and food collecting. I think those are all things that could be expanded upon such that it affects the gameplay more. There could be more sprays that affect pikmin behavior, a variety of items that affect the players ability. It might be interesting if items came with trade-offs. I’m just ‘spit-balling’ though. I wouldn’t want them to over-do it.

I think the Pikmin series could use some new ideas, and Nintendo definitely wants the series to appeal to more people. If they could push it as more of an adventure game, the marketing would get a lot easier.

Edited on by DylanMcGrann


3DS Friend Code: 0860-3388-5483 | Nintendo Network ID: Tainy_Tonner | Twitter:


@Octane I actually loved them and that's why pikmin 2 is my favorite of the 3. They were gauntlets that tested you. You went in with a set amount and you couldn't just run back to your ship to get more if you lost a chunk.



@Octane Also, I see what you're saying about having five pikmin types, but thats partly because of the structure of the games we've had up to now. The worlds were very focused and relatively small, and the player could only have 100 pikmin in a squad. I think they could make a Pikmin game that could allow for more possibilities if they wanted.

@Operative2-0 I hear you. I'm not totally against dungeons and did enjoy playing through them a lot. For me it's just that I love the over-world structure so much more. Time and resource management using pikmin is my favorite part of the series. I'd be fine with dungeons as long as the over-world didn't take a hit.

Edited on by DylanMcGrann


3DS Friend Code: 0860-3388-5483 | Nintendo Network ID: Tainy_Tonner | Twitter:


@DylanMcGrann I see. Yeah, I wouldn't mind a simple inventory system or something similar. Personally I think that 100 Pikmin is fine. It's a nice number and if there are too many, I can see it becoming very complicated, especially for new players.

@Operative2-0 I like the idea behind them, just didn't like them the way they were implemented. They were a huge part of the game, and I feel that I spent about 80% of my time underground. Didn't help that the dungeon weren't aesthetically pleasing at all. To me Pikmin is about mimicking the real world, but on a very small scale, so the idea of floating pipe systems and weird playgrounds don't fit that at all in my opinion. If there was like one dungeon in the game, specifically made to test your skill, I'd be fine with it, but I didn't like the way they were in Pikmin 2.


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