
Topic: Dragon Quest Discussion

Posts 41 to 44 of 44


@Moroboshi876 Ah ok, I remember finding one of those in the game but no more than that. I didn't quite finish the game though so I expect there must have been more available in single-player that I didn't find.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Moroboshi876 I think some maps were DLC, where like Pokemon Mystery Gifts they made you go to a real store and download them through the DS Wireless connection.



I'm so glad someone started a Dragon Quest Thread. I am 23 hours into the DQXI S Demo. Yes, 23 hours. I was done with the demo around the 12 hour mark but am leveling up and collecting gold. The area I am "trapped" in is very small...but I can't move forward because the demo ends, and I can't go backwards because of the door I went through to get where I's locked from this side....I can't do much more except wait for the game to come out...This is one of the greatest games ever...I can't wait for the release...Does anyone know if the Demo rolls into the cartridge as well as Digital? I was thinking of getting the physical copy. thanks!



@Moroboshi876 Oh, don't worry; I haven't written the game off. I've just decided I don't need it right now. I've went a little nuts with purchasing various DS and 3DS games over the last few months, so I think my pile of shame needs to start shrinking again for a little while. XD

I don't tend to be a completionist anymore and definitely don't try to 100% most RPGs I come across these days; I just don't have the time lol. I try to clear the main story and get to the credits (unless I really don't like what I'm playing), then decide from there if I want to bother with post-game content.

It's nice to hear that the crafting doesn't seem to put too much of a damper on the experience. I wouldn't say I hate it per se, I just don't like all the time and busywork that you need to put into it in other games. Stuff like that lends to the feeling that I'm not making much progress. I like games to be a decent length, but it irritates me when there's padding just for the sake of it.

On Dragon Quest X: While I would love to play it, I'd make myself not dedicate too much time to it. I used to play MMOs (mostly World of Warcraft) and enjoyed them, but man are they major time sinks. There are too many other games that I want to play. We only live once, after all!

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31

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