
Topic: why doesn't the WiiU come with AV cables?

Posts 21 to 40 of 40


8BitSamurai wrote:

Personally, I don't really see what the big deal over 1080p is. Looks pretty much the same as 720p, IMO.

I'd start incorporating vitamin A into my diet.

Though I primarily play on the PC, so I pick up differences in resolution really easily.



Not only are AV cables not included because HDTVs are the norm nowadays, but I would also guess that the Wii sold so well that Nintendo figured that they could just use the same port as the Wii for not-HDMI hookup, and have the lack of an AV cable not be a problem since you're likely to have a Wii you can raid the cable from. But, if you don't have a Wii or would rather not deprive your Wii of it's ability to display the title screen of Imagine Party Babies (not saying you, or anyone, would play that crap ), Wii AV cables are relatively inexpensive (especially third party ones, if you're willing to test your luck with those. It's kinda like NoE and NoJ's decision to sell the 3DS XL without an AC adapter; the same adapter has been included with Nintendo handhelds since the DSi three years ago. It was likely you already had one, and if you didn't, you could factor in the cost and pick it up along with the console.

I'm pretty okay.
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We only got HDTV's last year(or late 2011)
SO i still have 2 SD tv's and 2 HD(THe Wii U had to be set up in the living rooms HDTV even though it took lots of convincing towards my parents to let me set it up there)

I feel for this guy not having the right cables but im pretty sure they are cheap now


Samurairu wrote:

I should expand further to explain that the reason this myth that components cannot do 1080p exists is because BLURAY copy right protection does not allow 1080p over analogue and I've heard, but never withness that some TV sets will also not decode 1080p from an analogue source. The Wii U of course does not use BLURAY and my TV doesn't have this problem which I have never seen.

1080p over HDMI will appear a little crisper if you're analyzing the image, but for those of us who don't have this option or get better performance using other means, components are more than capable of 1080p. Don't take my word for it, dig deep enough on the internet and you will find the facts beyond the plethora of misinformed posts stating otherwise.

I've used component cables with my PS3 and I have played blu-ray movies in 1080p with it. I used component back when I used to record video games because the PS3 is HDCP complaint so it didn't work with the capture card I had. I use HDMI for my Wii U, although I switch to component when I want to record something. I play on a 65'' TV so I can see all of the details pretty easily, and the difference between component and HDMI (in 1080p) really isn't much at all. It's hardly noticeable.

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


PloXyZeRO wrote:

I've used component cables with my PS3 and I have played blu-ray movies in 1080p with it. I used component back when I used to record video games because the PS3 is HDCP complaint so it didn't work with the capture card I had. I use HDMI for my Wii U, although I switch to component when I want to record something. I play on a 65'' TV so I can see all of the details pretty easily, and the difference between component and HDMI (in 1080p) really isn't much at all. It's hardly noticeable.

Interesting post that outlines one of the major reasons why people believe component cannot do 1080p. The industry wants you to use HDMI, so that they can prevent you from easily recording the feed. It's great to see actual facts posted on the internet so you can learn rather than be misinformed! Thanks @PloXyZeRO.



WaveBoy wrote:

Yeah, i mean it depends. When you're stuck with a 60" plasma and you're at a reasonable distance, you'll be wanting that extra 1080p, trust me. 720p still looks really good, but 1080p will make you saw "wow" on a set this large, the diffeence is very noticable. But yup, you just can't really appreciate 1080p on smaller sized HDTV's unless you're sitting a lot closer to the screen. 55" i'd say is the 1080p sweet spot. If anything, i wish 60 frames per second would be the standard for all videogames, than we wouldn't be seeing that nasty frame doubleing which is what happens when you play 30fps based titles on an HDTV. it's far less noticable on LCD and LED's because the stupid motion blur hides it all, but on a plasma because the motion handeling is a lot better, the frame doubleing becomes painfully obvious. I mostly play nintendo games, and the majority of their games thankfully are rocking 60fps hehe.

And yeah, 1080p wont work on my HDTV with component cables, it's just limmited to 1080i, and the problem with that is that the HDTV has to de-interlace and that introduces more input lag which i've also noticed. Interlaced 'anything' on my HDTV bumps up that pesky lag, so if i were forced to use component i'd opt for 720p instead. But the S60 yields no difference between component or HDMI in terms of input lag, so HDMI it tis'

IMO the best way to see how much better 1080p is, is to watch the end credits on a movie where they font is white and the background is pure black. Then you're going to see just how much better 1080p is vs 720p on your setup. Like you said, it depends a lot on your setup and hardware.




Samurairu wrote:

Samurairu wrote:

Component cables don't provide 1080p, only HDMI does. You are only getting 480p.

Not the case. My setup is getting 1080p with components. I am able to see the difference. Nothing is a given with technology, but components can do 1080p.

I sit corrected, my apologies.

The chickens are restless.
3DS Friend Code: 1547-5282-6926


Because it comes with the much more superior HDMI cable. Seriously dude, upgrade your tv if your still using AV cables lol

@LinktotheFuture Component can only display as high as 720p, unfortunately

Edited on by hYdeks




LinktotheFuture wrote:

WaveBoy wrote:

LinktotheFuture wrote:

Component cables don't provide 1080p, only HDMI does. You are only getting 480p.

Not the case. My setup is getting 1080p with components. I am able to see the difference. Nothing is a given with technology, but components can do 1080p.

I sit corrected, my apologies.

No need to apologize, but what a class move to admit you made a mistake. =).



Do I really have to buy an HDTV just to play a Wii U?

It's bad enough that I can't even afford the Wii U off the bat, I really don't feel like buying a TV that would up and die in 2-5 years.

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You can use Wii composite cables, I believe

Edit: I checked the manual, and yup, you can. The manual is on Nintendo's website, so you can see for yourself

Edited on by 8BitSamurai

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3DS Friend Code: 2320-6175-1689 | Nintendo Network ID: 8BitSamurai


JusticeColde wrote:

Do I really have to buy an HDTV just to play a Wii U?

It's bad enough that I can't even afford the Wii U off the bat, I really don't feel like buying a TV that would up and die in 2-5 years.

No you can buy A/V cables here:

Here is the Wii U parts list:

They just kinda figure people have HDTVs by now, but you can still play it on SDTVs using the Wii cables.


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


I think it's pretty interesting that this thread exists given that I was watching a couple of PC guys talk about HDMI in a video I was watching the other day. Not sure where it was, could have been anywhere so I won't bother linking. Their comment was that HDMI sucked believe it or not and personally I tend to agree with them.

The difference was that their complaint was that HDMI was not high bandwidth enough for post 1080p signals and the connector is kinda average. Especially for micro-HDMI. Compared to displayport and DVI it's by far the worst of the major current PC video connectors. Compared to Composite, Component, S-Vid, VGA and SCART however.......

Edited on by skywake

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Since we're (sort of) on the topic of cheap HDTVs...I would highly recommend Sanyo. I got a 42'' 1080p Sanyo LCD HDTV from Best Buy I think? ...Anyway, it was like $300 and it's probably the best HDTV we've ever had for the price. It has a game mode so very low input lag (hardly noticeable IF you can even notice it), many audio/video options to get the sound and colors you want, VERY nice image quality (I put a checkerboard pattern on the TV where each square was just one pixel, and each pixel was sharp and not blurry at all), no overscan (although you can zoom in on the screen and change the aspect ratio if you'd like), and it also has various audio outputs which is great because I use external speakers. It's probably the best 1080p TV you can get for that price in my opinion.

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


PloXyZeRO wrote:


Easy to joke but it is true. SCART, Composite, Component and VGA are all analogue connectors so the sooner they're gone the better. The three others on the table are DVI, HDMI and Display Port. Out of those Display Port wins. Simple as that... but we're stuck with HDMI... at least until 4K really takes off....

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If you're using a CRT TV, you might still have old Wii AV cables left, or you can buy cables that suit your own needs without NIntendo needing to include the sub-par composite cables with every console. You should find Wii AV cables on the cheap, so it's not a big expense on top of the console. The other consoles don't come with an HDMI or even a component cable these days, and that is a bigger problem.



It's 2012. HDTVs are not that expensive.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


WebHead wrote:

It's 2012. HDTVs are not that expensive.

Composite cables are even less expensive. CRTs still have their advantages, I could understand someone not having an HDTV.

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


A console designed for HDTV when they are widely owned and accepted should have HD cables in the box. Simple?



Removed - unconstructive


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