Tag: Capcom - Page 21

  • News Namco, Capcom and SEGA Secret Countdown Starts

    It's on

    That mysterious SEGA, Capcom and Namco Bandai 3DS game just advanced to the next stage of teasing: the dreaded countdown site. After weeks of colour coded hints that seem to nudge towards characters ranging from Ken Masters to Bahn from long-dormant SEGA scrapper Fighting Vipers, the site's updated to include a new countdown will end at...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Producer Says Series Needs Action for Success

    Survival horror market is 'small'

    Resident Evil series aficionados that have followed the franchise from day one have seen an evolution away from its original, survival horror roots towards an action style. With Resident Evil 4 on GameCube seen as a major turning point, it seems increasingly unlikely that a new experience similar to the early titles...

  • News Capcom Admits It Can't 'Sugarcoat' Its Revelaitons Typo

    Avoids comment on Mega Man Legends 3 cancellation

    It may have been the first major 3DS title of 2012, but the North American release of Resident Evil Revelations was affected by the horrifying Revelaitons typo. It caused much mirth around the internet as reviewers posted photos of the offending box-art, as well as the strange scenario of some gamers...

  • News Capcom Japan Reprints GameCube Game Gotcha Force

    No, we don't know either

    Think back to Capcom's GameCube classics: Viewtiful Joe. Killer 7. Resident Evil 4. Good games, one and all, making it all the more baffling the publisher has reprinted Gotcha Force for Japan. The 2003 action RPG didn't review too well and never flourished into a full-on franchise, but Capcom's giving it another shot with a...

  • News Capcom Open to More 3DS Resident Evils

    Might take a while, though

    After Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and Resident Evil Revelations both hit 3DS within the machine's first year on sale, Capcom's keen to keep the survival horror series juggernaut going on 3DS. Series producer Masachika Kawata spoke to IGN about the possibility of more 3D entries in the franchise, and signs are looking...

  • News Two New MH3G 3DS Bundles to Hit Japan

    Roar power

    Not content with releasing a cobalt blue 3DS console this month, Nintendo of Japan is also putting together two more hardware bundles for Monster Hunter 3 G. Japanese consumers can pick a red or black 3DS console packaged with a copy of the game and an official MH3G cleaning cloth, all for 19,800 Yen — about £153 / $244 / €183. Has...

  • News SEGA, Capcom and Namco Bandai Tease 3DS Project

    Big names, secret game

    SEGA, Capcom and Namco Bandai are collaborating on a secret Nintendo 3DS project. The game, which Namco Bandai will publish, has no name or genre so far, just a teaser site available. What do you think these three giant companies could be cooking up for 3DS?

  • News Capcom Tight-Lipped About Resident Evil 6 Wii U

    It's oh so quiet

    Resident Evil 6 is one of the biggest games heading to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 just before Christmas, but with Wii U due around the same time will Capcom consider bringing the title across to Nintendo's own HD console? Capcom senior vice-president Christian Svensson was asked just that in a Capcom Unity forum thread, though his...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Scares Its Way to Top of Japanese Charts

    3DS also continues its dominance

    Although its only just arrived in North America, Resident Evil Revelations is now in the Japanese and European charts for a second week. While it has taken a hit in the UK charts, it's enjoyed an improved position in the Land of the Rising Sun. According to the latest Media Create results, and as reported by...

  • Out Today Resident Evil Revelations (North America)

    Someone in the dark

    The first big 3DS title of 2012 hits North America today, as Resident Evil Revelations reaches stores across the continent. It's not just the biggest 3DS game of the year so far, it's one of the best titles to hit the handheld since release, scoring a 9/10 in our Resident Evil Revelations review. Don't forget the game has full...

  • News Capcom Will Replace Evil Typo

    Their resident proofreader saves the day

    You may remember the discovery that the North American packaging was wrong for Capcom's latest, Resident Evil: Revelations. Or should we say 'Revelaitons'. According to a blog entry on Capcom Unity you'll have to be quick if you want a copy with the infamous typo, as it's essentia

  • News Resi Revelations Takes a Hit in UK Charts

    Needs a herb

    After a stellar performance landing at number six in the UK charts in its first week, Resident Evil Revelations drops to number 19 in its second week on sale. Capcom's survival horror shooter sits a few places below Mario Kart 7 in 17th and Super Mario 3D Land at 16, the highest-placed 3DS-exclusive game on the chart. Revelations is...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Scares Its Way Up UK Charts

    The monstrous Circle Pad Pro included with some

    Resident Evil Revelations certainly had plenty of build-up and hype before its release in Europe, including an extended trailer that reveals much of the storyline. It also received mainly positive reviews and avoided any troublesome save data arguments as endured by its predecessor, Resident Evil: The...

  • News North American Resident Evil Packaging is Wrong

    Scary spelling error

    Update: A Capcom spokesperson has acknowledged the error in a statement to Eurogamer: It has come to our attention that there was a misspelling on the Resident Evil: Revelations packaging. We apologise for the mistake, which will be corrected for subsequent productions of the game. We are working on a solution to provide...

  • News Ono: "Wii U More Capable Than We Saw at E3"

    O yes

    Super Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono has hinted there's far more to Wii U than we've seen so far. Speaking to 3D Juegos (translated by NeoGAF, so you have been warned), Ono spoke vaguely about the console development kits: What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offe

  • News Capcom Had Resident Evil 5 Running on 3DS

    Now that's magic

    Resident Evil Revelations's road to retail ends in Europe this week, and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata sat down with Capcom staff to discuss how the title came about. Before Revelations, of course, there was Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, but even before that Capcom had a very different game running on the machine, as director...

  • News Extended Resident Evil Revelations Trailer Released

    Horrifying spoilers

    Resident Evil Revelations has almost arrived, and is certainly the year's first blockbuster retail release on 3DS. The hype has been building, and Capcom has now released a five-minute trailer that reveals more about the title's story. The publisher may have taken the 'Revelations' part too seriously for some as this trailer...

  • News StreetPass for Items in Resident Evil Revelations

    Grab herbs on the go

    Resident Evil Revelations' array of wireless communication features is complete with the news that you'll be able to use StreetPass to exchange items, missions and enemies with other players. Campaign mode lets you swap items with nearby survivalists, while those who play the co-operative RAID mode — unlocked once you've...

  • News Resident Evil: Revelations Art Book and CD Soundtrack Announced

    For Japan, so far

    The hype is starting to build for Resident Evil: Revelations, not surprising as it's the first major release of the year on 3DS. With that in mind, it seems that Capcom is ready to go the extra mile to give fans of the series all of the content they need to get them excited. According to Andriasang, Capcom has announced a rather...

  • News Mega Man 5 Rated for Virtual Console Down Under

    Shoot to thrill

    While we're still in the middle of a Virtual Console drought, there's no shortage of Virtual Console games ratings, at least. The latest title to join the likes of Super Street Fighter II and Strider on the waiting list is fellow Capcom title Mega Man 5. The NES outing for the Blue Bomber is already available in North America and...

  • News Resident Evil: Revelations Demo on the Way

    Shambling into view

    Resident Evil: Revelations isn't far away, all set to bring terror into the third dimension. For those eagerly anticipating this new entry in the survival-horror series there was good news from Christian Svensson, senior vice president of Capcom. Responding to enquiries from fans about a demo arriving in the eShop, Svensson...

  • News Bionic Commando Grips 3DS VC in North America Next Week

    Heads up

    Here's a truly rare event: Nintendo of America has announced a 3DS Virtual Console game a week in advance. Bionic Commando is coming to the service on 29th December, as revealed by the Nintendo Facebook page. There's no official price yet but expect it to come in around the $3 mark. Are you polishing your grappling gun in anticipation?

  • News Capcom to Host Resi Revelations Live Stream Today

    Get ready to RAID

    Resident Evil Revelations is the first big game of 2012, and Capcom wants to show you more of its online-capable Raid co-op mode in a live stream later today. Starting at 3pm PST/6pm EST/11pm GMT over at Capcom Unity's Twitch TV page, the stream will show off the mode's unlockable characters and weapon customisation across several...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 G Helps 3DS to Its Best Ever Sales in Japan

    Staggering numbers inside

    In news equivalent to the revelation that the Pope is head of the Catholic church, Monster Hunter 3 G has racked up phenomenal sales in its first week in Japan. The game sold a staggering 471,055 copies in its first two days. As a point of comparison, Super Mario 3D Land accumulated 343,492 sales in its first week. Monster...

  • News Capcom Committed to Monster Hunter in the West

    Wants it to be big

    Monster Hunter 3 (~Tri) is the only taste of Monster Hunting action Nintendo fans in Europe and North America have been able to savour, but it's safe to say it's left them wanting more if the interest in Monster Hunter 3 G and Monster Hunter 4 is anything to go by. Capcom USA senior vice president Christian Svensson knows that,...

  • News Monster Hunter 4 Video Was All Real-Time, All the Time

    Actually playable

    If, like us, you were wowed by the Monster Hunter 4 video Capcom revealed back in September but thought "that can't possibly be accurate" — apparently it can. A recent Iwata Asks interview (via Andriasang) reveals that not only was it real-time footage of the upcoming 3DS game, it was actually played by Capcom staff...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Trailer Goes Back to Basics


    Resident Evil Revelations might be one of the best looking games on the way to 3DS but, as is the series' tradition, it's not just an exercise in graphical grunt: there's a nonsensical plot tying it all together too. Publishing partners Nintendo and Capcom just released a new trailer introducing Terragrigia, a European city that's central...

  • News New Resi Revelations Screenshots Lurk Within

    Some scary, some not

    Early 2012 sees Resident Evil Revelations hit 3DS with some of the best graphics we've seen any portable console pump out in a good long time. Nintendo just sent over some fresh new screenshots showing off the game's Raid Mode, an online-enabled co-operative game type opened up after you finish the game. One enemy certainly has...

  • News Circle Pad Pro Hits Europe in January 2012

    Resi bundle confirmed

    It's official: the 3DS Circle Pad Pro accessory is coming to Europe on 27th January 2012. The add-on launches on the same day as Resident Evil Revelations, one of the first games that supports the extra attachment to reach European shores. The accessory will be available on its own or in a limited edition bundle with the game,...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 G Demo Stomping to Japan's eShop

    You asked for it

    3DS-enhanced monster mash Monster Hunter 3 G is set to be one of the first 3DS games to offer a downloadable demo in Japan. The 169MB demo contains two quests and a choice of 12 weapons, with quests lasting around 20 minutes. Most interesting is Capcom's confirmation the demo is playable a maximum of 30 times before it becomes...

  • News No Good at Monster Hunter? Buy Quest Rewards Instead

    StreetPass mode explained

    While every hunter this side of Japan anxiously awaits a release date for Monster Hunter 3 G, Capcom has revealed more of the game's StreetPass features including an intriguing method of clearing quests. StreetPassed players will appear in a tavern by the harbour; for a fee, you can send them out to clear any quest they've...

  • News Resi Revelation's Online Mode is Locked Until Completion

    Earn your stripes

    One of early 2012's biggest 3DS games, Resident Evil Revelations, comes loaded with an online co-operative feature called Raid Mode, but now it's surfaced that you have to complete the game's campaign before you can access it. According to Andriasang, producer Masachika Kawata revealed you'll have to make your way through the...

  • News Mega Drive Strider Confirmed For European Virtual Console

    Good news, everyone!

    After yesterday's rumour that Strider is coming to Wii Virtual Console we asked Capcom Europe exactly what's going on. We're now happy to report that the rumours were true: the Mega Drive version of Strider is coming to Virtual Console. Interestingly the game — and fellow westward-bound VC title Super Street Fighter II with...

  • Rumour Strider Bound for Wii Virtual Console

    It's all happening

    As if the recent revelation that Super Street Fighter II with online play is coming west, there's a double-whammy of good Capcom VC news as rumours also point to a Western release for Strider. Siliconera reports both games are now confirmed for release outside Japan, but so far only SSFII has been

  • News Super Street Fighter II with Online Coming Westward Too

    Capcom confirms

    Just a little while ago, we posted a story about Japan getting the Mega Drive version of Super Street Fighter II with added online multiplayer. As the west had not received the previous two online-enabled Virtual Console games (the arcade versions of Puyo Puyo and Puyo Puyo 2), and because of the fact that there haven't been any...

  • News Japan Gets Super Street Fighter II with Online Play on VC


    While the Wii Virtual Console continues to decompose in the West, Japan's still getting the goods, with a few enhancements to boot. The latest game to hit the service is the Mega Drive version of Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, brought up to date with online play via Nintendo WiFi Connection. By comparison, in the West we...

  • News Capcom Considering Monster Hunter 3 G Western Release

    Never say never

    Despite rumours to the contrary, Monster Hunter 3 G is still not confirmed for release outside of Japan. Does that mean it will never leave the Land of the Rising Sun though? Capcom fielded that exact question during a recent investor Q&A call, and although the answer isn't the life-changing announcement some might hope for it's...

  • News Bionic Commando Swings to Japan's 3DS VC Next Week

    Who's next?

    Capcom's already put two Game Boy titles on 3DS Virtual Console in the West — Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge and Gargoyle's Quest — and next week it adds a third title over in Japan: Bionic Commando. We already know the game is heading to the West in "Quarter 4" thanks to an announcement in

  • News Evidence Mounts for Circle Pad Pro Name

    Capcom in on the act too

    Last night's batch of new screenshots and videos for Resident Evil Revelations also came with an attached fact sheet, and it all-but confirms the Circle Pad expansion's official Western name. Alongside information about the co-op raid mode, the sheet also states: Compatible with Nintendo 3DS Circle Pad Pro – Add a fourth...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Blows Up With Multiplayer Raid Mode

    Trailer inside

    Remember when we told you that you wouldn't have to face the nightmare alone in Resident Evil Revelations? We meant it — Capcom has just sent over a trailer of the multiplayer co-operative Raid mode for you to digest. It seems the multiplayer component takes in specific missions rather than the regular story levels and in truth it...

  • Rumour Monster Hunter 3 G Lurching Toward Europe

    So have your swords sharpened by Autumn 2012

    Update: We have received word from Official Nintendo Magazine that the posted Autumn 2012 date is not official confirmation of the game's European release. Capcom's official statement about the game is "we have nothing to announce at this time." Original story below. Capcom's popular...

  • News New Monsters and Weapons Ahoy in Monster Hunter 3 G Video

    A new twist on old favourites

    Monster Hunter 3 G looks good in screenshots, but it looks even better in the video below. We already knew that new monsters would appear, but the trailer also shows off variants on some of Monster Hunter 3 (~Tri)'s most fearsome challenges: there's a purple Jhen Moran and a white Lagiacrus for starters, as well as a...

  • News Monster Hunter 3G Definitely Doesn't Have Online Play

    The final word

    Capcom's confirmed its much anticipated 3DS title Monster Hunter 3 G, due out in Japan in December, definitely won't have online play. The game's official Japanese site restates that the 3DS's online capabilities are only used to download extra content, and that anyone wanting to play multiplayer will need to get together with...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Comes Loaded with Multiplayer

    Online and local

    You don't have to face the nightmare in Resident Evil Revelations alone, as the game's official Japanese site has just confirmed the inclusion of online and local multiplayer modes. The game will allow up to two players in local or online mode, and will feature StreetPass connectivity too. The site doesn't give any further details...

  • Feature Resident Evil's Nintendo History

    Undead on the big N, past, present and future

    The claustrophobic darkness. The creeping undead. The hideous monsters. The Resident Evil series has brought such thrills and chills to our TVs since 1996, and it’s taken quite a unique path when it comes to Nintendo consoles. With the month of All Hallows’ Eve upon us, we decided to take a look at...

  • Feature How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

    The Resident Evil way

    As we get closer to Halloween and all of the ghouls and ghosts that come with the spookiest of holidays, we feel it’s time to start focusing on what’s important at this time of year: survival. With all of these monsters preparing to rise from their graves, or wherever they’ve been hiding, perhaps we should all plan for...

  • News Limited Edition Monster Hunter 3 G Bundles to Hit Japan

    Time to drool

    Monster Hunter 3 G is just two months away from launching in Japan, with a lot resting on its broad warrior's shoulders. For maximum impact, Nintendo and Capcom have teamed up to provide two limited edition bundles that should hopefully turn excitement into sales. First off is the limited edition Monster Hunter 3 G 3DS console...

  • News Resi Revelations Infects North America on 7th February

    Europe on 27th January

    Capcom has announced a release date for the first of 2012's big 3DS games: Resident Evil Revelations. The 3DS exclusive will reach North America on 7th February 2012, with retailer GameStop offering a protective 3DS case when you pre-order and purchase. Gamers in Europe get it even earlier: it launches across the continent on...

  • News Get Your Special Resident Evil Miis Now

    Straight from Tokyo Games Show

    Nintendo might have been a no-show at TGS this year, but there's still a neat little surprise for 3DS owners. Around the show floor, Capcom placed some special Resident Evil Revelations adverts, each bearing a QR code. Scan these with your 3DS and surprise — you get a special Mii with shiny gold trousers based on one...

  • News Meet Resident Evil Revelations' Rachel in Extended Trailer

    Longer and uncut

    Resident Evil Revelations is one of our most anticipated 3DS games of 2012, and that was before we saw the trailer below that looks to make some of the best use of the stereoscopic 3D since Dead or Alive: Dimensions. The trailer below may not contain any gameplay footage, but the quality of the animation is undeniable, even if we...