Tag: Dlc - Page 27

  • News More Just Dance 3 DLC Available Now

    No Luigi DLC, shockingly

    It's clear that a title is selling in huge numbers when the publisher offers downloadable content (DLC) on the Wii, as Ubisoft did with its Just Dance 3 Mario DLC last year. The trend is set to continue, with owners of the Wii game now having access to two additional DLC packs. The details from the press release are below...

  • News Fire Emblem to Start Japanese 3DS DLC Service in 2012

    Get more quests

    We haven't heard much about Fire Emblem on 3DS for the past few months, but Nikkei (via Andriasang) report the game will kick off the system's add-on DLC service in early 2012. Now called Fire Emblem: Awakening, the game will release in Japan on 19th April, with a new "free map" system letting you explore the world with a...

  • News Just Dance 3 Gets Mario DLC on 14th December


    Just Dance 3 is about to get a whole lot more plumber-y, as Nintendo UK has announced a Mario song is on the way next week. From 14th December you'll be able to download The Mario Song for 250 Nintendo Points, a medley of classics beats and tracks from Mario games past. An on-screen Mario jives to the beat, and the dance marks all wear Mario...

  • News Nintendo: We Won't Charge Extra to Unlock In-Game Content

    "We'll do DLC right"

    Downloadable content is a double-edged sword: when used right, it enhances and expands your game experience, but when done wrong you wind up paying more to unlock something that's on the disc or cartridge you bought in the first place. The recent announcement that Nintendo will provide DLC on 3DS next year led some to worry it'd...

  • News Nintendo Promises 3DS DLC for Next Year's Titles

    Will we see any this year?

    The late November 3DS system update will add the ability for developers to release downloadable content for games in the 3DS eShop, but Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed there'll be no Nintendo DLC until 2012. Speaking to investors after the semi-annual financial report, Iwata said: Nintendo will also offer...

  • News Download More New Solatorobo DS Quests Now

    And in the coming weeks, too

    If you've been enjoying Solatorobo: Red the Hunter over the past few weeks, you might have had chance to try out its free download content. There's more to come too, as Nintendo outlines the next month's quests available only via download. There's a new quest every week, with today's being the Air GP Pharaoh Cup for all...

  • News Iwata: We Will Do Paid Download Content for Wii U and 3DS

    But no word on what

    Extra downloadable content is a fertile field for developers, allowing them to extend the appeal of their game long after it's left the charts. While some Wii games allowed for paid DLC under the system's "Pay and Play" feature, it was never really a big focus for the console, something Nintendo president Satoru Iwata...

  • News Check Out the First Just JAM DLC in These Trailers

    100 Points a pop

    Just JAM, the music-based WiiWare game from Big John and Zivix Interactive, released earlier this month, and now the first two batches of downloadable content have gone live. You can preview the first selection in the trailer below, which includes Soar by Roster McCabe, Shadow Godz by The Alpha Centauri and Let's Dance To This by...

  • News La-Mulana DLC Announced

    If you like difficult levels, it's for you

    The game has still not been released in Europe and North America, but details of the upcoming DLC for La-Mulana have now been revealed. Downloading the 300 Nintendo Point package will unlock a boss rush mode, which comes with a timer so you can try to beat your best times on it. But any La-Mulana veterans...

  • News Japanese TV Service Launches on 3DS this Tuesday

    Fuji Television and Nippon Television providing content

    With the launch of the Nintendo eShop earlier this month, the 3DS has picked up momentum after a period of flagging hardware sales, and that momentum is continuing to build as Nintendo is about to launch its television service on its handheld console. As translated by Andriasang, Nintendo's...

  • Talking Point Where Nintendo Went Wrong with the DSi Shop

    And how the eShop can fix it

    The imminent launch of the eShop on the 3DS is eagerly anticipated, especially as it is arriving over two months after the launch of the device. Nintendo has gone to great effort to emphasise that the delay will be worth it, with assurances of compelling content and a high quality interface. There has been...

  • News Keep FIFA 12 Up-To-Date with SpotPass

    Extra content off the bench and warming up

    EA Canada won't be pulling out all the stops with its upcoming FIFA 12 effort on the 3DS, but gamers will be glad that at least the game can be kept relatively up-to-date via the console's SpotPass feature. Producer Matt Prior has elaborated on how FIFA 12 will utilise selected 3DS features and reiterated...

  • News Customise Your Skills in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Find out why Barry is in the game and Leon isn't

    When the playable characters in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D were revealed with Barry Burton being the eighth and final member; some were left wondering why other characters were left out, in particular, Resident Evil 2 protagonist Leon Kennedy. Speaking to

  • News First DOA Dimensions SpotPass Content Now Available in UK and Europe

    And more scheduled to arrive

    Dead or Alive: Dimensions releases today in the UK and Europe, and it's already taking advantage of the SpotPass service with downloadable content available today. Once you pick up your copy, head to a hotspot or your own home Wi-Fi broadband connection to receive a brand new costume for Kasumi. You can also face Kasumi...

  • News Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle to get Daily New Puzzles

    Level-5 really is outdoing itself

    Fans of the Professor Layton series should by now be familiar with Level-5's commitment to providing post-release content in the form of new puzzles, and the upcoming 3DS instalment isn't about to break that habit. Previous games in the franchise have provided new puzzles which could be downloaded on a weekly basis,...

  • Nintendo Download 14th May 2010 (Europe)

    Bit.Trip, Phoenix and Ghouls on the Wii, fire-fighting, platforming action and brain busting on the DSi this week in Europa

    WiiWare: Bit.Trip RUNNER (800pts - Aksys Games) -- Europe gets the first try at the latest entry in the minimalist, retro-rhythm game series from Gaijin Games. We loved the time we spent playing the final release version, so if...

  • News Mega Man 10 DLC Round-up Part Two

    We take a look at what was added this time

    As of last week, Mega Man 10 is now "complete": all announced DLC has been released, and it doesn't look like we should expect more. This second and last update came with three extra stage to play as Mega Man only – two additional Special Stages and an Endless Stage, which was also downloadable...

  • News Capcom Elaborates on the Monster Hunter 3 Online Quests

    ...and what you'll see at the launch event in New York

    Following on the recent announcement that Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~) will receive regular online quests that you can partake in, we have more information on the type of quests available and what they will entail. Should you be brave and skilled enough to complete these, you'll be rewarded with rare...

  • News Mega Man 10 DLC Round-up Part One

    We take a quick look at the first two available pieces of DLC

    If you're a massive Mega Man fan you're no doubt aware that Mega Man 10 got its first two pieces of extra downloadable content this past week. As we took a look at Mega Man 9's DLC, we figured, why not do it for 10 as well? Here's our thoughts on the DLC available now: Bass Mode - 200 Wii...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 to Feature Regular New Online Quests

    ...which will reward you with goodies

    What makes an online multiplayer RPG even more exciting? Well, how about if the game is periodically updated with unique quests which you can embark on online? Yep, we think that hits the spot too. Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~) is set to be supported by the creative team well beyond its release. For limited time...

  • News Phoenix Wright May Still Appear in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

    The Ace Attorney and other characters may arrive as DLC

    Capcom fans disappointed at Phoenix Wright's exclusion from upcoming brawler Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars may have reason to get their hopes up again, as Destructoid reports that producer Ryota Niitsuma claimed if Nintendo would allow it then extra characters may be added to the...

  • News WiiWare Needs More Exposure, Says Former XBLA Manager

    Also states that Nintendo's service needs demos and user ratings

    Speaking at the Digital Distribution Summit in Melbourne, Australia, Fuzbi's David Edery has touched upon the problems facing Nintendo's WiiWare service, as well as discussing the issues that affect all three of the major digital download services - Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation...

  • News New Add-On Content Released For FFIV: The After Years

    When they say "final," they never really mean it

    Square-Enix has announced that an add-on pack for their mobile-turned-WiiWare title Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is now available for download in PAL territories. Called The Crystals "The Planet Eater," the add-on will run you 800 spacebucks and 17 blocks, and you've gotta stop the...

  • News Square Enix Drops Some Darklord DLC On Its PALs

    Available now, evil ones.

    Got some extra Wii points burning a hole in your digital pocket, PAL gamers? Square Enix has proposed a solution: buy FFCC: My Life as a Dark Lord DLC! First up is the Darklord Special Forces pack, which takes up 2 blocks and 500 space bucks. Included are six monsters: a melee Ogre, ranged Ahriman, magical Sahagin, some...

  • News High Voltage: No DLC for The Conduit, More WiiWare on the Way

    Looks like gamers looking for additional content in The Conduit will have to wait until a sequel.

    In a recent interview with Destructoid, High Voltage Software confirmed that their highly anticipated first-person shooter will not have any downloadable content. Destructoid: I know the Wii isn’t known for being DLC friendly, however, could we see...

  • News Don’t Stop Believing In More Downloadable Tracks For Rock Band

    11 more tracks this week for Rock Band 2 on Wii.

    More classics coming your way this week at the Rock Band 2 in game music store on the Wii as announced today by Harmonix and MTV. Journeys famous uplifter “Don’t Stop Believing”, as well as tracks from Foo Fighters, Oasis, and some family friendly fare from SpongeBob Squarepants. Also the...

  • News Rock Band 2 drops Pearl Jam's Ten

    The Wii Rock Band 2 music store adds Classic Jam and a few others

    The Wii’s Rock Band 2 music store has recently added Pearl Jam’s classic debut album “Ten”. As part of weekly additions it’s also added songs from Devo, Faith No More and Fall Out Boy. All songs are master tracks and run 200 Wii Points each. The update includes the entire...

  • News New Pikmin hat available in Animal Crossing: City Folk!

    Pete’s waiting at your door with yet another gift for you.

    It’s been a mere week since Nintendo of America started presenting Animal Crossing: City Folk players with gifts, even though other areas of the world have been receiving them for months already. And it’s only been a day since I made mention of our lack of having a Pikmin hat! Well,...

  • News NoA sets up Animal Crossing DLC hub

    At last, North American Animal Crossers get some well deserved attention!

    Living in North America and being an avid Animal Crossing: City Folk player can be tough. In fact, there is a chance that you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder since you most certainly do not have one of those nifty Pikmin hats, but the times are changing, and after four...

  • News Mega Man 9 DLC Round-up

    As of last week, all Mega Man 9 DLC is available. With some people still having doubts on what to buy, we've taken a look at which of the new modes and stages are most worth your hard-earned money.

    Here are our thoughts on the value of the DLC on offer: Special Stage - 100 Wii points A whole new stage? Yes please! The Special Stage is pretty much...

  • News Second Wave of Mega Man 9 DLC Released!

    A quick press release from Capcom about today's Mega Man 9 DLC update packs:

    We’re proud to announce that the second of Downloadable Content packs for Mega Man 9 will be available this week. Here’s the run down on what’s coming out. Hard Mode – Dubbed Hero Mode in Japan, this mode enables you to play the entire game on an increased...

  • News Fake Man Content Pack Coming To WiiWare Next Week?

    According to an interview with Mega Man 9 producer Hironobu Takeshita, the second downloadable content pack is due for release on the WiiWare service next week. You'll remember that the first set of downloadable Mega Man 9 Content Packs were made available earlier this month and now Mega Man 9 fans who still haven't gotten enough Mega Man retro goodness are in for yet another treat.

    In an interview with Gamespot, Takeshita decided to inject a little hint about what fans could expect in...

  • News Capcom Releases Two Mega Man 9 Downloadable Content Packs

    For all you Mega Man fans out there who just can't seem to get enough of the classic Blue Bomber, Capcom has just announced the release of the first two Downloadable Content packs for their Mega Man 9 WiiWare title.

    Endless Attack Content Pack - Test your skills on a stage without end. Try to break the record for getting the farthest. Results will...

  • News Mega Man 9 - Proto Man Details Revealed

    For those of you out there who just can't get enough Mega Man 9 goodness, it seems the fun will continue. In fact, if you're one of those who thinks Mega Man 9 just isn't tough enough, Capcom is about to remedy that situation.

    On October 6th you can pony up 200 Wii Points and download the Proto Man downloadable content. You'll then have full access...

  • News Mega Man 9 Downloadable Content List

    The eagle eyed amongst our readers will have noticed that in the Mega Man 9 operation guide it lists the upcoming downloadable content which you can get your grubby mitts on for a few spare Wii points next month. Sign me up for a slice of Proto Man action! :-p

    Endless AttackTest your skills on a stage without end. Try to break the record for getting...