Tag: Retail - Page 6

  • News UK Video Games Market Fell By 17.4% in 2012

    Big challenges for the industry

    The Entertainment Retailers Association has reported that in 2012 the UK video games market fell by 17.4%, including both physical and digital sales. In 2011 the whole video games market in the UK was worth £1.934 billion, in comparison to £1.598 billion in 2012. While digital sales did increase by 7.7% in 2012,...

  • News False Alarm! Wii U GamePads Not Going Solo Just Yet

    UK retailer blames listing error

    A few outlets were reporting earlier this morning that UK catalogue store Very.co.uk had become the first retailer in the world to begin selling the Wii U GamePad as a standalone item - which was surprising news given that there's nothing to use two GamePads for right now, unless you like really expensive bookends...

  • News Best Buy Canada Website Outs Wii Mini, States December 7th Launch

    Where there's smoke, there's fire

    Remember that Wii Mini rumour we posted the other day? Well Best Buy Canada just upgraded it from "huh?" to "legit". The store's site features an image of the new-look console, which appears to be more akin to a set-top box than the old design. Sadly, clicking the image itself currently takes you to the Wii section...

  • News Wii U Demo Pods Being Installed In UK GAME Stores

    Hundreds of consoles sent out into the wild

    It can be quite difficult to really sell the concept of a new console with just words and advertising alone; this is something Nintendo has found with Wii, 3DS and now Wii U. The best way for people to get a feel for what a new console is like is for them to literally get their mitts on it; that's exactly...

  • News Ubisoft Boss Thinks Wii U Is Cheap, But Is Still Unhappy On Pricing

    No pleasing some people

    Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that although the Wii U is cheap when compared to devices like Apple's iPad, he's not 100% happy with the price of the system. Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Guillemot remarked: I always prefer lower pricing, so I can't say I'm happy. I'm never happy when the machines are expensive...

  • News Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two Receives Collector's Edition Treatment On Wii

    Epic is the word you're looking for

    Disney's Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is due to release for the Wii on November 23rd, and fans can look forward to a special Collector's Edition of the game as well as the standard retail copy. UK retailer GAME has the exclusive on this bundle, which features a copy of the game, an 8GB Oswald-shaped USB stick...

  • News GAME Bracing Itself For Pre-Launch Wii U Sell Out In The UK

    White basic bundle already completely sold out on day one

    UK video games retailer GAME has revealed that it expects to sell out of its entire allocation of Wii U consoles before the launch day of 30th November rolls around, but has stated that all current pre-orders will be fulfilled on the day of release. Speaking to Videogamer.com, a GAME...

  • News Project X Zone Struggles At Japanese Retail

    Crossover RPG limps to 100,000 copies

    Namco Bandai's much-hyped tactical RPG Project X Zone isn't performing as well as expected in its native Japan, with just 12,450 sold during the week of Monday 15th October. That brings the game's total sales to 97,989 units since its launch a week before. In contrast, Bravely Default: Flying Fairy has managed...

  • News GameStop Kids Store Launches, 80 More Planned

    Mario and Pokémon plushes a-hoy!

    Are you tired of going into a video game store and seeing M-rated games covering the shelves, with rows and rows of box covers full of guns and snarling faces? Help is at hand, if you live in the U.S. near Grapevine Mills Mall in TX, as there's a new GameStop Kids store in town. The first of a new range of 80 stores...

  • News GamerPrint Gets Festive With Video Game Christmas Cards

    Ho Ho Bros

    It's almost that time of year, when everyone is merry, bright, and decking the halls with boughs of holly. Whether we like it or not, it's creeping up fast. Buying cards for this festive time, meanwhile, can often be a little bit dull, but GamerPrint has something to offer gamers for the upcoming holiday season. The gaming enthusiast's...

  • News Soothsayers, Begone - 3DS Software Sales Rise 89 Percent Over Last Year

    Nintendo's handheld remains robust in the face of mobile competition

    Like a broken record, industry experts seem to delight in telling anyone that will listen that the 3DS is doomed. The rise of mobile phone gaming on iOS and Android seems to suggest to many that traditional consoles have no real future, but this anaylsis conviently ignores the fact...

  • News Teens Losing Interest In Social Gaming, Turning To Traditional Consoles

    Research also shows the growth of digital downloads

    Everywhere you look, there seems to be a story about how traditional consoles are under threat from social gaming, and that the console market as we know it is all but doomed. However, new research from Analyst firm Piper Jaffray reveals that attitudes towards social gaming are changing, with teen...

  • News NPD: US Consumers Want a Hot Item This Xmas, But The Wii U Isn't It

    Industry as a whole is in better shape, though

    2012 hasn't been a fantastic year for the video game industry in terms of sales. Year on year, the market is shrinking - August saw a drop of 20 percent, which is understandably worrying for developers, publishers and retailers. However, The NPD Group - whose job it is to research sales trends in the...

  • News Wii U Resellers Captilise On Demand By Fleecing Consumers

    Would you pay $1,550 for Nintendo's new console this Christmas?

    Unless you count the Virtual Boy, pretty much every new Nintendo console has experienced incredible demand in the first month of its release. Millions of people want to upgrade but stock is usually limited - hardly surprising with brand new hardware. Sadly, this situation allows...

  • News Nintendo: Phones And Tablets Aren't Games Devices

    UK PR director bullish about 3DS' forthcoming Christmas war against mobile

    Nintendo UK's marketing and PR director Shelly Pearce has spoken to MCV about the upcoming war for wallets this Christmas, and has stated that the company is confident that its 'true' gaming systems will hold their own against devices like smartphones and tablets. When asked...

  • News Reggie Promises Steady Stream Of Wii U Consoles

    Supply chain is "solid", lessons learned from past launches

    Hardware launches are traditionally accompanied by annoying shortages as early demand outstrips supply, but Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has taken steps to calm nervous customers who may be worried that they're in for a long wait if they haven't already preordered the Wii...

  • News North America, Here Are Your 23 Wii U Launch Titles

    What you'll be able to pick up with your console come November 18th

    Nintendo has officially confirmed the 23 games which will launch alongside its Wii U console in North America on the 18th November. It has also revealed the 29 additional titles that are confirmed for release in the 'launch window', a period which runs from 18th November all the...

  • News French Domination Predicted For Wii U

    Industry experts believe Wii U will outsell rivals by massive margin

    With many within the industry predicting a tough time for Nintendo and its Wii U system, leading tech company IDG has bravely stated that it thinks the console will enjoy a comfortable lead over its next-gen rivals by the time 2014 rolls around. The predictions were made by a...

  • News Toys R Us Taking Wii U Pre-Orders Again

    Wii U Basic Bundle and two games available for $419

    While stores left, right and centre are running out of pre-orders for the Wii U, it's since turned out that Toys R Us is now accepting them again. There's a caveat, of course - they're fresh out of Wii U Premium Models, and are bundling the Basic 8 GB model with copies of Scribblenauts: Unlimited...

  • News Nintendo: Wii U Basic Bundle Designed To Attract Core Gamers

    If Nintendo Land isn't your thing, try something else

    There's a school of thought which suggests that much of the Wii's success was down to Wii Sports - possibly one of the most effective pack-in games of all time. The game illustrated perfectly what the console was about, and consequently became one of the system's most played titles. With the Wii...

  • Talking Point Are Wii U Games Going To Be Too Expensive?

    At $60 a pop, can the Wii U really provide value for money?

    In an age where many gamers are getting their entertainment for free via either 'freemium' smartphone titles or free-to-play web services, it should hardly be a massive shock to learn that there are some individuals out there that believe big-budget home console releases are a dying breed;...

  • Rumour You Will Be Able To Preorder Wii U At GameStop This Thursday

    Retailer is going big on Nintendo's new machine

    We all know that Thursday's presentation is going to be related to the Wii U, with the most likely scenario being a launch date reveal and pricing details. To add a little more spice to this speculation, GoNintendo has reported that several readers have gotten in touch to report on various goings-on at...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. 2 Smashes The One Million Barrier In Japan

    New 3DS title has sold faster than Mario 3D Land

    New Super Mario Bros. 2 has sold a staggering 1,068,878 units in Japan since it was released on July 28th - five weeks ago. The figure has been reported in the latest Enterbrain chart, which covers August 27th through September 2nd. The previous Mario title on the 3DS - Super Mario 3D Land - took...

  • News More Tantalising Wii U Pricing Rumours Emerge Online

    Starting at $249.99, release date 11th November

    Got your pinch of salt ready? Video Product Distributors have posted up some information relating to the possible SKUs for Nintendo's Wii U console. In case you didn't know already, VPD is a distribution company which counts Amazon, Blockbuster and Overstock as some of its customers. The launch date...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. 2 Retail Downloads Account For 5% of Sales in Japan

    Demon Training hits 20%

    Nintendo has recently taken its first tentative steps into retail downloads, providing gamers worldwide with the means to download New Super Mario Bros. 2, taking away the need for a box and game cart. In Japan that also extends to Demon Training, the Brain Training follow-up that encourages short bursts of play to help...

  • News New Art Academy and Freakyforms Deluxe Confirmed as Retail Downloads

    'Many more' on the way

    New Super Mario Bros. 2 arrives in Europe on 17th August and will be the first retail download title on 3DS eShop. While this is already underway in Japan and Nintendo of America has revealed details of its distribution, Nintendo of Europe has been relatively quiet on its own plans. In a press release today it's been...

  • News HMV Says You Can Now Preorder the Wii U in Black and White

    UK-based chain opens up the order book

    Despite the absence of a 100% solid release date, UK entertainment retailer HMV has started advertising preorders for both the black and white Wii U system in its stores. Spotted by an eagle-eyed consumer and reported by GoNintendo, the promotion appears to be live in many stores up and down the United...

  • News GameStop Exploring Possibility of Second-Hand Digital Sales

    This could affect us, Nintendo fans!

    As you can tell from our tagline, it's with a sense of genuine delight that we can bring you news about potential industry changes with retail download software, and actually have an interest in the outcome. After so long lagging behind Sony, Microsoft and PC platforms in terms of full retail downloads, Nintendo...

  • News GAME Goes Large With 3DS XL Trade-In Deal

    Game on, retailers

    With 3DS XL arriving in just five short days in Europe, UK retailer GAME has launched what seems to be the best trade-in offer so far. If you trade a 3DS console with its original packaging you can get an XL system, and an all-important AC adaptor, for £79.99. You can check all of the details for yourself on GAME.co.uk, which...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. 2 Download Size Breaks Some Blocks

    2950 of them, to be precise

    The arrival of New Super Mario Bros. 2 will herald the dawning of a new downloadable retail age for Nintendo, with gamers having the option of buying direct from the eShop or as download codes from retailers: old-fashioned physical copies are still an option, of course. For those carefully managing their SD card space,...

  • News 3DS XL With Two Circle Pads Advertised by UK Store

    UPDATE: HMV issues an apology, of sorts

    After this story attracted a lot of attention today, HMV has issued a clarification and apology to Eurogamer.net, confirming that this false information was only shown in one store. It's apparent this was just one particular store being a little over-enthusiastic — and the poster has been removed. If it's...

  • News Nintendo Drops Price of 3DS AC Adapter in Japan

    The writing's on the wall socket

    The upcoming 3DS XL packaging in Europe may say in big letters that an AC adapter is not included in the box, but that won't stop complaints on the internet and a few confused customers. It was a decision taken, apparently, to make the console more affordable, with adapters and cradles available to buy separately:...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. 2 Pre-Order Bonus is Golden

    Not real gold, though

    It's a big Mario release, so it's time for retailers to coax us to their stores with some 'collectibles' that, in all likelihood, will be lost behind the furniture within days. Still, extras are always nice, and lucky UK gamers will have the chance to get hold of a gold coin cartridge case — not actually made of gold,...

  • News 3DS XL Trade Price is Just £146

    Updated: VAT makes trade rate roughly £167.50

    Article update MCV has now spoken to an alternative retail source, which states that the quoted trade rate of £146 is liable for VAT at around £21.50, making the actual rate about £167.50. With GameStop already going close to that figure at £169.97, perhaps that will be the lower end of the price...

  • News Major Retailers List 3DS XL at £179.99

    Updated prices - GameStop undercuts rivals

    Updated article This morning GameStop.co.uk has entered into the price-war by undercutting its rivals, below. GameStop.co.uk — £169.97 Original article After Friday's announcement of 3DS XL, European gamers faced the standard wait to see how the device would be priced by major retailers. The...

  • News Retailers Call for Summer Blockbusters

    Too many games in Q4

    Last December we complained about the overcrowded Holiday release schedule, making the simple point that being bombarded with too many games in the approach to Christmas was bad for gamers and publishers alike. The final three months of the year may be wonderfully exciting if you have deep pockets and a lot of spare time, but...

  • News 'Majority' of Nintendo Games to be Released Digitally

    Maybe not all, in that case

    Most of us have now had plenty of opportunity to digest the news that Nintendo will be delving into the brave new world of retail downloads, starting with New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS in August. An assumption for some has been that Nintendo would release all of its titles as both downloads and boxed game cards or discs,...

  • News Nintendo Dominates UK's All-Time Top 10

    Mario Kart on the podium

    Trade and industry magazine MCV has posted a top ten of the biggest-selling single SKUs of all time, and Nintendo's on top. An SKU is a "stock-keeping unit" — a product with a unique barcode — and is used to separate the same game on multiple formats. MCV's list looks at the biggest-selling SKUs in UK history,...

  • News GAME Not Selling Mario Party 9

    Not available online either

    It's emerged today that UK retailer GAME will not be stocking Mario Party 9 when it's released this coming Friday. In a Nintendo statement GAME and Gamestation, which are both part of GAME Group plc., were omitted from a list of retailers where the title will be available. At the current time the retail group doesn't have...

  • News GAME Drops The Last Story Limited Edition

    Pre-orders are out of luck

    For UK gamers planning to pick up the special edition of The Last Story from retailer GAME, there's been some disappointing news as their orders have been cancelled. As reported by Eurogamer, emails were sent to affected customers earlier this week, giving only a few days notice before the title launches on 24th February...

  • News SoulCalibur V 3DS Appears on Retail Coming Soon List

    Draw your weapon

    3DS certainly isn't short of fighting games, but it may be getting one more added to its stable in the form of Namco Bandai's SoulCalibur V. A retail insider tipped us off that a pre-order listing for the game appears on tills at a major high street chain. Namco Bandai had not responded to our invitation to comment at the time of...

  • News UK's Best-Selling Games of 2011 Revealed

    Nintendo misses all-format top 10

    Now 2011's over and done with, the Association for United Kingdom Interactive Entertainment — UKIE for short — has revealed the best-selling games across all formats last year. To nobody's surprise, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was the best-selling game of the year, but what's most surprising is the...

  • News UK Retailers: "We'll Have Enough 3DS Stock for Christmas"

    No need to panic

    Last week UK 3DS sales hit 70,000, making it the biggest selling console in the nation amid reports of low 3DS stock levels around the country. Now retailers have stepped in to assure customers there'll be enough to go around for Christmas. Representatives from GAME Group, HMV and Sainsbury's all confirmed to

  • News 3DS Was UK's Biggest-Selling Console Last Week

    Nearly 70,000 sold

    Buoyed by the releases of Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7, 3DS was the biggest-selling console in the United Kingdom last week. Nearly 70,000 units of the console were sold around the UK in the last week, MCV reports. By comparison, the 3DS racked up 113,000 sales at la

  • News UK Retail Reports Red 3DS Reaching Really Rare Rating

    Not many about

    It's Christmas time, and you may need to be afraid if you're after a red 3DS, according to a report from MCV. The trade magazine claims UK retailers are struggling to keep the red 3DS in stock in the run up to Christmas, with other colours also tough to get hold of. The releases of Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land and a...

  • News GAME and Gamestation Give Away Mario 3DS Pouches

    But only if you pre-order

    With Super Mario 3D Land out next week and Mario Kart 7 hot on its heels two weeks later, GAME and Gamestation are stepping up their pre-order initiative with two giveaways. Pre-order customers will receive a 3DS pouch bearing artwork from the relevant game when they purchase their game. Neat giveaway items, but as we'd bet...

  • News Grab a 3DS for £90 As Makro Goes Crazy Tomorrow

    All Nintendo machines sub-£100

    Cash and carry chain Makro is having a particularly good deal in its UK stores tomorrow, offering any Nintendo console of your choice for under £100. The retailer — which only sells to card-carrying members, it should be pointed out — is selling all Nintendo hardware at an eye-watering £90, including the...

  • News New Wii Design Could Go As Low as £80

    Retailers gear up for Christmas

    The new look Wii is coming to Europe, and comes with Wii Sports and Wii Party but no GameCube support. It's now come to light that Nintendo isn't expected to drastically reduce the console's trade price, but that retailers may still drop the machine to as low as £79.99 in the run-up to Christmas. A Nintendo...

  • News Telltale Bringing Back to the Future Wii to Retail

    More games to follow

    Way back last year we broke the news that Back to the Future would not make it to WiiWare, but Telltale has just announced an agreement with Nintendo of America that will see the series reach Wii after all. Back to the Future: The Game will contain all the episodes available digitally on other platforms, and will see release on...

  • News Nintendo eShop Cards Make it Down Under

    Slowly spreading out

    Australian outlets of EB Games have started stocking eShop cards for the 3DS, with Mario and Zelda-themed cards now available. As with Nintendo Points, you can use these new cards on the Wii Shop Channel, DSi Shop or 3DS eShop, though the points can't be distributed between the three: you must put the full value into one of...