
Topic: Are new 3DS releases coming to an end?

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Hi guys,

I’m a little nervous that there’s only 2 scheduled remaining new releases for 2019 (physical releases). I know it’s inevitable, and also know E3 is 2 weeks away. I’m hoping there’s still more to come even with Switch booming right now.

Your thoughts?

~ A man chooses. A slave obeys. ~


I don't think there will be a new model of 3DS again on this year.
Wait until Nintendo Direct 11 June 2019 to find out if 3DS still survive or will be discontinued later.
If you are worried for no more new 3DS games, you can consider Japanese exclusive or PAL exclusive 3DS games to double your 3DS games library.




Yep, good call. I’m not so much worried, it’s been around for so long that it wouldn’t surprise me if they officially discontinue it soon. I’m happy with my collection of games. I guess I just want more, but don’t we all.

I would fall to my knees if they released Super Mario 64 & Wave Race 64 for 3DS.

I have the Mario 64 for DS in my (3DS) collection but it’s not the same. I love the true 64 version so much, arguably my favorite game of all time.

Edited on by CTmatic

~ A man chooses. A slave obeys. ~


@CTmatic If you want to play the orginal Super Mario 64, then just download it from the Wii U e-Shop.


My Nintendo: Charlie | Nintendo Network ID: bhuxen


I'd say this is a tentative yes, although I'm not privy to the Big N's plans. We haven't heard anything about new 3DS releases at all past Persona Q2's release yesterday. I think if we don't hear anything at all during E3, then "yes" is definitely the correct answer.

It's sad, but inevitable. Such is the way the techno cookie crumbles.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I think 3DS is slowly being wound down. I read somewhere that Luigis Mansion didn't do as well as hoped so I fully expect remastered editions of LM 1 & 2 to hit Switch and be announced at E3, solely because not many Switch owners may've played them.



True, but I don’t have a Wii U anymore. I traded it in years ago. I always assumed the virtual console was coming to Switch. : ( So, my fingers are crossed for a N64 mini announcement next week. That’s all I can hope for unless I go buy a used Wii U at GameStop which I’m more then hesitant on doing just for the virtual console. :::Shrugs::: @Charlieisanoob

~ A man chooses. A slave obeys. ~


I just wish that they'd release that hylian shield new 2ds XL in the UK.

Also mario 64 ds is really good, I prefer it to the original because of the extra 30 stars and the ingenious analog workaround using the thumb strap! I wish they sold replacement thumbstraps too! I'd stick them on all my DS' and 2/3DS'!

See ya!


My assumption is that the 3DS will remain on store shelves, but that new releases are largely finished. They will probably narrow it down to one 3DS and one 2DS model and sell off the remaining stock of the others. Then the 2/3DS will remain the "bargain" or "entry level" gaming system on the market for several more years. I could see the 3DS model dropping to 100 dollars and the 2DS down to 60. I remember still seeing Game Boy Color systems on store shelves for years and years after support was totally shifted to the GBA.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


I think they'll also keep the 2DS family of systems on store shelves as budget entries until they quit selling. I honestly think they're phasing out the 3D units entirely. No new editions showed up this past holiday season in North America, and I only found one really good deal on a N3DS XL unit. Everything else was solely the 2DS and 2DS XL.

IIRC most PAL territories don't even have 3D models anymore.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


3DS is officially dead, weird that they keep console alive.

It all started from Game&Watch.

3DS Friend Code 5455 9594 9430.
Switch Friend Code 7313-1538-3028.


I say we will watch it slowly be phased out next year. It might make it to next holiday, but Nintendo isn't reprinting 3ds games or making new million sellers titles. They aren't pushing for digital sales or advertising digital purchases so I think that the switch spotlight will be about 4-5 years so that Nintendo can get Switch 2 out to keep some parity with the new Twins.

So my thought is:

2020: Final 3ds holiday...slow clearance of hardware/ no new games. However eshop is still live. (New Twins show up during Holiday...if they aren't delayed.) Send out dev kits for switch 2.

2021: Announcement of Switch 2, likely at E3 (if they can keep the same form factor but just update the internals and perhaps screen resolution and make it work with the old dock in exchange for lower res that would be ideal. Let it uprez and speed up old switch games and be BC with switch carts. New doc would be 4k at least. Keeps the ecosystem united...and Nintendo needs that right now. They can't keep starting from scratch each gen.) Zelda straddles systems again. Functions as a system seller for switch 2. 3ds will likely be off of major store shelves by then.

2022:Switch 2 release (hopefully also in March) and delegation to of switch to budget system...that is when all the mini rumors would make the most sense to me. Make the a new budget sku/version and likely shutdown Wiiu/3ds eshop (maybe just 3ds but Nintendo is trying to pretend the wiiu is nothing more than a game tomb it can raid when needed)

I think that allows Nintendo to maintain momentum. They will still be second but if they stick with the switch and can increase the power without turning it into a hot brick they have a iterative form factor on their hands. Time to stop viewing systems as toys (which have to change constantly because kids have the attention spans of gnats.) and more like tech (which just iterates. Sony did that from the start I feel and xbox is slotting into that finally.)

If game companies want this streaming, digital future... iteration of hardware will be key.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


I don't know about anyone else, but a lot of the stores that carry games near me seem to be trying to clear out their 3DS titles. A lot of the newest releases are in stock, but the many mass discounts seem to indicate that they're trying to get rid of inventory.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31

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