
Topic: Wii U / 3DS eShop Exclusive Titles

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With the fall of WiiWare and the more recent reduction of DSiWare titles available, I wondered if it might be a good idea to begin listing any games or other titles that are exclusive to the Wii U and 3DS eShops. A list to refer to if any of us decide to buy games we remained perpetually on the fence for before these eShops close down (or indeed if they just start pulling individual games off the storefronts).

I'm not nearly as well versed on the various titles available as some of you might be, so please post the names of any games that are not available anywhere other than the 3DS or Wii U eShops. We can either use the thread to list the games or if you tag me when you add to the thread then I can add the games to the list in this initial post.

I think we want to try and avoid shovelware so if you want to suggest something that fits that description, then make an argument for its inclusion and I will add it.

Edit 2: I have added some additional sections either for specific titles or titles that are not quite exclusive but are hard to find in the same manner in which they have been presented on the eShop.

Edit: Thank you all for the input, there really are a lot more exclusive games than I thought there were and the feedback and participation has been much higher than I anticipated! When you post can you keep in mind:

List each game on a separate line so it's easy to copy and paste. Also so I don't think a game with a subtitle is two separate games. (Hit Enter/Return after each game)

Please read the list and any additional posts at least since my last reply to make sure your are not suggesting something that's already on the list.

Write the list in the above format and then after the list use a new paragraph to discuss specific entries, it allows me to copy and paste the list without having to delete the discussion.

Please don't use any punctuation, bullet points or anything else that isn't in the actual game title so we can keep the formatting the same.

The games need to be exclusive to either or both of the Wii U / 3DS eShops and can't be available physically or digitally on any other console by Nintendo or another company. I will consider games that are also on mobile however, as they typically will have less longevity on a mobile storefront.

I'll try and check the games as they get added but if you spot one in the main list that's not an exclusive or no longer an exclusive then please tag me and let me know so I can remove it. Also let me know if you spot any doubles, I will try and put this list in alphabetical order at some point so the doubles will be easier to spot...

Wii U eShop - Exclusives:
Affordable Space Adventures
Amiibo Touch & Play Nintendo Classics Highlights
Art Academy: SketchPad
Dr. Luigi
Mario vs donkey kong tipping stars
Mini Mario & Friends Amiibo challenge
NES Remix
NES Remix 2
Pullblox World (Pushmo World)
Scram Kitty and his buddy on rails
Spin the bottle: Bumpie's Party
Wii U Panorama View Birds in Flight
Wii U Panorama View Carnival!
Wii U Panorama View Double-Decker Tour
Wii U Panorama View Rickshaw Around Kyoto
ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimension!

Wii U eShop - Notable Releases (not quite exclusive)
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3 - Unlocked e-reader levels
Wii U Sports Club (rare physical release)
StarFox Guard (rare physical release)

3DS eShop - Exclusives:
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice
AiRace Speed
Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale
Bye-Bye BoxBoy!
Chain Blaster
Crimson Shroud
The Denpa Men 1
The Denpa Men 2
The Denpa Men 3
Digger Dan DX
Dillon's Rolling Western
Dr Mario: Miracle Cure
Escape from Zombie City
Fallblox (Crashmo)
Freakyforms Your Creations Alive
Fullblox (Stretchmo)
Fantasy Pirates
Gal Galaxy Pain
Hana Samurai Art of the Sword
Horseshoe Crab Rescue!
Hydroventure/Fluidity Spin Cycle
Jett Rocket 2 The Wrath of Takai
The Keep
Ketzal's Corridors
Liberation Maiden
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
Mario vs donkey kong tipping stars
Nano Assault EX
Nintendo Badge Arcade
Nintendo Pocket Football Club
Pocket Card Jockey
Pullblox (Pushmo)
Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
Siesta Fiesta
Tank Troopers
Tokyo Crash Mobs
Weapon Shop de Omasse

3DS eShop - Notable Releases (not quite exclusive)
SMT Devil Survivor Overclocked (rare physical release)

3DS eShop - myNintendo Exclusives:
Twilight Princess Picross (myNintendo exclusive)
Flipnote Studio 3D

3DS eShop - DSiWare Exclusives:
Aura-Aura Climber (DSiWare)

Currently Delisted:
Bloody Vampire (3DS)

In case NL want to use this list in an article or something and want to add credits, these are the users who have contributed so far:
@ralphdibny @Dogorilla @Taceus @Sunsy @anynamereally @1UP_MARIO @Tyranexx @Johncomms @Ralizah @Krull @Vivianeat @Ninfan

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


I dont have much to add, but I'd also like to know what games are exclusive and gems on both of those eshops.



Gematsu has lists of Wii U and 3DS exclusives here:
I think they're US-based so there's bound to be a few differences between regions, but it does seem to be up to date. DSiWare games aren't included in the 3DS list though.

I'd like to stock up on eShop exclusives for these consoles while they're still available, so I'd be interested to see which games people recommend. I'll try and remember to add some recommendations of my own later.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


I'll throw my hat in the ring with these
Wii U - Affordable Space Adventures, Scram Kitty and his buddy on rails, Art Academy:SketchPad, Spin the bottle:Bumpie's Party, ZaciSa:Defense of the Crayon Dimension!, Tank!Tank!Tank! and RCMADIAX's games which generally should be avoided. Not sure whether NES Remix 1&2, Wii U Sports Club, Amiibo Touch & Play Nintendo Classics Highlights and Mini Mario & Friends Amiibo challenge qualify.

3DS - Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale, Crimson Shroud, Liberation Maiden(although it's on iOS), AiRace Speed, Freakyforms Your Creations Alive, The Denpa Men 1, 2 & 3, Ironfall:Invasion, Sadame, Siesta Fiesta, Digger Dan DX, Hydroventure/Fluidity Spin Cycle, Hana Samurai Art of the Sword, Dillon's Rolling Western, Jett Rocket 2 The Wrath of Takai, Nano Assault EX, Zen Pinball 3D, Marvel Pinball 3D, Pocket Card Jockey, HarmoKnight and the Box Boy series. AFAIK they are all eShop exclusive with no physical release, but I could be wrong.

Edited on by Taceus

'I used to be with 'it', then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what's 'it' is weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you too.' - Abe Simpson

Switch Friend Code: SW-8282-1096-1431 | 3DS Friend Code: 3909-7678-9918 | My Nintendo: Taceus | Nintendo Network ID: Taceus


Two I could think of, Tank Troopers on 3DS. Had fun with this one, personally, I wish it had a Switch re-release as I don't think many played it. It is on 3DS, and it's kind of underrated IMO. Also, Dr. Luigi on Wii U. I totally forgot it existed until I was thinking of Mario series games the other day. When mentioning it to a friend, he didn't even know it existed.

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


@NintendoByNature let us know if you think of any! Hopefully there's some good input to this thread and it proves to be a good resource for people.

@Dogorilla oh yeah I did see that, the filters seem to work well for Wii U, though I wouldn't immediately know if any of the games qualified as shovelware (but then again, who am I to decide what is and isn't shovelware?). The 3DS section is more tricky because something like donkey Kong country returns 3D is listed as a full exclusive just because it has 3D in the title. Not sure how ethically viable it is for me to just copy and paste that list in to this thread too 🤔🤷‍♂️

@Taceus nice one! Is that top lot of Wii U games not shovelware then? The bottom lot definitely qualify except Wii U sports club which has a physical release. I'll add nes remix 1&2 because I've heard the 3ds physical version is a bit different to the Wii U games. I think the zen pinball games are available on other platforms too but in a different form. Anyway I'll get those added to the list a bit later! Cheers!

See ya!


Using Metacritic as an objective measure, Affordable Space Adventures got 81. I haven't played it enough 'cos I was missing two other players, which I read was the more enjoyable way to play it.
Scram Kitty got 79. I enjoyed this one quite a bit.
Spin the bottle got 75. Best played with a group of 4+ people who don't really have personal boundaries.
Happy to help.

'I used to be with 'it', then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what's 'it' is weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you too.' - Abe Simpson

Switch Friend Code: SW-8282-1096-1431 | 3DS Friend Code: 3909-7678-9918 | My Nintendo: Taceus | Nintendo Network ID: Taceus


for Wii U I'd say Star Fox Guard (which technically can be found on special edition of SF0 box which are more rare of course; and IMO it's still an eshop title by its nature);
and NES Remix 1 + 2

for 3DS I'd like to highlight:

  • some of Guild01 + Guild02 games are totally worth it, my favorites are Crimson Shroud and Attack of the Friday Monsters (Liberation Maiden looks cool as well, but haven't played it yet)
  • Tokyo Crash Mobs - nice and hectic puzzle game with a twist
  • Denpa Men series is pretty fun casual RPG on islands which can be pretty hard at times
  • The Keep is a neat dungeon crawler, not a full exclusive since now Switch eshop already has it too, but 3ds version IMO is a nicer version b/c it utilizes dual-screen setup
  • KORG DSN-12 is a music/sounds creation tool which I believe was eshop only
  • Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move - good puzzle game, but gets repetitive at later stages; still worth it
  • original SMT4 belongs here as well since it's an eshop only title for EU region

not eshop titles but I guess worth mentioning in this thread while we're at it:

  • Kokuga (from one of creators of Radiant Silvergun/Ikaruga) which is not on eshop and that's a shame
  • same with Cave Story 3D - no eshop release

Edited on by anynamereally



Thank you all for the input, there really are a lot more exclusive games than I thought there were and the feedback and participation has been much higher than I anticipated! When you post can you keep in mind:

List each game on a separate line so it's easy to copy and paste. Also so I don't think a game with a subtitle is two separate games.

Please read the list and any additional posts at least since my last reply to make sure your are not suggesting something that's already on the list.

Write the list in the above format and then after the list use a new paragraph to discuss specific entries, it allows me to copy and paste the list without having to delete the discussion.

Please don't use any punctuation, bullet points or anything else that isn't in the actual game title so we can keep the formatting the same.

The games need to be exclusive to either or both of the Wii U / 3DS eShops and can't be available physically or digitally on any other console by Nintendo or another company.

Thank you all, much appreciated. I'm sure this will be a useful resource for us and any other users that see this thread. At some point when I have more time, I will make an effort to put the list in alphabetical order.

@Taceus @Sunsy @anynamereally - thank you all, I've added the games to the list. Please tag me in a post if you think of any more!

See ya!


Mario vs donkey kong tipping stars
Nes remix 1/2
Affordable space adventures

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@1UP_MARIO is tipping stars on Wii U?

@Taceus cheers for the additional info on those games. I didn't necessarily mean to suggest they were shovelware so my apologies if that came across in my post. I had just never heard of them!

See ya!


@ralphdibny yes. It’s cross buy so you buy it for Wii u and you also get to play it on 3ds

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


I tip my hat to you good sir for mentioning SMT4. Extremely ashamed of myself for forgetting it despite owning it lol.

No worries mate, and I didn't take it that way either, just thought I'd provide some clarity on them. Sorry about my list layout(or lack of), afraid I was going to take up waaay too much space.
BTW, love your work on The Flash😉

'I used to be with 'it', then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what's 'it' is weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you too.' - Abe Simpson

Switch Friend Code: SW-8282-1096-1431 | 3DS Friend Code: 3909-7678-9918 | My Nintendo: Taceus | Nintendo Network ID: Taceus


@ralphdibny Are you trying to make a complete list of exclusives or just recommended games? If it's the former then I don't really see the point as other complete lists already exist, but the latter could be useful. Most of the eligible games that I own have already been mentioned, but here's a few good 3DS games that haven't:

  • Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (also on mobile but no other platforms currently)
  • Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (ditto)
  • Twilight Princess Picross (available via My Nintendo)
  • Aura-Aura Climber (DSiWare)
  • Dr Mario: Miracle Cure

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Taceus haha thanks, I will certainly miss the rest of the flash gang!

No worries, I honestly didn't think there would be that much uptake in this thread or necessarily think about what it might involve. Now I've learned a better way to do it so I thought I'd set out some guidelines to make it easier!

@anynamereally ah yeah I did look at that page but I got a bit confused about it. I see The starship Damrey is on guild 2. I have that game by itself so I assume all the games on the compilation are available separately. I'll leave them on there though but I might add a note to it or something

@Dogorilla cheers for the extra submissions, I'll get them added to the list. I think initially, I thought about it being only for exclusive digital titles without the shovelware (with some exceptions). I'd seen that gematsu link you provided, I thought it was OK for Wii U but the 3DS page, as I mentioned, is littered with ports that are only "full" exclusives because they are 3D versions. That's not unimportant but perhaps worthy of another list.

I really didn't think there would be so many exclusives and certainly so many popular exclusives. I guess I only had the first party games in mind when I thought to begin this list.

Anyway, I guess I planned it to be a communal effort to list as many titles as possible that might get lost. In a way, this will turn out to be a recommendations list for the games because I doubt people will suggest things they haven't played or are unaware of. It's not the end of the world if we miss off a crumby game or two that nobody will miss.

See ya!


@ralphdibny Well, DKCR 3D has exclusive levels so it's not just exactly the same as the Wii version, but you're right it should be listed under 'added content' rather than full exclusive. I think those Gematsu lists are a perfectly good source for keeping track of what games are exclusive, but I'll keep an eye on this thread too for recommendations and if I play any additional games that aren't on here I'll suggest them.

Regarding the Guild games: I believe they were all released individually, and Guild 01/02 was just a banner title that they were released under. I'm not aware of them being released as a compilation except maybe in Japan?
Edit: I should have read the Wikipedia article before commenting - yeah they were released as retail compilations in Japan but only as individual eShop releases in the west.

Edited on by Dogorilla

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla oh I didn't know dkcr had additional levels on 3DS! The Wii version is actually one of my favourite games ever. Yeah I did also consider games that had additional content that was exclusive to the 3DS version, maybe if some get suggested then I'll add them with a note, naturally DKCR3D is a retail game anyway.

I should clarify I guess, that this might end up being more than just a recommendations list because I think titles that offer unique experiences are just as important as good experiences. I wouldn't recommend the Wii U Panorama View titles for example but it is an experience that's totally unique to the Wii U.

I'd honestly never heard of these guild compilations tbh, I'll have a look on the UK eshop later and if they are on there then I'll keep them on the list or make a note. I will try and make some time to sort this list out a bit so it's easier to understand. Hopefully more people make some suggestions in the mean time!

See ya!


How did I miss this thread? Thanks for mentioning the Level-5 Guild releases I forgot about; both Attack of the Friday Monsters and Crimson Shroud have always caught my eye the most. Most of my 3DS eShop purchases have been VC titles, but I do need to add a select few exclusives to my collection yet.

Most of the games I can think of have been covered, but I'd like to mention Flipnote Studio 3D is also still available via My Nintendo for 200 platinum points. Its online functionality was hamstrung, but it's still a valuable tool for any artists and occasional doodlers.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31

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