
Topic: Yokai Watch

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WOOOOW....!!! 🀯🀯🀯
I got 30 chances from Crank-a-kai machine !! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

And i got some rare Yokai from both Normal battle and Crank-a-kai coins. πŸ˜€








Well, I got this Yokai from Yokai Watch 3 Tempura 3DS yesterday.

I almost got 30 chances again but alas... I got 4 instead due to several milimeter difference.



Hiya...! πŸ˜€
I got Speedy W from Yokai Watch 3 Tempura after completing his quest.
I named him Mercury based on Roman mythology since he is like a Flash.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



I got some rare Yokai yesterday including the Shicifukujin (7 Lucky Gods) from Yokai Watch 3 Tempura 3DS. πŸ˜€





I think the character designer of Yokai Watch was really smart to turn the Seven Lucky Gods design from ordinary Chinese looking folks into modern Japanese Yokai.
Benzaiten plays an electric guitar instead of mandolin, Hoteison looks much younger with some spiky hairs and slimmer body.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Wow, I'm still the only one who keep have hype with Yokai Watch 3 3DS.
Recently I have some difficulty to catch Herbiboy on Yokai Watch 3 due to out of stock of Forbidden Apples and he was really rare to appear on bushes so I have to reset so many times by get sleeping and change into different places to hunt him.
I was looking for Herbiboy to evolve him into Carniboy by fuse him with Blazion.
I thought it will be quite easy to catch Herbiboy but I was wrong as when I tried to get him with normal favorite food + Shmoopie in my team, it was really hard to befriend with him until I decide to scan another 25 Forbidden Apple QR Codes from internet to catch him easily.
I have unlocked the door inside Rainbow color maze until near to the Optional Boss but I decided to not get inside as I have realized the Yokai inside was level 90 while my team was still around level 60 - 75. I successfully captured one Castellius III level 90 after very tough battle. I didn't know if it was level 90.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Okay, i have finished the trilogy of Yokai Watch games on 3DS.
I still playing Yokai Watch 3 Tempura as i felt it was the most complete Yokai Watch experience.
I have accumulated 161+ hours gameplay of Yokai Watch 3 Tempura.
I still love my boy Damajor Nine. 😍
He is already reached level 80.
Just now i got Orochi after i finished his quest by looking for other Yokai.



I'm the only one here who still active playing Yokai Watch 3 ?
Currently i have accumulated 168+ hours gameplay.
My Slugger (Damajor Nine) was already level 83.
My current daily activities were redeeming the Old coin medal with some useful items to upgrade Soutimate / Attack / Spirit attack of my Yokai team.
Springdale Elementary School at night was my place to grind my Yokai team.



I have finished very tedious quest for Mushroom band from Yokai Watch 3 Tempura.
That Madam Mushroom was kinda creepy for distribute Oddball Mushroom to gather a lot of fan that basically those peoples (with some animals and Yokai) got brainwashed by a Mushroom attached on their head. And to gather a lot of Oddball Mushroom, I have to use trick that I found from AbdallahSmash video to get Oddball Mushroom quickly then I have to distribute the Mushroom and the ticket to certain peoples who have strange interest with mushroom. It was tedious and very long process to finish that quest.



Yokai Watch 1 is pretty cheap on sites like eBay right now (as low as $13 factory sealed!) but as a newcomer to the series, is it worth checking out?

Retro gaming is too damn expensive.


@SnackPop I personally enjoyed playing the first and one of the second entries (Fleshy Souls) of the series; it's a decent monster-catching alternative with neat visuals, some interesting side quests, and plenty of Yo-Kai to collect. The first game doesn't have much of an overarching plot and is more episodic, but there's more of a narrative in the second game(s). The combat system for the first two games is...different and only really shines in boss battles however; most normal encounters are pretty easy to get through as long as your Yo-Kai are at acceptable levels for the area they're in. I can't speak for the Blasters spinoffs and haven't played Yo-Kai Watch 3 however. I do know the former are more action-oriented and the latter completely overhauled its combat system. Unfortunately, YW3 is rare/very expensive even secondhand in North America, so at this point you'd be better off downloading it.

If you're on the fence about the first game, there is a downloadable demo for it that is a fairly decent example of what you can expect. This is what sold me on the series.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


Better you play the first game as the series are connected.
First game was about the beginning of Nate's adventure in Yokai World.
The second game was the return of Yokai, new enemy and time travel to 60 years ago and meet Nate's grandpa when he was young.
The third game was about Nate's Dad got promoted to work in USA and meet the USA Yokai and new enemy. You will see a lot of Easter eggs from the third game as it has a lot of parody or iconic things on USA.

The first game was okay, the second game was a bit better as it has more area to explore and new Yokai, the third game was the Best as it has tons of new Yokai especially the USA Yokai and more quest to finish.

The first and second game using rotate wheel to swap your Yokai. The good is all Soultimate attack will be guaranteed hit on opponents but the bad is you have to spin the wheel to the lower left corner to cure your Yokai when they got inspirited by bad status from opponents.

The third game is using 3 x 3 grid square like tactics game style to make advanced strategy. The good is you can avoid Soultimate attacks from opponents as the Soultimate attacks have square pattern attack range which there are some spot will never get damage. Also, if you arrange your Yokai in vertical, the Yokai behind will get covered and will not take damage from opponent as only the Yokai in front position will take damage so you can put Tanker Yokai with high defense in front to cover weaker Yokai. The best thing on the third game is Forbidden Fruit (Purple colored Apple) that basically Master Ball of Pokemon. When you throw to specific Yokai you like to get, it will be 100% Success and you will get that Yokai after battle. Even better, you scan the Forbidden Fruits from QR code on YouTube or internet for FREE so scan a lot of Forbidden Fruits QR code as many as you can.
The bad is the opponents also can avoid your Soultimate attacks as it has specific range and you / your opponents can run to safe spot while preparing the Soultimate attack.

The first and second games are still easy to find from Ebay but the third game was extremely limited and the price got inflated crazily so for the third game you have no choice but pick the eshop version while it still available or pick the Japanese version in physical retail with cheaper price but if you able to read Japanese texts.
I have played all the main series on 3DS from Yokai Watch 1 until 3, only first and second games I played in English version but the third game in Japanese. I will pick the eshop version of third game on this year before it disappeared from eshop next year.

Btw, you can see the screenshots of the third game I have posted a lot here on the upper and previous page. I was really serious to play Japanese version of Yokai Watch 3 Tempura version.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



The Blasters games was much like Pokemon Unite as analogy.
The game is divided into several missions with some branches and recommended level sign. The game also divided into several chapters for the storyline.
The first game have surprisingly three version in Japanese version and all of them have physical retail (Red Cat, White Dog, Moon Rabbit) but for English version, it only have two version (Red Cat and White Dog) while the English version of Moon Rabbit added inside both version as updates.

The first game take a place as mainline Yokai Watch games but the second games (Yokai Watch Blasters 2) take on different places as the theme is Indiana Jones style Adventure with more Yokai from Yokai Watch 2 & 3.
Yokai Watch Blasters 3 was supposed to have physical release but due to terrible sales of Yokai Watch Blasters 2, I think Level-5 changed the plan by put the third Blasters game inside Yokai Watch 3 as part of big update and it called Yokai Watch Blasters T (T is for Three).
I think same case happened to Yokai Watch 2 games with Yokai Watch Blasters style inside as optional mission.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Thanks for the replies. I have a thing for tactical games, and it sounds like Yokai Watch 3 will fit the bill nicely. Yokai Watch 1 is dirt cheap right now so I'll have to get that too for a proper taste of the series.

Retro gaming is too damn expensive.


Also, don't forget to download ALL the updates of Yokai Watch games from eshop if you play with cartridge. The updates are like game app icon and you can find them by typing on 3DS eshop page then you can download them for FREE even if you still haven't get the games in physical.



@Anti-Matter I did have a passing interest in the Blasters games, but unfortunately those are quite rare here as well. I didn't know about the standalone Moon Rabbit version, so that was an interesting tidbit. Yo-Kai Watch 2 had a major update that added on a Blasters mode, but I was unable to access it since it's multiplayer only. I was pretty bummed about that.

Still exploring ways to pick up Yo-Kai Watch 3 physical, but unless I really luck out I don't think it's happening.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I got two Mexican Legendary Yokai from Yokai Watch 3 Tempura 3DS. πŸ˜ƒ

Platinos (Platina Oni)

Gabby (Speech Hime)

I used two Forbidden Apples to catch those Legendary Yokai that I got from Blaster T mission.



Long time I didn't post any interesting progress of my Yokai Watch games.
Currently I still have some hype with Yokai Watch 3 Tempura 3DS.
I have accumulated more than 223+ hours of gameplay from Yokai Watch 3 Tempura 3DS.
I changed my entire members oftenly as I want to level up my other Yokai while at the same time I still thinking the other way to level up quickly without depending too much on treasure items from dungeons.
I got some information about Yokai that have passive ability EXP plus which if I have a lot of them (Draggy or Lie-In) it will multiply the EXP I will get after battle + equip them with Soul orbs from Lie-In or Draggy in level 10.
My main Yokai are mostly level 90+ after I gave them some green treasure relic which gave them tons of EXP points that quickly leveled up from level 1 into level 65+. Give them another one they will get leveled into level 85+, give them 3 times they will reach level 99 with no sweat.
Btw, my favorite Yokai is still Slugger (Damajor Nine) from Yokai Watch 3. I love his handsome look as muscular Baseball player Yokai with four arms, ghost tail and Baseball head. πŸ₯°



Anyone think with all the new Level-5 activity we’ve seen we could get another localized yokai watch game? I don’t think it’s completely impossible but it has been a long while, maybe test the waters with that one spin-off being brought to the west that was released in Japan a while back


Switch Friend Code: SW-0772-1845-0995


I would like to see Yokai Watch 4++ & Yokai Watch Academy Y get English version.
Yokai Watch 2 & 3 for Switch are very welcome for me.



It has been 1 year ago I didn't post my progress of Yokai Watch games here.
Last time I played Yokai Watch 3 Tempura and have accumulated more than 260 hours.
I still find the best way to level up my Yokai as the fastest way to level up by get involved in Blaster T mission with green Clu-Tfact as the reward. But I want to try the alternative way to level up my Yokai without felt like a tedious chores.


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