
Topic: Nintendo DS Missing Features

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Every video game system out there has some features that it really could have benefited from had they actually been implemented. The Nintendo DS is an example of that, as I believe it should've had the following:

  • Original Game Boy and Game Boy Color backwards compatibility. I know they couldn't use the old processor because of its age and complications in including it in the system's internal hardware. But the goomba.gba emulator, which allowed GB and GBC games to be played on GBA flash carts, had already been made by modders before the DS even came out. There was no reason Nintendo couldn't make an official version and implement it into the DS's internal software.
  • Official support or wireless emulation of the Game Boy link cable. A link port would've been optimal for Game Boy multiplayer games. If they really couldn't include a link port, they should've at least made it so the DS could send and receive that same signal wirelessly, which would've been cool.
  • Nintendo GameCube to DS connectivity. This would work similarly to how certain PS2 games could connect to certain PSP games via USB. Sure certain DS games could connect to certain Wii games later on. But that wasn't possible until the DS was already two years old. So having certain DS games be able to connect to certain GCN games could've been a nice selling feature early on in the system's life. This could've been done either using a cable or a wireless dongle connected to the GCN.
  • Built in motion sensing and rumble. Game Boy Game Paks sometimes came with built-in rumble and motion sensing. It would've been cool if the DS had those features built into the system internally to be used with DS games as upgrade to that concept. That way people wouldn't have had to buy the Rumble Pak and we could have motion sensing as an additional feature for DS games.
  • A set of analog sticks and a second set of shoulder buttons. This was a system designed for playing 3D games, it really should've had these features implemented for self-explanatory reasons.

What other missing features did the Nintendo DS need, and what do you think of my list here?


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