
Topic: Switch has outsold PS4

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The Switch has finally outsold ps4 worldwide. One more benchmark achieved. I wonder how far they can push the sales.

Edited on by Cia



Well, I have both Switch and PS4 with their own games library so I don't see any competition between my Switch and PS4.
Their games library are complementing each other.



Nothing wrong with that. This is really a competition only in a financial level. Which for some people means nothing, and I don't blame them.

Still, it's good it sells so the developers can't just ignore it like the Wii U.

Edited on by Cia



IGN claimed that Nintendo was gonna released Nintendo Switch 2 in 2023. But, someone on NintendoLife says, “Nintendo Switch 2 isn’t coming out until 2024-2025 because of the sales.” That’s fine, as long as they released Splatoon 1 port remake as part of Splatoon 10th year anniversary on Nintendo Switch 2.

Nintendo 3DS’s friend code:

Nintendo Switch’s friend code:


Depends when Switch 2 releases.

2023 Switch 2 release
Switch will hit 126m by March 2023 at 6 year mark. A new system would drastically slow sales. Expect 8m more sold in FY7, 3m more in FY8 and 1m more in FY9 for a total of 138 million

2024 Switch 2 release
Switch will hit 126m by March 2023 at 6 year mark. Another 18m sold in FY7 brings us to 144m by March 2024. A new system would then drastically slow sales. Expect 8 more sold in FY8 and 3m more in FY9 for a total of 155 million

2025 Switch 2 release
This would seal the deal. Switch will hit 126m by March 2023 at 6 year mark. Another 18m in FY7 and another 13m in FY8 brings us to 157m by March 2025. A new system would drastically slow sales, especially after 8 years in the market. Expect 4m more sold in FY9 and 1m more in FY10 for a total of 162 million

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


handheld sales should only be compared to other handheld sales.



vu28ptr wrote:

handheld sales should only be compared to other handheld sales.

Is this a joke post?



That user has been banned for trolling and spamming advertisements.
Don't worry about him.



As a Switch Lite owner, I always wonder when will new hardware be revealed. I'm disappointed with the Lite screen.



@Banjo- Switch OLED. The difference in screen tech and battery life is revelatory. I can barely stand to look at my older Switch models anymore.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Ralizah If Nintendo doesn’t release one soon, probably gonna do the oled route. But as of now I’m just fine with my screen.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


@Ralizah Right but it's not cheap and has the same 2017 chip (that was already dated back then) so I'd rather wait for updated hardware like @Snatcher



I'd be glad if they didn't release their next console any time soon. Tears of the Kingdom will likely be the deepest game of its kind when its released, so if the ordinary Switch can handle superior physics and timeless artstyles, why do we even need a new console?

Ok, maybe they could upgrade the specs to ps4 level (since it's enough to give us 4k and clean photorealistic visuals), but as for me... well, I've got a 24 inch monitor with 1080p max output. In other words, I wouldn't see atrue benefit for the upgrade. Actually, I couldn't even afford to buy a new console with my current income.

At any rate, when the Switch gets a follower, it better have backwards compatibility. The Switch's game catalogue is just way too big and good.



I'd still think that getting PS4 performance out of a handheld is a tough ask. Even the Steam Deck is barely in that league and it's a heck of a lot larger and more power hungry than the Switch.

To get something the size of a Switch, and only drawing a similar 4-8W undocked, is probably another generation of SoCs away.

That's not to say that Nvidia couldn't offer Nintendo something that represents a substantial leap in power over what they've currently got, but I think we'd have to be realistic with our expectations. Essentially, it'll still be something less powerful than the PS4 and 4K will only be possible for either very simple graphics or via upscaling technology such as DLSS.



I've not understood people gloating about Switch sales, saying that it's outsold X Y & Z like it's a good thing.
I personally don't see it that way considering Nintendo's predatory practices with this console.

How many people had to buy secondary consoles because of needlessly restrictive decisions or poor build quality?
I have personally bought 4 Switch consoles, with only the OLED and my original wanted purchases.

The ones I didn't want to buy but had to were because:

  • My original became bricked - really shouldn't have had to buy forst party docks and that was an expensive lesson.
  • My wife got a taste of animal crossing and wasn't able to have her own save on our shared console - really dirty practice.

In contrast we have only ever bought 1 of any other console, apart from Switch and current gen Xbox. I impulse bought a Series S as it was so cheap, and loved it enough to upgrade to a series X.

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.

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