
Topic: What old videogames do you still have?

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I was digging through a storage tub earlier today to see what i still have for old games. found a bag inside the tub where I still have my old Gameboy Advance SP along with a few games I still have left which are Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, Final Fantasy V and VI Advance, Golden Sun 2, and Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon and Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Protoman.

I even still have an old gameboy advance action replay and the wireless adapter thing that came with Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green back then



All of my NES, Super NES and Sega Genesis games I had from when I was a kid.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I have a lot of games from the N64 onward but there's a good chunk of games I sold and then bought again later so its kinda all over the place for what games I have from when those games were actually relevant. Off the top of my head, the oldest one I'm 100% certain is the same one I had back then is Banjo Tooie, and the oldest one I'm less than 100% sure of is Pokemon Snap. (oldest meaning when I got them, not how old the game is since I have a Mario 64 cartridge too)

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


I didn't have a console that was "mine" until I got my Gameboy for Christmas in '95. So the oldest games I own are the ones I got for it at that Christmas. So Donkey Kong Land and Mario & Yoshi. I then got a SNES around mid '97 I think. Was a bundle with a Super Gameboy, presumably at the time it was pretty cheap because the N64 had just released. And I know the N64 had just released because I remember wanting Mario Kart 64 and then getting a SNES with Super Mario Kart

My brother had a Sega Master System and I believe he still has it. That was the family console until he picked up a Playstation. Then he left home not long after that (he's 10 years older than me) and took the Playstation with him, which is why I wanted an N64. I'm glad I got a SNES though, the SNES was a better console. Especially given they were basically handing out old SNES games in the late 90s

I've never sold, traded or otherwise lost any of the games I owned. With the exception of some of the Pokemon games which I gave to my sister so we could trade. I got Red, then Yellow and gave her red, then I got Silver which I soon gave her and got Gold, then I got Crystal

Edited on by skywake

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My collection really starts SNES and up since I stupidly sold my OG NES at age 7. I would say my collection of any decent size though starts with N64. I didn’t have a lot of SNES/Genesis (or NES) games growing up and it would be too expensive to fill that out. And I don’t have the space anyway.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

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I still have every game I've ever bought (or received from others) though I don't know if I'd call them old, unless we count games I've bought when they were already retro. I wasn't able to get a console until the DS/Wii era. I have some 90s PC games though. And couple of N-Gage games.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


Castlevania II Simon's Quest
Teenage Mutant (Hero) Ninja Turtles

Mega Drive:
Dune II Battle for Arrakis

Crusaders of Might and Magic

Castlevania 64

Those are the more interesting ones. I am not counting old games like the GB


I recently got my retro game room set up in the basement. That’s a Samsung flatscreen CRT with all hookups up to and including HDMI. I have all Nintendo consoles minus the GameCube. My SNES isn’t working for some reason. I have my Wii, WiiU and SNES Mini hooked up to a different TV in the basement family room, and the Switch is on the main TV. I have more games, controllers and light guns stashed away in the drawers. Pretty happy with it at the moment, but plan on adding more N64 games over time.



@Tyranexx - Hope you’re well, I promised you a retro game room pic when completed and here it is. It’s a modest collection compared to real collectors, this is just all the stuff I’ve accumulated over the years.

Sorry about the thumbnails, I’m so bad at this and I can’t mess around with it any longer!

Edited on by bimmy-lee

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


Still got a ZX Spectrum +3 with tapes and disks. Def got Ghouls n Ghosts on it, and should still have Atic Atac, Sabre Wulf kicking around.



the games i have are not really old.



THe oldest game I own physical is thousand year door.

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


I guess the oldest game i have is my first game on PC - Star Wars Galactic battlegrounds



I have Nintendogs+Cats and Animal Crossing New Leaf still. And Tomodachi life. But the oldest game I've ever played is Steins;Gate.

Y'all, let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures!
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3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887


There’s an Amstrad CPC 464 and a couple of boxes of games sitting in my parents’ attic. I have zero interest in digging any of those up, though. The 8-bit home computer era isn’t really worth revisiting today, I reckon. And I think I gave away my Game Gear and games to charity - which makes me a bit sad, but hope it did some good.

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


All my DS and Wii Games from when I was a kid (including the shovelware), and some gamecube games I got used when I was younger.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


Most notable for me is probably my collection of Pokemon games. I still have the copies of Red/Blue/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal that I played growing up.

I've since sold on a lot of my old games, but Pokemon is too sentimental to me for that to happen.

At least 2'8".


I have a bunch of floppy disks that we'd bought from 1993 on. Most of them were sold by shareware vendors and are effectively worthless, but some of the full version stuff that I have would have been purchased in the early 90s at the earliest, and therefore aren't too old (or valuable).

I did have a boxed second-hand copy of Mario Is Missing for PC, but I can't recall whether we had kept the box (Mum was insistent on throwing them out despite my objections), and I also recall that one of the disks no longer works (it came with five floppies).

I have all of Headbone Interactive's games and some Edmark/Learning Company titles, and I can't help but bemoan the demise of these great companies as they produced some excellent educational titles for kids, and it doesn't seem like anybody is producing children's software of that calibre anymore.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I still have a good chunk of SNES, N64, and Game Boy games that we've had since I was a kid. Those are among the oldest that I own, in terms of how long I've had them. Plus I still have many of my GameCube and GBA games, and I also have a few Windows 95/98 game discs somewhere in my home.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

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Buizel wrote:

Most notable for me is probably my collection of Pokemon games. I still have the copies of Red/Blue/Yellow and Gold/Silver/Crystal that I played growing up.
I've since sold on a lot of my old games, but Pokemon is too sentimental to me for that to happen.

Ah man, I envy you. I wish I still had my original copies too. I feel that way about a lot of my older games.


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