Tag: Nintendo Life - Page 2

  • Podcast Episode 20 - Jon and James Talk 3DS

    Information, impressions and intelligent discussion

    It's been a long old time since the Nintendo Life podcast graced your earholes, but if ever there was an occasion to resurrect the series it would be Nintendo's 3DS events in New York and Amsterdam. Our man in New York Jon Wahlgren and Amsterdam attendee James Newton sat down for a transatlantic...

  • News Nintendo's 3DS Events - We Want Your Questions!

    What do you want to know?

    On Wednesday January 19th Nintendo is holding two press events: one in Amsterdam, one in New York, to kick off simultaneously at 9am EST / 2pm GMT / 3pm CET. Nintendo Life's Jonathan Wahlgren and James Newton will be present at the North America and European events respectively, and they'll be perfectly placed to bring you...

  • Features Nintendo Life Reader's Choice Awards 2010

    The top Wii and DS games of the year, as voted by you

    We showed you ours, now it's time for you to show your favorite games of 2010. The categories may have been limited, but your response wasn't. Here are the Wii (including WiiWare), DS (including DSiWare) and overall Reader Games of the Year. Reader Wii Game of the Year: Winner: Super Mario Galaxy...

  • News Got Move or Kinect? Then Check Out Our Other Sites!

    A whole world of gaming out there

    2010 was a fantastic year for Nintendo Life, and as we head into 2011 we'll continue to bring you 100% review coverage of WiiWare, Virtual Console and DSiWare games, as well as all the Nintendo news and features you could ask for. If you also own a 360 or PlayStation 3 and own Kinect or PlayStation Move, you might...

  • Features Nintendo Life's Game of the Year 2010 Awards

    Find out what buttered our biscuits and floated our boats last year

    Fantastic. Packed. Hardcore. Whatever the word, it must be said that Nintendo gamers had an incredibly superfluous amount of quality software to choose from in 2010. Numerous long-neglected franchises returned to roaring glory, modern classics were born and “core” gamers could...

  • Features Vote For Nintendo Life Reader's Choice Award 2010

    Make sure your favorite game of the year gets the acclaim you feel it deserves

    It wouldn't be too much of an understatement to say that Nintendo platforms had a mammoth year in 2010 with regards to excellent software. But we play by Thunderdome rules here at Nintendo Life around award season, and we're handing over a cache of weapons to you. Which...

  • News Happy New Year from Nintendo Life!

    Here's to what 2011 brings

    2010 was a fantastic year for Nintendo gamers, with Super Mario Galaxy 2, Shantae: Risky's Revenge and countless other top titles making their way to consoles in 2010. It was also a great year for Nintendo Life, during which we attended Media Summits, 3DS hands-on events and, for the first time,

  • Features Bizarre Emails Sent to Nintendo Life - Volume 2

    Back once more!

    Our previous article, Bizarre Emails Sent to Nintendo Life was such a hit that we raided our email archives to find even more oddball requests, ranting users and people mistaking us for the Big N. The vast majority of these emails were sent before we published our previous article, to weed out any fame-seeking impostors. Read on and...

  • News Takashi Iizuka Interested in Creating NiGHTS 3

    Some fans not so keen

    NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams could have been fantastic: a sequel to one of the all-time great Sega games, NiGHTS into Dreams on Sega Saturn, Journey of Dreams sadly missed the mark by changing the original's addictive score attack focus with a wider range of challenges and scenarios. The short development time mandated by Sega...

  • News This is the Greatest Mario Collection We've Ever Seen

    1,000 plumbing items all under one roof

    Mario's face has been on more merchandise than you can imagine, making it hard – not to mention expensive – for dedicated fans to track down those must-have pieces. That makes the achievement of 11-year old Oscar Bown from the UK all the more incredible, as he's amassed a Mario collection containing over...

  • Features Bizarre Emails Sent to Nintendo Life

    Ashes to oddball requests

    You may have used the Contact form to appeal for a name change on the site, to alert us to an issue or just to start a conversation. These are all completely normal uses compared to some of the emails we get sent on a daily basis, mostly from users confusing us with Nintendo. Below is just a small selection of some of the...

  • News Call Nintendo Life Live, Tonight!

    Full show available to download later

    You may still be reeling from the recent double podcast whammy of DS's Fifth Birthday and the start of MAR 10's Mario Month celebrations, but it's not time to throw away your speakers just yet. Tonight at 10pm EST/7pm PST, Nintendo Life's very own Assistant Editor James Newton will be appearing on the Moonhawk...

  • News Upcoming Media Summit Promises Surprises, Hype

    What will Nintendo reveal in a few days?

    Whenever there's a Nintendo press event, everyone goes bananas predicting what will be unveiled: new hardware, new entries in long-running series, Virtual Console Handheld. Well, with not one but two three Media Summits scheduled for this week, you can bet there'll be some interesting announcements in the...

  • News Get Heard on the Nintendo Life Podcast!

    Speak up about the DS for our next show!

    Next month the DS console is five years old in Europe, and to celebrate we're going to be hosting a special DS edition of the podcast. We'd love to hear your memories and thoughts on the DS on the show. What's your favourite DS game? How do you think the console has changed gaming? Do you have any special...

  • News Nintendo Life Game of the Year Results

    Ten awards, hundreds of votes - the results are right here!

    In this month's podcast we revealed the Nintendo Life Game of the Year Awards winners, showcasing the very best games that 2009 bestowed upon us. If you didn't get chance to listen to the show yet, be sure to check it out, but here for posterity are all the categories and winners from a...

  • News Join the Official Nintendo Life Facebook Group!

    Spread the love...

    Yes, it’s true that we’re a bit late to jump on the Facebook bandwagon (only by three years!) but that’s cool – due to popular demand we finally got around to creating our very own Facebook page. If you're a Facebook fan then this will be a good place to chat to other Nintendo Life readers, the staff and even developers...

  • News Celebrate Halloween With Nintendo Life's Exclusive 8-Bit Decorations!

    Print 'em, cut 'em out and scare the retro crap out of everyone.

    Ah, Halloween, the one day of the year where little kids are encouraged to defy all parental advice and take candy from strangers. It's so close you can almost feel the post-holiday sugar hangover. Are you excited? Nintendo Life is pretty excited, and that's not just the sugar talking...

  • Site News Power Up!

    Server upgrade

    We've moved to a brand spanking new server, "Slow Mondays" should be a thing of the past. Thanks to all you guys, 2009 has been a fantastic year for Nintendo Life. We've grown a lot since the fusion of Nintendo Life / Virtual Console Reviews / WiiWare World and frankly our popularity was causing our server to suffer. It's been...