Wii News



  • News Latest Figures Show The Video Game Market Is Contracting

    Satoru Iwata briefs investors and reveals many challenges for the industry

    Nintendo is certainly having a good old time in Japan. The 3DS is dominating hardware sales in the region, so much so it has already surpassed the 10 million sales mark. However, things aren't looking as rosy in the overseas markets, namely the US and Europe, where Nintendo's...

  • News XSEED Talks Wii Support And Why It Isn't Touching Retro Game Challenge 2

    "Our love for the game blinded our business reasoning"

    XSEED Games has a reputation for localising great Japanese-only titles for the west. The publisher has been very successful with its choices, with The Last Story becoming its most successful title of all time. Another highly-regarded title is Pandora's Tower, a game that has already made it to...

  • News Disney Infinity Will Have A New Game Released Every Year

    Games will be forwards and backwards-compatible

    Disney Interactive will be launching its ambitious Disney Infinity title this summer on pretty much every platform you can imagine, including Wii U, Wii and 3DS. The game allows the player to scan real-world toys into the environment and will feature characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean, The...

  • Talking Point The Trends and Inconsistencies of Localisation

    Predicting releases is getting tougher

    Yesterday brought the news that Project X Zone is being localised and released in PAL regions and North America this summer. To many that would arguably be a surprise, as the title has endured a relative failure in Japan, culminating in a major price-cut. Yet recent years have taught us that predicting...

  • Feature Nintendo and Bond Through the Ages

    A license to thrill

    While film tie-ins are expected these days, few games can attest to having their origins found in novels, and fewer still can claim to have outgrown those origins and become a success in their own right. But that is exactly what the James Bond franchise has done. What initially began as a series of novels by Sir Ian Fleming,...

  • News Sony and Kevin Butler Actor Settle Lawsuit Over Wii Appearance

    No more Mario Kart Wii for Jerry Lambert

    Last year we reported the peculiar news that Sony was taking 'Kevin Butler' actor Jerry Lambert to court over an appearance in a Bridgestone advert in which he was part of a Wii promotion. The Kevin Butler character was, for a significant period, the figurehead of Sony's advertising for PlayStation 3 and...

  • News Monster Hunter Tri Servers To Be Shutdown At the End of April

    Go hunting on your own

    As newer consoles and titles come along, it's inevitable that games with healthy online components have their support taken away, leaving what remains for gamers to pick over. Unfortunately that fate awaits Monster Hunter Tri, with the servers for the online co-op in the Wii title being taken down on 30th April. Described as...

  • News Disney Infinity Pricing Emerges

    Warn the bank manager

    We can imagine a tired old Executive at Activision in late 2011, working through yet more paperwork and then coming across sales figures for the experimental Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, a game where the publisher was boldly asking parents and enthusiasts to buy the game and a load of toys. Their eyes would have widened,...

  • News Pandora's Tower Finally Heading To North America

    Will be available spring 2013

    Japanese action RPG Pandora's Tower has been available in Europe since April 2012, and no news was ever heard regarding a North American localisation - until now. It looked as though the critically acclaimed Wii game had slipped through the net, but localisation specialist XSEED Games has revealed it has picked up the...

  • News Disney Infinity Developer Would Like to Include Star Wars And Marvel

    No decision made as yet

    Yesterday Disney Interactive revealed that Disney Infinity — possibly its most ambitious project yet — would be coming to Wii U, Wii and 3DS this summer, as well as mobile devices and other platforms. The game allows the player to bring real-world toys to life by scanning them into the game in the same way that...

  • News Epic Mickey Future In Doubt After Sequel Falls Short In Sales

    Epic Mickey 2 only sold 270,000 copies to the original's 1.3 million

    Let's face it, Epic Mickey 2 was something of a critical disappointment. After the promise of the first game, we had high hopes that the follow-up would be even better, but as our Epic Mickey 2 Wii U review shows, it was a bit of letdown. It would seem that the poor reaction has...

  • News Disney Infinity Heading to Wii U, Wii and 3DS This Summer

    Golly, that's a lot of platforms

    Late last year details emerged of Disney Infinity, a title that incorporates real-life figurines and a portal concept made popular by the Skylanders series, while adding a great deal of customisation and a sandbox environment to encourage freedom and experimentation. Disney Interactive has now unveiled a host of new...

  • News Amazon Instant Video App Hits The Wii Today In North America

    Nice and simple

    Amazon has announced today that its video streaming service, Instant Video, has launched today for Wii consoles across the US. The app can be found in the Wii Shop Channel, and subscribers of the service will gain access to over 145,000 movies, TV shows and documentaries. Prime customers are able to watch over 30,000 of these videos...

  • News Evidence Indicates Wii Fit Is Beneficial For Children With Movement Difficulties

    Some positive press attention for gaming, for a change

    A UK-based pilot study has uncovered evidence that using Wii Fit could aid the development of children with movement difficulties. The study is a collaboration between Sussex Community NHS Trust, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust and academics at Goldsmiths, University of London and Oxford...

  • News Nintendo Announces 890,000 Wii U Sales in U.S. Launch

    Higher revenues than Wii launch, 3DS has over 1.25 million sales in Holiday period

    Nintendo of America has issued a series of facts and figures for its Holiday period performance in the U.S., following publication of the latest NPD figures that cover 25th November to 29th December. There were some solid results and, perhaps most importantly, decent...

  • News Hacker Combines Game Boy, Wii Remote and Android To Create Portable Nirvana

    But only if you play games which use two buttons, obviously

    Retro emulation on Android isn't going to go away, regardless of how questionable and legally dubious it is. However, the exploits of a hacker by the name of alpinedelta prove that even those who resort to playing ROMs on their phone often yearn for the feel of the real thing. alpinedelta...

  • News The Gold Nunchuk Shines Again on Club Nintendo


    Last year we brought you the happy news that the gold Nunchuk was set to return to Club Nintendo in North America, a relief for those that want to use their limited edition The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword golden Wii Remote with even more style. Well, it's back in stock, so you'd better hurry. Available for 900 of your hard-earned coins,...

  • News The Conduit Looks Set for Nvidia's Project Shield

    From Wii to the Tegra mobile gaming platform

    Yesterday we reported on Nvidia's announcement of Project Shield, a device that incorporates a conventional home console controller with a high-quality retina display touchscreen, impressive all-round specs and the ability to stream PC games without the need for a meaty broadband connection. Whether it'll...

  • Feature Nintendo in 2012 - Part Two

    Lots of Mario and Wii U's arrival

    In the first six months of 2012, which we looked at in the first part of our 2012 retrospective, Nintendo oversaw some major releases on 3DS and announced the XL model, the Wii had a few memorable arrivals and E3 came and went with its own brand of madness. There were also a number of quirky stories that passed by,...

  • Feature Nintendo in 2012 - Part One

    3DS fought back, hype mode was engaged

    Not so long ago it could be argued that Nintendo was having some relaxing times, with DS and Wii systems flying off shelves and console rivals rushing to the platform in order to hop on the motion-control train. Of course, technology and the gaming industry evolve, and in 2011 Nintendo found itself trying to...

  • News The Disney Projects That Never Came To Life

    Mickey Mouse titles that could have been

    It's come to light that Buena Vista Games - now known as Disney Interactive Studios - was experimenting with different ideas for a Mickey Mouse game long before Disney Epic Mickey became a reality. The proposed Mickey Mouse title - given the working title Spy Mickey - sadly never got past the concept phase,...


  • News The Last Story Was Almost Left Untold In North America

    XSEED came close to passing up the opportunity

    The Last Story is one of the stronger titles on Wii, which we've just named as our staff's second favourite on the system in 2012. Originally released in Japan in early 2011, it took a long time to make an appearance in the West. It was early 2012 when it was published in Europe by Nintendo, however it...

  • Review Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (Wii)

    Golly gosh, Mickey

    When Disney Epic Mickey arrived on Wii in time for the Holiday season in 2010, it attracted a lot of attention due to its concept and the development leadership of Warren Spector, one of the industry's most respected figures. Its relatively late arrival in the system's lifespan meant it pushed attractive visuals "for a Wii game",...

  • News Nintendo Releases a Video Guide for Wii to Wii U Transfer

    Don't forget the extra TV

    Though Wii U has been available in North America for nearly a month, Nintendo is still producing information and videos to help new owners get the most out of their systems. One strength of the new console, something that Nintendo's been offering for a number of years on different systems, is full backward compatibility...

  • Hardware Review Wii Mini

    I shall call it Mini Wii

    To say the Wii Mini's announcement was something of a surprise is an understatement. Having just launched the Wii U you would have assumed that Nintendo would want to focus all of its attention on its next-gen system and not risk any other hardware-based distractions. Strange timing aside, the Wii Mini is now a reality - and...

  • Feature We've Unboxed A Wii Mini So You Don't Have To

    Getting to grips with the newest Nintendo console

    Exclusive to Canada and lacking online functionality, the Wii Mini might seem like an afterthought on Nintendo's part but that didn't stop us ordering one as soon as they became available and mobbing the courier the moment the package arrived. Nintendo hardware is still Nintendo hardware, after all...

  • News Nintendo Now Involved With Twilight Symphony

    Set to be released before Christmas

    Twilight Symphony, the epic 3-disc orchestral rearrangement of music from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, was set to be released mid-November but never actually made it through the letterboxes of those who placed an order. The box-set, made by the extremely talented Zelda Reorchestrated and distributed by...

  • News LOVEFiLM Arrives on Wii, Wii U App Will Go Live "Soon"

    Or you could use Wii mode on your Wii U

    Wii may be fading into the shadows in the face of its HD successor, but today brings a new release to the little white box in the UK. It's the LOVEFiLM app, which will allow subscribers to stream TV shows and movies directly to their TV, assuming they have a suitable online connection. If you're a subscriber,...

  • News Wii Mini Doesn't Include an SD Slot

    Just another thing to add to the list

    It has been discovered that the recently unveiled Wii Mini system does not have an SD card slot. The new miniaturised Wii, which — bizarrely enough — will only be available to purchase in Canada, is a cut-down version of the original Wii that lacks online functionality or GameCube backward compatibility...

  • Feature Your Guide to a Nintendo Holiday

    Christmas time, Mario and Trine...

    It's Christmas time, and we all know what that means — rapidly depleting bank accounts, lots of food and merriment, and plenty of video gaming. The Holiday season actually means different things depending on your own perspective, of course, but to many it's a great opportunity to spend time with family and...

  • Review We Sing 80s (Wii)

    Tonight we're going to party like it's 1989

    Ah, the eighties: a time of dodgy haircuts, peculiar outfits and synthesizers dominating the airwaves. In truth, the Nintendo Life office is still a bit like that, but never mind. What we have here with We Sing 80s is a singing game dedicated to that decade, making oldies or retro-minded youngsters all the...

  • News Gold Nunchuk Returns To North American Club Nintendo In January

    Third time's a charm

    Back in August Nintendo made a Gold Nunchuk available on Club Nintendo in North America, for those who wanted to have a bit of an Olympic feel to their Wii gaming. It really was a thing of beauty and a must have item for those with the limited edition Skyward Sword Gold Wii Remote. Naturally they were snapped up very quickly,...


  • News Nintendo Has No Plans To Launch Wii Mini In The UK

    For Canada's eyes only

    It began as a rumour which led to an official announcement, but we now know that the Wii Mini is real. It's a Canadian exclusive for the time being, but for those of you who may have been hoping that the pint-sized console could travel to the UK in the near future, we've got some bad news. Speaking with

  • Talking Point Nintendo Shrinks Prices and Consoles

    It's all about the money, mini, money

    When we first reported the rumour of a Wii Mini, we made the mistake of including a slightly mocking tagline that referred to flying pigs. With the existing Wii models already selling at such low prices, the concept of Nintendo arranging the manufacturing, packaging and advertising for a new model this late in...

  • News Wii Mini Is Official And Has No Online Connectivity

    $99 price, December launch in Canada

    The leak of the Wii Mini this morning has turned into an official announcement, with Nintendo confirming the existence of the system and launching a dedicated site. The new machine features a fresh two-tone design and retails for $99. At the moment, it looks like being exclusive to Canada, but there's a chance...

  • News Best Buy Canada Website Outs Wii Mini, States December 7th Launch

    Where there's smoke, there's fire

    Remember that Wii Mini rumour we posted the other day? Well Best Buy Canada just upgraded it from "huh?" to "legit". The store's site features an image of the new-look console, which appears to be more akin to a set-top box than the old design. Sadly, clicking the image itself currently takes you to the Wii section...

  • News Wii U Shifts 400K Units in Début Week

    It's "essentially sold out of retail"

    Nintendo's revealed its sales results to incorporate the Wii U launch and the Black Friday festivities, with NoA COO Reggie Fils-Aime weighing in with the company's perspective in an interview with CNET. Nintendo's total hardware sales — according to internal data — hit around 1.2 million units in the U.S.,...

  • Rumour Wii Mini Console Outed By Retailer Release Schedule

    Flying pigs also sighted

    We like a good rumour here at Nintendo Life, but the latest delicious morsel to grace the internet is crazy enough that it might be true. This one's definitely a case of "only Nintendo", we give you... Wii Mini. While "mini" devices are quite the craze right now courtesy of a certain fruit-named tablet device, the concept...

  • News Bumper Sales Make The Last Story XSEED's Most Successful Title Ever

    New print run should continue the positive performance

    Publisher XSEED - a specialist in localising Japanese titles for western consumption - has announced that RPG The Last Story is its most popular title yet, although it stopped short of divulging precise figures. The game - which is developed by Hironobu "Final Fantasy" Sakaguchi's studio...

  • News Nintendo Has No New Wii Games In The Pipeline

    Focus fully shifts to Wii U

    The Wii has been Nintendo’s most successful home console of all time, with close to 100 million units sold worldwide. Now that Wii U has been officially launched many have wondered what will become of its plucky old predecessor, which has served Nintendo so well over the past six years. Well it appears that where first...

  • Review Skylanders Giants (Wii)

    Big friendly giant

    Fe, fi, fo, fum, we smell the coins of dads and mums. Since its first release on consoles last year, Skylanders has exploded into a multi-million dollar franchise and a children's favourite. What would have been a fairly standard hack-and-slash game by itself was taken to new heights thanks to a clever reliance on collectable...

  • News Donkey Kong Country Trilogy To Be Pulled From Wii Virtual Console

    Donkey Gone-ga

    According to an image uploaded onto Twitter by Daan Koopman (@NintenDaan), Nintendo is to remove Donkey Kong Country and its SNES sequels from the European Wii Virtual Console this month, on 25th November. The following games will be removed: Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

  • News Official Youtube App Launches On The Wii In North America

    Better late than never?

    Just days ahead of the Wii U launch in the US, Google has announced today that it has launched the official YouTube app for the Wii. For the time being, the app will only be available in North America, but Google has plans to bring it to other countries soon. The app has previously been available on the PlayStation 3 and the...

  • News The Wii Was Born Thanks To Microsoft And Sony's Rejection

    And boy, does that feel good

    Motion Control has quickly become an important part of how we play games today. The Wii's success has been based around this bold invention but in reality, the patent, idea and various concepts came from an independent inventor named Tom Quinn. Nintendo bought a small stake in Quinn's company and as part of the deal...

  • News Wii Version Of PES 2013 Looks Rather Familiar

    Reduce, reuse, recycle

    The Wii has rather awkwardly come to the end of its product life cycle at around the same time that sports franchise games emerge for their yearly updates. This has meant that companies like EA have had to ponder whether or not to bring games like FIFA to Wii, as well as the other major consoles. Of course EA did decide to...

  • News Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two Receives Collector's Edition Treatment On Wii

    Epic is the word you're looking for

    Disney's Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is due to release for the Wii on November 23rd, and fans can look forward to a special Collector's Edition of the game as well as the standard retail copy. UK retailer GAME has the exclusive on this bundle, which features a copy of the game, an 8GB Oswald-shaped USB stick...

  • News Wii U Holiday Sales Projected to Exceed Wii Launch

    Four year sales expected to be lower, though

    With Wii U set to arrive, and Nintendo needing a strong performance to appease shareholders, market analysts are inevitably checking various sources of data and making their predictions on the system's outlook. The latest to do so is research firm IHS Screen Digest, with projections that bring good and...

  • News Capcom Loses Rights to Sell Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars

    Combo fail

    Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars is one the Wii's finest exclusives, a 2D fighter with colourful, bombastic visuals and enough crazy combos to satisfy the most extravagant of gamers. Its accolades from us include a 9/10 in its review and 16th place in our Wii top 20. Not just one of Wii's best fighting games, but arguably one of...

  • News Wii to Wii U Data Transfer Details Emerge

    Pay close attention

    One feature pre-occupying the minds of some potential Wii U owners is the process to move their WiiWare and Virtual Console data onto the new console. With backwards compatibility a big part of the system — for some gamers — having access to years' worth of purchases is a welcome bonus. Of course, with Wii not having a user...

  • News Nintendo Download Shops Offline For Maintenance This Tuesday

    Could a surprise be in store?

    Nintendo has revealed that its online stores will be temporarily offline on Tuesday for scheduled maintenance. The 3DS eShop, DSi Shop and Wii Shop Channel will all be inaccessible from 10:00 PT to "about" 17:00 PT. What's coming? It could be all manner of things. Nintendo could be preparing its online portals for the...

  • Talking Point Wii U and the Importance of Backward Compatibility

    Long live the Wii

    In future years, maybe even in a matter of weeks, there's likely to be plenty written about Wii and its lifespan, with judgements made on its strengths and weaknesses. The list of negatives is fairly predictable: it was underpowered, with motion controls that brought an unrelenting wave of sub-par games, it struggled for major...

  • News Wii Owners: Microsoft Wants You To Buy The Xbox 360 This Holiday Season

    "I can't think of a better console for them to choose" says Microsoft manager

    With the Wii U launching this month, you might assume that most Nintendo fans are saving up their pennies and getting very excited indeed about the new console. However, Microsoft's general manager of Interactive Entertainment product marketing Matt Barlow believes that...


  • Podcast NLFM Episode 23: Revenge of the Halloween Hootenanny

    Best served as cold as a corpse

    Grab your bluntest instruments and aim for the head because NLFM has risen from its grave for the third annual Halloween Hootenanny! More spooky, more sinister and more deathly, this episode is best listened to in a dark castle dungeon while eating raw pumpkins. Failing that, anywhere else will do. 1. Masanao...

  • News Super Punch Out!!! Goes For a Club Nintendo Knockout

    150 coins to get into the bout

    Another week, another North American Club Nintendo treat to share with you. This time around there's classic SNES action to enjoy on Wii, with Super Punch Out!!! available until 14th November and stepping up for 150 of your gold coins. To say that Little Mac's 16-bit appearance is iconic is probably an understatement,...

  • Feature Halloween Scares on Wii

    The cute little console's horrors

    The scariest night of the year is now only two days away, a horrifying evening when strange children knock at the door and refuse to leave without a toll of sweets and candy. If you don't hand some tooth-rotting treats over, then you could find out what tricks they have up their sleeve; that's not always a smart...

  • News Australian Connection Ambassador Promotion Ends 21st November

    Connect those friends, fast

    You may or may not remember the Connection Ambassador program that Nintendo started three years ago. For those catching up, it granted those who could get ten friends to connect their Wii to the internet the ability to download every NES game from the Virtual Console for the grand price of absolutely nothing. Nintendo...

  • Feature Nintendo Life's Quirky Wii Memories

    We all have them

    With its successor around the corner and a six year anniversary just a few weeks away, we've shown some love for Wii this week. Despite its modest graphical power and SD output, it's outsold its rivals, made motion gaming a mainstream pastime and given us some terrific games. We've already looked back at six years of Wii and listed...

  • News Nintendo Direct October 2012: Watch The North American Presentation Live

    Tune in

    Nintendo of American is holding a Nintendo Direct presentation today at 7AM PT. You can watch the live feed right here. The video is expected to last around 30 minutes. Expect news relating to new 3DS titles, with a look at what the system has in store for 2013.

  • Nintendo Direct Watch The Japanese Presentation Live

    Live analysis provided at no additional cost

    Nintendo of Japan will host a new Nintendo Direct presentation today at 8PM JST (around 4AM PST for North American readers, and 12PM BST for those of you in UK). The presentation is expected to focus on both the Wii U and 3DS, and will last around an hour. It will be followed by a selection of trailers...

  • News Become a Superstar with WWE '13's Box Art Creator

    You're a Superstar

    Ever wondered what you'd look like on a video game box? Ponder no more; THQ has you covered with a custom box art creator to coincide with the release of wrassle-'em-up WWE '13. The "Be on the Cover" application on the WWE Games Facebook page lets you take a photo from your existing Facebook gallery or a webcam and save it as...

  • Feature Nintendo Life's Top 20 Wii Games

    The best of Wii

    Yesterday we brought you a retrospective for six years of Wii, as we prepare for the not-too-distant future when the system will become Nintendo's "last generation" console. It's an emotional time, to be sure, and nothing touches raw and frayed nerves quite like a top 20 games list. With most of the likely candidates already in...

  • News Nintendo Reveals New Wii Bundles For The Holiday Season

    Wii still going strong?

    Nintendo has revealed a pair of new Wii bundles which will be available from 4th November across North America. The Just Dance 4 option retails for $129.99, and includes a copy of the game alongside a white Wii with matching Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk. The Skylanders Giants bundle sells for $149.99. and will include the...

  • News Wii U Branded Remotes Feature External Sync Button

    Nintendo's making sure everyone's in sync

    Impatient gamers rejoice! Nintendo Connect has discovered that Wii U-branded remotes will sport a handy, external sync button. As a result, players will no longer be required to remove the remote's battery cover in order to sync it with their console. Located on the underside of the remote, this surprise...

  • News River City Ransom 2 On Hold Indefinitely

    WiiWare release wasn't worth saving

    River City Ransom 2 was announced for WiiWare and PC over a year ago, and was slated for release in 2012. Developer Miracle Kidz, however, has now confirmed via Twitter that this on hold indefinitely; this means it may never see the light of day at all. The developer has said that it will continue to focus on...