Wii News


  • News Online MultiPlayer talk with The Conduits' Rob Nicholls

    Multiplayer Online? Realistic FPS graphics? Is this a Wii game? Rob Nicholls at High Voltage Software says so!

    Just looking at screens of the upcoming Wii shooter The Conduit will have your trigger finger itching. It looks like it could be pushing the limits of the Wii. A recent interview with lead designer Rob Nicholls gives us a little more...

  • News Reggie: We’ll Be Better at E3 This Year

    Nintendo hoping to make amends for 2008's dire performance

    E3 2008 wasn’t a particularly good one for Nintendo. Sure, the company was riding high in the sales charts but the limp presentation (which was essentially geared towards the casual gamer) did little to appease dedicated fans – and after all, they would have been the ones watching. You...

  • News Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers trailers

    Square-Enix makes up for lost time with eleven preview videos.

    As reported previously, the official website for Square-Enix's upcoming Final Fantasy game Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers launched with a message reading "More Visits, More Movies!" True to form, the site was flooded with visits from the far reaches of...

  • News Wii to increase by £20 in UK?

    UK retailer Gamestation appears to be preparing for a price rise.

    As we reported a month or so ago, Nintendo recently increased the price of Wiis to retailers by up to £20, reflecting the increasing strength of the Yen versus pound sterling. At the time it was unsure whether or not retailers would pass the price increase to customers, but now...

  • News Wii Sports Resort & MotionPlus: Prices and Dates Confirmed

    Nintendo of America's press site is updated with some information Wii gamers have been waiting for!

    If you live in North America, you'll be pleased to know that Wii MotionPlus and Wii Sports Resort have finally been given release dates. Dates? Plural? Correct. Wii MotionPlus has been dated for June 8, 2009 and will carry a MSRP of $19.99, and just...

  • News Excitebots - Online Mode Info & Screenshots

    Show off your tricks to gamers all over the world in this exciting racing game.

    You lucky North American gamers! It’s only one more week until Excitebots: Trick Racing goes on sale. I bet you can’t wait to get your hands on this bad boy? In the build up to the Excitebots launch we’ve been sent over some new screenshots from our pals at...

  • Review Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Wii)

    Can the Wii version echo the quality of the DS game it spawned from?

    It’s not every day that you hear about a game being ported from console to handheld, let alone the other way around. That’s why when Square Enix announced their plans to do this with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time many started scratching their heads. For...

  • News id Chief: "Show Me Why I Should Develop For Wii"

    Hollenshead isn't sure the Wii is a viable platform

    Following on from last week’s worrying report that third party development on the Wii is a risky business, id Software head man Todd Hollenshead has added his own two cents to the debate. Speaking to Gamespot, Hollenshead had this to say: If you look at the data, the Wii is Nintendo—and then...

  • News Dan Aykroyd is Loving His Wii-based Alter-ego

    Bustin' makes him feel good, we guess

    Ghostbusters: The video game is coming to every platform imaginable pretty soon. And you know what? The Wii version is sporting a slightly different look to the 360 and PS3 editions. Of course, this occurrence is nothing new – Wii owners are used to getting their own versions of multiplatform titles (they’re...

  • News More Wii horror from Grudge director Shimizu

    Takashi Shimizu is working on a game adaption of his classic Ju-On film series

    Who doesn’t love having the pants scared off of them? There's nothing more exhilarating than the feeling! That’s why it’s welcome news that Takashi Shimizu is working on a new horror game for the Wii, which is tentatively called 'Feel'. It’s based on his hit...

  • News THQ is having a Big Huge sale; God: The Game in Limbo

    In times of woe THQ is looking to sell off Big Huge Games to stay afloat.

    Ok, it’s not huge news that the economy isn’t doing so well, so it’s no surprise that THQ is looking to get rid of extra weight in the form of subsidiary Big Huge Games. Hard to blame them after they posted a $191.8 million loss last quarter. A number of its employees...

  • News Morrison's offering DSi on the cheap

    Get yourself down to Morrison's this weekend to save £20 on a DSi

    Despite the DSi's strong first-week sales, British supermarket chain Morrison's are planning to shift even more of the things by offering them at £130 over the Easter weekend, a saving of £20 on Nintendo's RRP. Wii consoles are also set for a knockdown, available at £150, shaving...

  • News DSi Has a Strong Opening Weekend

    Just how many units did the DSi move its opening weekend?

    It was announced earlier today by Nintendo's President and CEO Satoru Iwata and Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto , the DSi had a successful opening weekend overseas and moved over 600,000 units between North America and Europe combined. 300,000 units per territory is a pretty...

  • News Analyst Reckons Wii Investment is "Fools Gold"

    Warning for third parties looking to make a quick buck

    The Nintendo Wii recently became the fastest selling console of all time and is generally perceived to be doing pretty well right now. However, analyst Doug Creutz from Cowen & Company has commented that third parties looking to make easy money by sinking cash into Wii development may be...

  • News Wii Sports Resort to Launch Internationally in July

    No longer just a rumour!

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata today announced during his address to The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan that Wii Sports Resort would be released in Japan in June, with an overseas release in July. The sequel to Nintendo's hugely successful pack-in title uses the enhanced motion-sensing capabilities of the Motion-Plus...

  • News Mini Ninjas Set To Invade DS and Wii

    Hitman developer trains assassins of diminutive stature

    IO Interactive – the studio behind the best-selling Hitman series of video games – has allowed its latest venture to spring from the shadows. Mini Ninjas is a cute-looking action title that features – yes, you’ve guessed it – vertically-challenged ninjas. It marks something of a...

  • News New Wii Punch-Out Screenshots

    Want some new Wii Punch-Out screenshots? We've got a few!

    We were able to get our hands on a group of brand new Punch-Out screenshots for the upcoming Wii release. As you can see, the game is shaping up quite nicely and looking like the Punch-Out game Wii fans have been hoping for. The screens show King Hippo, Von Kaiser, Disco Kid, and Glass Joe...

  • Review Captain Rainbow (Wii)

    Can Captain Rainbow save the day in this quirky action title?

    Let's face it; whenever Nintendo announces a new project, we all grow a little skeptical. With Nintendo creating games that are more accessible and aimed at casual gamers, hardcore types end up feeling more and more sidelined. It's for this reason that when Nintendo of Japan announced in...

  • News No Fatal Frame IV for North America

    Tecmo's survival-horror title denied a stateside release by Nintendo.

    Wii-exclusive survival-horror title Fatal Frame IV: Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse has been out in Japan since late July. Co-developed by Tecmo (Ninja Gaiden, Dead Or Alive) and Grasshopper Manufacture (Killer7, Contact, No More Heroes) and published by Nintendo, many assumed a...

  • News Takt of Magic on track for a May release

    Nintendo caters to Japanese fans via Takt of Magic.

    With Nintendo focusing on their new line of New Play Control titles, many thought that their release schedule for original Wii titles would come to a halt. Though those individuals were correct, that period seems to be over - or at least in Japan. According to the latest Shounen Jump, Takt of...

  • News Beyond Good and Evil 2: Now More Topical!

    The sequel to Ubisoft’s unsung masterpiece has taken inspiration from real-world events.

    Five years ago saw the release of Beyond Good and Evil: a game that in many people’s eyes broke convention by having an intelligent female lead character who was a bit of a tomboy. Yet those who played it didn’t just fall in love with the game because of...

  • News PS3 Outsells the Wii in Japan

    But is Nintendo concerned?

    The answer is "not particularly." Nintendo responded to Sony's Playstation 3 outselling the Wii by just under 50,000 units in Japan in March by saying "it is still the first few months of the year when sales are slow for the industry" and that the plan of action is "to line up strong software to...

  • News Wii Manufacturing Cost Reduced by 45%

    These are tough times for many people, but apparently not for Nintendo.

    According to Credit Suisse analyst Koya Tabata, the cost of manufacturing a Wii console has gone down by 45%. If this number is accurate, that would mean each Wii sold is bringing in nearly twice the profit as in previous years. And yes, the Wii most definitely brings in profit...

  • Review Trivial Pursuit (Wii)

    Is this the definitive version of Trivial Pursuit or does it raise too many questions?

    Let’s face it: with the wider and more diverse spectrum of gamers that the console is now catering for, the Wii isn’t short of party-type games. We’ve seen countless conversions of popular board games springing up throughout the Wii’s life so far – many...

  • News The Wii Gets Its Own Brutal Legend

    Double Fine's gut-busting metal adventure becomes a strong likelihood for the Wii

    For those unaware, Brutal Legend is a game that stars heavy-metal-groupie-turned-hero, Eddie Riggs (voiced by Jack Black), who is pulled into a world of rock ‘n’ roll fantasy where evil reigns most awesomely. Full of heavy riffs, babes and headbanging, Brutal...

  • Review Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Wii)

    Does Guitar Hero: Aerosmith live up to the standards set by other Guitar Hero games?

    After the huge amount of attention Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock received after its launch, it’s definitely no surprise that there was going to be a Guitar Hero IV. The most recent installment in the popular Guitar Hero series will not only utilize a guitar,...

  • News StarFox Developer Not Interested in Wii Sequel

    Dylan Cuthbert was there when it all started - but he's ruled himself out of McCloud's future adventures

    If you asked any hardcore Nintendo fan which key first-party franchise they’d like to see appear next on Wii, you can be pretty sure that amongst F-Zero, Donkey Kong and Kid Icarus the name ‘StarFox’ would crop up. The first game...

  • News Don’t Stop Believing In More Downloadable Tracks For Rock Band

    11 more tracks this week for Rock Band 2 on Wii.

    More classics coming your way this week at the Rock Band 2 in game music store on the Wii as announced today by Harmonix and MTV. Journeys famous uplifter “Don’t Stop Believing”, as well as tracks from Foo Fighters, Oasis, and some family friendly fare from SpongeBob Squarepants. Also the...

  • News Tales Of Graces Unveiled for Wii

    Namco Bandai's RPG series returns to the Wii for another adventure.

    Namco Bandai this week announced not one but three new releases in the long-running Tales series by year's end, among them Tales Of Grace, developed exclusively for the Wii. First revealed in late 2008 via an unnamed trailer, Tales Of Grace serves as the latest...

  • News More Accuracy Than You Can Shake a Wii Remote At

    Wii Motion Plus tech is almost TOO accurate says Grand Slam Producer

    Most of us are eagerly awaiting solid release dates for Wii Motion Plus and games that will use it, many of them sports games but are we really ready? Ok, think back now. When was the last time you went out and played a real tennis match and hit the ball where you wanted it to go...

  • News Wii Sports Resort With MotionPlus Coming in July?

    Could Wii MotionPlus finally have a release date?

    A picture was taken at an Amsterdam gaming retailer which shows a much-hyped Wii Sports Resort coming bundled with the Wii MotionPlus accessory being released on July 10, 2009. It also shows the Wii Motion Plus “Controller” being sold as a separate item as well. This could mean that it would be...

  • News Bplus Bringing Vektor Tank to Wii

    Bplus turns their attention to Wii retail with their upcoming title Vektor Tank.

    Having gotten their feet wet on Nintendo's WiiWare service with the releases of their Plättchen and Niki Rock 'n Ball titles, developer Bplus have now turned their focus towards Wii retail titles with the announcement of their forthcoming Wii game Vektor Tank. Bplus...

  • News Ghostbusters Wii to feature exclusive co-op play

    Split-screen multiplayer allows Wii owners to cross streams and much, much more.

    The latest blog entry from Red Fly Studios, developers of the Wii version of the upcoming Ghostbusters game, offers up some details on the game's exclusive co-operative multiplayer features. Wii owners will be able to enjoy the entirety of the single-player experience...

  • News Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Crystal Bearers - Site Updates

    The more people that visit, the more we see!

    Just like the site implies, the more visits the site has, the more content that is shown. In just two days since we reported on the Crystal Bearers' new webpage, even more content has been revealed - with more teasers to come! If you head over to the Crystal Bearers site, you'll now see new gameplay...

  • News Rock Band 2 drops Pearl Jam's Ten

    The Wii Rock Band 2 music store adds Classic Jam and a few others

    The Wii’s Rock Band 2 music store has recently added Pearl Jam’s classic debut album “Ten”. As part of weekly additions it’s also added songs from Devo, Faith No More and Fall Out Boy. All songs are master tracks and run 200 Wii Points each. The update includes the entire...

  • News Nintendo 'Not So Green' Based on Environmental Report

    Greenpeace puts Nintendo in last place for green practices, but are any waggling hands listening?

    On March 31st Greenpeace released its annual “guide to Greener Electronics” in an adorable easy to read meter format, which lists from 1 (worst) to 10 (best) a rating for the most green of the market leading electronics companies. Guess who came in...

  • News Sega's "Project Ringo" revealed!

    Called it.

    Sega of Japan's "Project Ringo" has finally been revealed in this week's Famitsu magazine. To the surprise of very few here at Nintendo Life, it's an all-new Puyo Puyo game! Imaginately titled Puyo Puyo 7, the latest entry in Sega's classic falling-block puzzler series appears quite similar to previous Puyo games, with the majority of...

  • Review Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (Wii)

    A fun spin-off in the highly acclaimed Final Fantasy series

    When you think of Wii, you may think of very vibrant family friendly games – games that are very easy to pick up and play, as well as those that have little or no challenge. In other words, games that appeal to non-gamers more so than the hardcore veterans. Though Wii holds host to some...

  • Feature April Fool Jokes – The Dust Settles

    We select our favourite Nintendo-related pranks from the big day

    April 1st is a day feared by regular inhabitants of the internet. It’s the one day of the year when you can practically ignore all amazing and outlandish news stories as rival sites attempt to out-do each other with their attempts at humour. However, putting aside the more pathetic...

  • News Silent Hill Wii-make Will Make You Wet Your Pants All Over Again

    Konami lifts the lid on a radical re-imagining of a horror classic

    The latest issue of US magazine Nintendo Power has exclusive details relating to Konami's rumoured remake of its 32-bit Playstation horror classic Silent Hill. Entitled Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, the game will make use of the Wii's unique controls and according to Konami...

  • Review Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)

    Can the Dokapon Kingdom host a party for all ages?

    In general, the Wii isn’t well-known for epic role-playing titles, nor is it famous for hardcore games. Though gamers are having fun playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, there hasn't been very much to quench gamer's thirst for RPG's. While Japanese Wii owners are getting a several...

  • Review Rygar: The Battle of Argus (Wii)

    Tecmo's legendary warrior returns for another outing, but is this more than just a re-heated port?

    Back in May of 2007, Tecmo stated that it had plans to port Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (a seven year-old PS2 game) to the Wii. Predictably, many gamers were very vocal with their opinion of this move. For starters, why would they want to port such...

  • News Reggie Clarifies: There is No "Magic Number."

    One million copies sold to make a profit sounds ridiculous? It is!

    Earlier it was noted that in order for a Wii title to actually make a profit, one million copies of that title must be sold, and as many were quick to point out, that number just didn't seem right. Well, according to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, it isn't. Reggie...

  • News Is Game Design Art? Great Designers Say 'Not Really'

    At a GDC 2009 roundtable with renowned designers, Art seems to be a dirty word

    It’s a debate that has raged for centuries: Do video games constitute art? Ok, maybe not centuries, but it seems like a while. Personally, I say ‘yeah, of course it is!’, but I’m not the creator of games that have been hailed as art by so many. At this years...


  • News Okami Price Slashed at Capcom Store

    Twice the Zelda for half the price!

    Capcom's epic action-adventure game Okami has received a significant price-cut on Capcom US' online store. Developed by Clover Studios (God Hand, Viewtiful Joe) Okami combines Zelda-esque action-adventure game-play with the style and setting of classic Japanese mythology. Using the Celesital Brush, players can...

  • News New Muramasa: The Demon Blade Gameplay Trailer

    More in-game footage of Vanillaware's stunning Wii-exclusive action-RPG.

    Japanese publishers Marvelous have released a new trailer for the upcoming 2D action-RPG Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Designed and developed by Vanillaware (Princess Crown, Odin Sphere), Muramasa is set for release in Japan on April 9. North American readers can expect the game...

  • News Excite Bots Preview - Not a Truck in Sight

    Excite Bots looking like Trucks. If it ain’t broken just add Robots.

    Is there anyone else out there who still plays Excite Truck for the sheer…excitement? The crazy loose physics that practically have you flying over tracks? Excite Bots: Trick Racing looks like a little more of the same with some added antics in the form of robot machines. This...

  • News Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers site opens up

    Not much there yet, but it’s still worth bookmarking!

    The Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers website is finally up, and fans of the the series now have a new place to look for information on the highly anticipated Square Enix title. The site is still very new and upon entering you will be greeted a slight variation of Final...

  • Review SimAnimals (Wii)

    The Sims franchise enters the animal kingdom

    The forest is tranquil. The birds are flying peacefully in the sky and the bears are patrolling the ground. Swans swim swiftly downstream and rabbits hop around in the meadow. What could possibly go wrong in a paradise like this? But wait, the predator levels are increasing in the area, outnumbering its...

  • News Reggie: Wii Games Must Sell a Million to Make a Profit

    That’s a lot of copies, how many have made the cut?

    Unfortunately, not that many. In fact, most games typically sell less than 150,000 copies according to a New York Times article, where Nintendo of America’s head honcho Reggie Fils-Aime shared this interesting information. Fils-Aime said “[one million titles] was a lower threshold than for...

  • News Arc Rise Fantasia – Now with 100% Less Underboob

    Marvelous covers up its latest RPG

    Since seeing it in action, we’ve been keeping a keen eye on Marvelous Interactive’s upcoming Wii RPG Arc Rise Fantasia. With the talents of director Hiroyuki Kanemaru and composer Yasunori Mitsuda, this Wii-exclusive title is shaping up to be a fine role-player. However, putting the impressive staff roster...

  • Review Wii Fit (Wii)

    Get fit the Nintendo way!

    Wii Fit isn't the first fitness application made for video game consoles, but it's unquestionably the biggest selling one. It's Exhibit A in Nintendo's case for the business logic behind expanding the gaming market and the message has been heard loud and clear. Much of the success must be down to the fact that the...

  • Review SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (Wii)

    One of the arcade world's most respected brands touches down on Wii with a 16-hit combo of a collection

    Back when it was first released in the early ‘90s SNK’s Neo-Geo Advanced Entertainment System (or AES for short) was the undisputed Rolls Royce of video game consoles. Because the Japanese firm had decided to base the machine on the exact same...

  • News GDC 2009: The Best Of The Rest

    A recap of all the third-party news and announcements for Nintendo consoles from this year's Global Developers' Conference.

    Sotoru Iwata's keynote speech at this year's Global Devopers' Conference revealed more than a couple of exciting projects for Nintendo fans to look forward to in the coming months. It's not just the Big N who came to the party,...

  • Review Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director’s Cut (Wii)

    The Broken Sword murder mystery adventure comes to Wii, but is this the definitive version?

    It is with some fond memories that we review Broken Sword: The Director's Cut on the Wii. The original game proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable mystery adventure, with a tantalizing storyline, memorable characters and logical puzzles. This new release is more...

  • News Aussie Classification Board website hacked

    Government website falls victim to satirical prank

    The website of Australia's Classification Board has been hacked by an unknown individual in opposition to plans to "control and sheepify the nation". The site's regular introductory text was replaced with a satiricial message likening the Board's conduct to that of the Chinese government...

  • Review Battalion Wars 2 (Wii)

    Battalion Wars advances onto the Wii…

    Calling the first Battalion Wars an anti-climatic experience wouldn’t be too far off the mark: the spin-off from the highly acclaimed Advance Wars series was expected to be a smash hit success. Unfortunately, the distinct lack of tactical depth brought the game short of the mark in many people's eyes...

  • Review SimCity Creator (Wii)

    Creating your own city isn't nearly as fun as it sounds.

    When the Virtual Console launched alongside the Wii in November 2006, SimCity was the flagship title for the SNES. Though the graphical limitations of the SNES resulted in a rather dated experience, the core gameplay held strong and the game managed to show newcomers to the franchise that it...

  • News Publisher Deep Silver shows the Adult fare we've been itching for

    A new Horror Thriller, Cursed Mountain (Wii) and the long missing Duke Nukem (DS) Platforming style

    At this year's GDC publisher Deep Silver held a small, exclusive press screening to showcase it's upcoming titles including the new horror title Cursed Mountain (Wii) and Duke Nukem: Critical Mass (DS). Cursed Mountain is a Wii exclusive and a...

  • Review Wario Land: Shake It! (Wii)

    Shake, shake, shake!

    Over the past decade, Wario's platforming adventures have been drastically reduced in order to make way for his journey into the party genre with the much-loved WarioWare franchise. Though many enjoyed these party games, they never came close to achieving the same feeling created by the Wario platform games. When Wario Land:...

  • News Nintendo's GDC '09 Keynote At-A-Glance

    For those unable to keep up, an overview of the stories and announcements made during Satoru Iwata's keynote speech.

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata dropped more than a few bombshells today during his keynote speech at the Game Developers' Conference in San Francisco - some surprising, some predicted months ago, all exciting news for Nintendo fans...

  • Review Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution (Wii)

    Is Ready 2 Rumble Revolution capable of getting this brawl started?

    Not all games are meant to be great, nor are they supposed to be blockbuster hits in terms of sales. With Ready 2 Rumble Revolution, it's obviously that the developers had high hopes - this is, after all, a sequel to one of the best-selling Sega Dreamcast games - but by toying with...

  • News DJ Hero launches website

    The long awaited DJ hero sets up shop with a mostly naked website.

    DJ hero has been in development for almost 2 years and there are few details, still, but they recently launched a website at www.djhero.com. There's not much to see there yet, but an area to sign up for updates and the platforms it will cover: Wii, PS3, Xbox360. Slated for release...

  • News Motion Plus finally gets a date

    The slippery release date of WiiMotion plus has firmed up as a pack-in title

    Since the announcement of Wii motion plus at E3 2008, it was slated to pack in with the eagerly awaited WiiSports Resort. That was supposed to be this spring, and wait... it's spring right now. One delay after another has left us all wondering, but it seems it's not the...

  • News New Pikmin hat available in Animal Crossing: City Folk!

    Pete’s waiting at your door with yet another gift for you.

    It’s been a mere week since Nintendo of America started presenting Animal Crossing: City Folk players with gifts, even though other areas of the world have been receiving them for months already. And it’s only been a day since I made mention of our lack of having a Pikmin hat! Well,...

  • News Nintendo confirms "play from SD" feature

    Run your Virtual Console games from an SD card!

    It's the news all Virtual Console fans have been waiting for - you can now run all your downloaded VC games directly from an SD card instead of clogging up your Wii's limited internal memory! As the library of downloadable WiiWare and Virtual Console™ games continues to grow, Wii owners have asked...

  • Competition And The Winner Is...?

    You came for reviews... we'll give you T-Shirts. The House of the Dead: OVERKILL competition is over, but which one of you lucky readers will win a t-shirt?

    Better late than never! To celebrate the fantastic return of House of the Dead we've teamed up with SEGA to give away five of the fabulous "They came for brains, you'll give them...

  • News Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings gameplay trailer uncovered

    Now don't tell me this doesn't look like big fun.

    LucasArts has just released the first gameplay trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, viewable below. Not only do the motion controls look fun (come on, who doesn't wanna wield the whip as Indy?) but the in-game graphics are of a much higher quality than previous still...

  • News Balance Board support confirmed for Punch-Out!!

    Nintendo Italy lets the cat out of the bag.

    Nintendo of Italy today published a press release confirming Wii Balance Board support for the upcoming arcade boxing revival Punch-Out!!. The article, roughly translated, confirms that players will be able to dodge left and right by shifting their weight on the Balance Board. The Board will be used in...

  • Review Marble Saga: Kororinpa (Wii)

    Marble Saga proves that messing with a successful formula can sometimes end up doing more harm than good

    The original Marble Mania took the simple idea of rolling a marble around a maze-like level and combined it with the innovative control of the Wii Remote to form one of the most unique and charming third-party Wii releases. The game had this...

  • News Wanted producer unwilling to "get on his knees" for Nintendo

    Outspoken producer mounts swear-tastic attack on the Big N

    Peter Wanat, Big Time Games producer and developer behind such titles as Scarface, Chronicles Of Riddick and the upcoming 360/PS3/PC game Wanted: Weapons Of Fate, pulled no punches against the state of third-party development on Nintendo's Wii console during an episode of Gametrailers.com's...

  • News NoA sets up Animal Crossing DLC hub

    At last, North American Animal Crossers get some well deserved attention!

    Living in North America and being an avid Animal Crossing: City Folk player can be tough. In fact, there is a chance that you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder since you most certainly do not have one of those nifty Pikmin hats, but the times are changing, and after four...

  • Review MadWorld (Wii)

    His interests include drinking, women, cigarettes and cigars - but not necessarily in that order.

    Ever since we saw the first batch of screenshots for MadWorld we've been intrigued by its overwhelming style. Clearly influenced by the dark ink of graphic novels such as Frank Miller's Sin City, MadWorld is presented in supremely pretty ultra...

  • News House Of The Dead: Overkill shifts 45k units in February

    Sega gave us bullets, Wii owners fire blanks.

    Sega's over-the-top rail shooter House Of The Dead: Overkill has managed to sell a modest 45k copies across America in the month of February, according to market research firm NPD Group. NPD analyst Anita Frazier states that Overkill, which saw release on February 10, sat at around the 50th spot on the...

  • Review Donkey Kong Barrel Blast (Wii)

    Is Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast really a blast to play?

    Originally a Nintendo Gamcube title, Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast quietly got moved to Wii in late 2006. When Barrel Blast was first announced, it was supposed to use the DK bongo drum accessory. By hitting the left bongo, your character would move right and by hitting the right bongo, your character...

  • News Halo 3 Gets Wii-Fitted

    Bungie's third iteration in its console-profiling Halo series has recently been 1upp-ed in sales by Nintendo's calorie-zapping Balance Board title.

    As well as topping the NPD charts for last month in the U.S of A for what seems like the gazillionth time, Wii Fit has also reached the milestone selling amount of six million (that's a lot of flab...

  • News Job Island's Stranger Side

    Ever wanted to have Master Higgins's job? Now you can!

    As you might know, Master Higgins (Takahashi Meijin) is Hudson's number one PR guy. Long ago he was able to hit a button 16 times a second, which propelled him into Japanese stardom. In the recently released Wii game Job Island: Hard Working People (Known as 'Help Wanted' in North America) you...

  • News New female lead announced for Ghostbusters: The Video Game

    Weaver out, Milano in

    Turn-of-the-90's teen heartthrob Alyssa Milano has been tapped to replace Sigourney Weaver as the female lead in Atari's upcoming multi-platform Ghostbusters video game. The 36-year-old actress, best known for her roles in television series "Charmed" and "Who's The Boss?", takes the place of original...

  • Review Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars (Wii)

    Is this mushroom based platformer so good that it will leave you wanting spore?

    The humble mushroom seems like an unlikely protagonist to take the lead in a videogame, but our hero Pax is no ordinary fungus. He seems to have somehow gained the ability to absorb precious meteorites, much to his mushroom tribe’s dismay as they keep the giant moles...

  • News Netflix coming to Wii?

    Customer survey proposes video-on-demand service for Nintendo's little white box

    A recent customer survey from online DVD vendors Netflix suggests that the company may be expanding their service to Nintendo Wii owners in the future. The subscription-based service, available to Xbox 360 owners since late November, would "offer its members the...

  • News Rising Star Games: 2009 Line-up Revealed

    Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, Steal Princess, Avalon Code and more dated for European release.

    Rising Star Games, publisher of such games as Rune Factory, No More Heroes and Bomberman in Europe, has unveiled its full release line-up for 2009. Included in the eleven-game line-up are a whopping ten releases for the Nintendo Wii and DS platforms,...

  • News Exciting Details For Excitebots: Trick Racing

    The facts are spilled on Nintendo's latest "Excite" racer!

    Are you anticipating Excitebots for the Wii? The game seemed to come out of nowhere, and already its fast approaching it's release! Until now details have been fairly sparse, but now the floodgates are open and the details are pouring in. A sequel to Excite Truck, the launch game straight...

  • News New Info Surfaces On Punch-Out!! Wii

    Nintendo reveals more details as Punch Out!! prepares to enter the ring

    Nintendo of Europe has released a few scant details on the upcoming Punch-Out!! sequel for the Wii: The title, developed by Next Level Games (Mario Strikers), will reportedly feature a new two-player mode in which Little Mac can square off against himself. NOE also confirmed...

  • News British Tabloid Blasts Sega For Gory MadWorld Marketing Campaign

    Sensationalist garbage from The Sun? I know, I'm as shocked as you are!

    UK's The Sun, the world's most highly-circulated tabloid, has attacked Sega's latest marketing stunt promoting the release of Platinum Games' Wii-exclusive stylised gorefest MadWorld which saw bloodied prosthetic limbs scattered across London. The prosthetics, coloured to match...

  • News Nintendo Lets You Know Who Is The Daddy

    Wii and DS sales continue to dominate in February. Yes, they still print money!

    This past February, Nintendo sure felt the love by the consumers. Selling over seven hundred fifty thousand Wiis, a seventy-four percent increase over the Wii’s 2008 February. The DS reached slightly above five hundred eighty handhelds. Following the ambiguous duo is...

  • News Mushroom Men - Developer's Diary: Part 2

    Even spore thoughts from the ‘Mushroom Men’ developer’s diary

    It was only a few days ago that we posted the first part of the Mushroom Men developer’s diary which led to a series of dreadful fungi related puns. There won’t be mushroom for that sort of thing today as we learn more about the combat variety in Mushroom Men – The Spore Wars...

  • News New Arc Rise Fantasia gameplay video

    Less than ninety days to release and this Wii-exclusive RPG just looks better and better

    New footage of the upcoming Wii-exclusive RPG Arc Rise Fantasia has emerged and can be viewed below. From Marvelous Entertainment and Image Epoch, the same tandem that created the strategy RPG Luminous Arc, comes Arc Rise Fantasia, an epic RPG exclusively...

  • Review Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii)

    Hardly the stuff of legend.

    Describing Sonic’s early career to young gamers is like discussing dinosaurs, it’s been so long since he was the golden boy of video games whose cheeky blue mug was a bringer of joy in the early Nineties. Since then each new game is touted as a “return to form”, with the Wii’s Sonic and the Secret Rings being...

  • First Impressions Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up

    TMNT comes to the Wii in "Smash-Up" a not-so-subtle clone of another fighter you might remember...in a good way

    It’s back to the basics for the new TMNT game on the Wii and this one shows some promising signs of gratuitous coolness in light of their 25th birthday. That’s right - it’s been almost 25 years since that dark, gritty first issue of...

  • News Wii consoles finally staying on shelves

    Is demand starting to wane as the credit crunch takes hold?

    Ok, maybe the economy really is THAT bad, right now. Or, more likely everyone already has a Wii now. Well if you’re one of the few that doesn’t, than you’re in luck because, for now, the lines are gone so you can sneak in to get one unnoticed by the bullies. Gamestop SVP of...

  • News House Of The Dead: Overkill has Aussie watchdogs baying for blood

    Sega's gore-filled blaster causes aggro down under

    In what seems to be a daily occurence in Australia, the recent classification and release of Sega's pulp-horror lightgun bloodbath House Of The Dead: Overkill has been met with outrage from one of the country's most vocal family lobbyists. Today's Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper reports that Angela...

  • News More info extracted on Dead Space prequel

    Executive producer Steve Papoutsis talks co-op play, controls, characters and carnage

    Since being announced in early February, Dead Space: Extraction, the Wii-exclusive prequel to Electronic Arts' "action horror" hit of last year, has become the subject of much discussion, debate and even scepticism. Fans and critics alike are divided on...

  • Competition Time Extension! Win a House of the Dead: Overkill T-Shirt!

    You've got 5 more days to design a House of the Dead: Overkill poster and stand a chance of winning a T-Shirt

    Better late than never! To celebrate the fantastic return of House of the Dead we've teamed up with SEGA to give away five of the fabulous "They came for brains, you'll give them bullets" House of the Dead Overkill T-Shirts. All...

  • Review King of Fighters Collection: The Orochi Saga (Wii)

    Five legendary fighting games for the price of one - surely too good to be true?

    Born out of the union of two of SNK’s notable coin-op series – Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting - King of Fighters has always had to live in the shadow of the illustrious Street Fighter franchise here in the west; although it has a cult following, it’s never been...

  • Review Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)


    Fire Emblem is a renowned turn-based tactics series that can be most likened to a combination of Risk and Chess. Following in the wake of the GameCube's Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn sees the story of Tellius develop from several perspectives. As is typical in the series, the world is gearing up for battle: the Laguz (Beastmen) and Beorc...

  • News Does This Controller Make Me Look Fat?

    Change 4 Life may have changed it's tune on the heavy effects of gaming for kids.

    You could stop playing any time you want, right? You could just put down the controller and walk away now…if you wanted to. YOU get plenty of exercise. Who are they to tell you that you’re fat and play too many video games? The past year or so has seen an...

  • News Overkill Guns Down Chart Opposition

    Sega's Guns 'n Gore Swear-fest; House of The Dead Overkill, has blasted away all other On-Rails Wii Shooters in the UK Charts, by managing to stay on there the longest out of any of them.

    Headstrong Games' Wii Exclusive shooter, which stars series-regular Agent G, and Detective Issac Washington, has been able to stay within the UK All-formats Top 30...

  • Review MySims Party (Wii)

    Can EA's cute MySims get the party started?

    Over the past year or so, Electronic Arts has been catering to the casual audience on the Wii and Nintendo DS through the MySims franchise. Since the launch of the series back in September 2007, it has gone on to become a worldwide hit. Given Electronic Arts' previous track record for milking winning...

  • News New Harry Potter And Indy LEGO Titles In The Works

    Traveller's Tales working on new block-based licences

    A former employee of UK studio Traveller’s Tales has inadvertently spilled the beans on two of the company’s new projects. Charlotte Parker’s CV claims she was working on new instalments in its long-running partnership with LEGO – namely a Harry Potter game (presumably based on the...

  • News Wii Music Heads To School

    Wii Music instrumental in promoting musical arm waving curriculum for U.S. Schools

    With the short attention span of so many kids these days, how do we reach out and turn them on to the interactive fun of musical instruments? Give them an interactive video game, of course. In Washington D.C. a new program is trying to entice kids into the music...