
Topic: Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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Hope they don't have microtransactions.

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


8 things I always wanted from Animal Crossing

1. Full Customization

I'm all for total freedom in having a custom town where you can place anything the way you want, from furniture being useable on the streets to movable buildings and terraforming rivers and hills (with help of the Resetti crew.)

2. NPC Personalities

I always wanted to have the neighbours be more distinct from each other, as many of them shared personalities, they were essentially clones. I know it's hard to do for a game with like 300 different neighbours as the game in its current form is already the text-heaviest game Nintendo has ever made (and translated into 10 different languages). But anyway, that's what we want, no more clones.

3. NPC Interactivity

Hitting them on the head with a net and talking to them until they repeat lines got boring very fast. Writing them letters was ok but we need a deeper artificial intelligence answering to make it exciting again. What we also need is tons of options to interact with the neighbours, like asking them to play games with you and excercises, or doing fishing and bug contests, challenges, home reviews, parties, sales, etc. And also have each of them have a personal daily or weekly routine with their own little quest/problem that you can follow and solve in realtime.

4. Full Creativity

The new Animal Crossing for Switch should definately add most of the ideas found in Happy Home Designer. Add everything we already have. In fact Animal Crossing can also take a few ideas found in Minecraft and The Sims. Let's create our own houses and sets of furniture with selfmade designs and textures.

5. Online Restrictions

In your village you should be able to disable certain functions for online visitors like running, or using the axe, or leaving town with stolen items, etc.

6. Tons of Content
Give us hundreds of different fishies, insects, and thousands of furniture items to collect. Give us things to do online: multiplayer modes for fishing and football, minigames, bring back some NES games with 2 player online, item auctions, and villager "trading".

7. Free Updates

No DLC or microtransactions.

8. Unlimited Storage

Let me have enough space to store all regular items at least once, and let me have more than enough room for all the custom made pieces as well.

I never played New Leaf. I was waiting for the Wii U version that never came. I have played like 500 hours on each the N64, Gamecube, DS, and Wii game. So if New Leaf already has some of the things I mentioned you can now spoil them to me.

Edited on by SKTTR

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


Trajan wrote:

Hope they don't have microtransactions.

Reggie recently said in an interview that he thinks that microtransactions get too bad of a rep, and that Nintendo is considering adding them in future games, as long as they are available in other ways.

That's something I had hoped to forget until you mentioned microtransactions. Animal Crossing + Microtransactions is a match made in hell. That's why I won't touch Pocket Camp anymore. It moved from innocuous microtransactions for those who were impatient, to full-out RNG lootboxes.


Nintendo Network ID: WoodwindsRock


My Hopes

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
1. bring back HHD's idea of letting us add furniture and stuff for the villagers again, ( i honestly liked that idea.)
2. let us not only customize ourself. but, the villagers as well. (EG: Clothes, Glasses, Hair Styles?,)
3. Bring back the Shop, Cafe, and Concert again. the Shop and Cafe Could let us have ways to earn bells, although, make it more unique for the Main Switch Animal Crossing game instead of a port version of it from HHD.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
1. OK Motors should return with new ideas for the switch version.

Animal Crossing
1. have the gyroid return with the option of trading items, messages, and all that stuff.

1. Make it where we can move the Villager anywhere we want to.
2. Public Work Project
3. More New Furniture
4. More New Shops.
5. New Tools? (Can't think of any in top of my head.)
6. Local Coop, would beat neat
7. A Nintendo Gamecube Furniture that let's us play the Original Animal Crossing on Gamecube for Switch. it could take alot of work (and far fetched as well too ) to have it running on switch. but, it would be a neat idea for us fans who loves the old game, although they might cut out the NES games from the switch port of it.
8. Move it up to 15-20 villagers for 1 Town. (15, was from the Original Animal Crossing)

What is likely Coming back.
1. The Holidays/Tournaments etc.
2. HHD Moving Furniture element from Welcome Home Amiibo update.
3. The Original tools from all main Animal Crossing
4. the Extra Storage from Welcome Home Amiibo update.
5. Timmy and Tommy running Nook's store again
6. the Customize furniture/clothes.
7. Reese and Cyrus (please don't have him unlock again from NL. )
8. Public Work Projects (i'd be surprise if those don't return from NL.)
9. Bugs, Fishes, Fossils and Gyroids
10. House Upgrades
11. Store Upgrades
12. Some Unlocks. (Haircut, other stores etc.)
13. Main Street from New Leaf.
14. Being Mayor again.
15. The Island

Edited on by Aozz101x

My Top 9 Favorite Games of All time.
1. Judgement
2. Baldur's Gate 3
3. Bully (Rockstar)
4. Person 4 / Golden
5. Sonic Adventure 2
6. Xenoblade X
7. Ape Escape 2
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
9. James Bond 007 Nightfire

Switch Friend Code: SW-5070-3616-4044 | 3DS Friend Code: 4828-8466-0472 | My Nintendo: Aozz101x | Twitter:


Just please don't include microtransactions. Leave that to Pocket Camp.



Yosheel wrote:

In theory you can limit where villagers move in by placing tiles. (New Leaf)

From what I heard, villagers added by amiibo card don't move over tiles.

I think that was more an exploit of game mechanics than a feature. It would great if the next Animal Crossing has town planning tools that allow you determine where residents are allowed to move to. Maybe a limited number of zones that can be declared "off limits" so the animals won't build houses there, but you'll still have that organic feeling of a town that's always changing.

Harmonie wrote:

They definitely need to carry over a heck of a lot of the features from Happy Home Designer.

Overhead fixtures, please!

The Mountain Man


I'm hoping they do something more with Animal Crossing, like what they did with Mario Odyssey...even though Birdo isn't in the game...



The MOST Important of All....
Make it FULL 3D Open World style !
Imagine Animal Crossing Switch in Open World, you can enjoy the Beautiful world from different angles.



The Most Important things for Villager is .....
NO MORE Move Out by themself.
Instead, we can keep them Forever or we can Kick their butt if we don't like them anymore, just like on MySims Wii.

"4. Full Creativity

The new Animal Crossing for Switch should definately add most of the ideas found in Happy Home Designer. Add everything we already have. In fact Animal Crossing can also take a few ideas found in Minecraft and The Sims. Let's create our own houses and sets of furniture with selfmade designs and textures."

Don't forget MySims Wii ideas, that you can customize the looking of furnitures.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



I want romance options for Mr. Resetti.



Octane wrote:

I want romance options for Mr. Resetti.

Romance ..... (From The Sims 4)
1. Ask if Single
2. Compliment Appearance
3. Flirt
4. Tell a Dirty Joke
5. Embrace
6. Hold hands
7. Cheek Kiss
8. Kiss
9. Amorous Hug
10. Woo Hoo

Btw, wanna have some Woo Hoo with Mr. Resetti ?



SKTTR wrote:

8 things I always wanted from Animal Crossing

1. Full Customization

I'm all for total freedom in having a custom town where you can place anything the way you want, from furniture being useable on the streets to movable buildings and terraforming rivers and hills (with help of the Resetti crew.)

2. NPC Personalities

I always wanted to have the neighbours be more distinct from each other, as many of them shared personalities, they were essentially clones. I know it's hard to do for a game with like 300 different neighbours as the game in its current form is already the text-heaviest game Nintendo has ever made (and translated into 10 different languages). But anyway, that's what we want, no more clones.

3. NPC Interactivity

Hitting them on the head with a net and talking to them until they repeat lines got boring very fast. Writing them letters was ok but we need a deeper artificial intelligence answering to make it exciting again. What we also need is tons of options to interact with the neighbours, like asking them to play games with you and excercises, or doing fishing and bug contests, challenges, home reviews, parties, sales, etc. And also have each of them have a personal daily or weekly routine with their own little quest/problem that you can follow and solve in realtime.

4. Full Creativity

The new Animal Crossing for Switch should definately add most of the ideas found in Happy Home Designer. Add everything we already have. In fact Animal Crossing can also take a few ideas found in Minecraft and The Sims. Let's create our own houses and sets of furniture with selfmade designs and textures.

5. Online Restrictions

In your village you should be able to disable certain functions for online visitors like running, or using the axe, or leaving town with stolen items, etc.

6. Tons of Content
Give us hundreds of different fishies, insects, and thousands of furniture items to collect. Give us things to do online: multiplayer modes for fishing and football, minigames, bring back some NES games with 2 player online, item auctions, and villager "trading".

7. Free Updates

No DLC or microtransactions.

8. Unlimited Storage

Let me have enough space to store all regular items at least once, and let me have more than enough room for all the custom made pieces as well.

I never played New Leaf. I was waiting for the Wii U version that never came. I have played like 500 hours on each the N64, Gamecube, DS, and Wii game. So if New Leaf already has some of the things I mentioned you can now spoil them to me.

Oooo, this sounds nice. While we're at it, why not add some mini-games, like toy car racing, balloon fighter person trying to cross over somewhere while others use sling shots to shot them down, haunted house where its "ghosts" vs. busters!



@SKTTR i think they will do what they did for New Leaf with Welcome Amiibo. as, that was a free update.

My Top 9 Favorite Games of All time.
1. Judgement
2. Baldur's Gate 3
3. Bully (Rockstar)
4. Person 4 / Golden
5. Sonic Adventure 2
6. Xenoblade X
7. Ape Escape 2
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
9. James Bond 007 Nightfire

Switch Friend Code: SW-5070-3616-4044 | 3DS Friend Code: 4828-8466-0472 | My Nintendo: Aozz101x | Twitter:


I swear if the amiibo don't do crap I'll be pissed. I have all the AC amiibo, and I need them to be useful.

There are roughly a dozen AC amiibo and while they are nice looking, I actually want them to have a use. There are so many possibilities for them.

Really as I said in general this game needs to blow all previous games out of the water. It needs to be what smash bros. Ultimate is to the smash bros. games, just insane amounts of stuff. I question in some ways how long they may have been making the game thus far. Since a year ago? Since the launch of the switch? Was it started as a WiiU project years ago? It is hard to say.

All the ideas people have here seem obvious too. I mean between pocket camp and happy home designer, I feel like they were testing new features to add to the main game in some ways. It should have all the HHD stuff for sure. I even suspect they may do something like global missions the way pokemon did in Sun/Moon, and those were a cool idea(too bad it was executed so terribly).

I think they will tie in every feature of past games and all items. Yes, even the NES emulators. I mean, if we get them as part of the online service, why not allow them in game to play with friends in AC online if you both have access? Seems obvious. I think it is ALL coming back and being fleshed out more. Even the city I think will be made much better. I even expect the tropical island to be expanded upon and have a villa there you can customize too plus new island minigames.

Options are there, they must deliver.

I sexually identify as a Pommelo


Perhaps my biggest disappointment with New Leaf is that the animals almost NEVER speak to each other. In the Wii/DS games, this was quite a frequent occurrence (and pushing animals into another would usually cause them to initiate conversation). The conversions were usually hilarious and may result in other events taking place.

To date, I have probably only ever witnessed two or three NPC conversations in New Leaf (in spite of my efforts), which is pathetic.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


It also got rid of most of the npc chatter, like Blather's bits about the things you donate and the little conversations him and Tom Nook would have with you on certain days.

In general I think I also prefer it when the stores and museum are in the town. ReTail was nice and all, but it's no Nook's Cranny.

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


@hirokun And I'm sure quite a lot of people don't want to buy amiibo to get everything out of their game, including me. So please keep them out of it. I prefer every bit of content to be accessible without the use of additional accessories. If they include all this amiibo and micro-transaction stuff, blegh... I'm not a fan of that.


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