
Wii Game Reviews

  • Review Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)

    Mario & Sonic are all set to fight for the Gold Medal, but is the game worthy of an Olympic accolade?

    Hell has officially frozen over; Mario and Sonic appear together for the first time ever. If this idea had been suggested 10 to 15 years ago, you'd probably have been locked up and forgotten about. Times have changed dramatically since then: we now...

  • Review Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (Wii)

    The Rabbids Are Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    [screenshot=46cc118319213]Those Charming Rabbids Are Back!If I learnt one thing last Christmas, it was this; Rabbit's Wii Violence = Hilarity. Or to put it another way; I discovered the joys of Rayman Raving Rabbids. With this title Ubisoft gave the world a prime example of how to make a good, fun, energetic...

  • Review Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (Wii)

    Golf may consist of silly clothing and long walks, but it hasn't stopped EA from releasing yet another edition of its long-running PGA Tour series.

    The first Tiger Woods game for the Wii was perfectly enjoyable representation of golf that fully embraced the possibilities of the Wiimote setup. The impact was lessened slightly by the fact that Wii...

  • Review Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

    Simply out of this galaxy

    Ah, Mario. It's been a while... believe it or not it's been five years since Mario's last personal outing; Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube. Our hero has returned for his first Wii outing, in the form of Super Mario Galaxy. Let's get something clear from the start: Galaxy is definitely not a straight forward successor...

  • Review The Simpsons Game (Wii)

    The Simpsons make their début appearance on the Wii...

    Usually, we start these reviews with an introduction to the game and its history... but we don't think we need to bother this time. We all know who the Simpsons are, and we've enjoyed their humour on more than one occasion. There have been some good games (Hit N' Run), some average games (Road...

  • Review The Sims 2: Castaway (Wii)

    "Not another Sims game," Sammy screamed, "When will they ever learn?"

    I think it’s pretty bloody important to state at the start of this review that I hate The Sims. I always have done and I always will do. It’s unstructured, overly pointless and just straight up dull. However I have to admit that the AI on the PC versions (at the time) was...

  • Review Ninjabread Man (Wii)

    Ninjabread Man brings some much needed platforming action to our Wii's, but is it any good?

    With a name like Ninjabread Man, it was hard to ignore this one. Just look at our hero, its a Gingerbread man that can do Ninja stuff- you don't get much cooler than that. I was a little nervous of what Ninjabread Man would be like- after all it is from a...

  • Review FIFA 08 (Wii)

    The much-maligned FIFA franchise finally hits the Wii. Does this latest instalment do enough to step out of the shadow of the excellent Mario Strikers: Charged?

    There was a time when the latest FIFA release would send most self-respecting football fans running for the hills in dismay. Although the series started brightly with a wonderful debut on...

  • Review MySims (Wii)

    EA's astonishingly successful Sims series is given a lick of 'cute' paint. The result is MySims - but is it any good?

    Electronic Arts is a company that can make or break a videogames console. Although the publisher’s output isn’t always associated with quality, the popularity of its franchises can prove vital when it comes to winning the console...

  • Review Boogie (Wii)

    It's time to grab the mic and shake your money-maker, because EA's Boogie is about to hit the dancefloor...

    Music-based games – often assigned the rather auspicious genre title of ‘rhythm action’ – are big business these days. Titles like SingStar, Dancing Stage and Guitar Hero are massive sellers, attracting thousands upon thousands of...

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  • Review Madden NFL 08 (Wii)

    We Brits may see it as 'Rugby with padding' but American Football is as popular as ever and the latest Madden release from EA Sports is promising big things. Does it deliver?

    Devout patrons of NintendoLife will no doubt recall that we quite liked Madden NFL 07; the unique use of motion-sensitive gestures lent the game an incredibly intuitive and...

  • Review Tamagotchi Party On! (Wii)

    Bandai's virtual pet franchise has now made the leap to the Wii and is attempting to steal Wario Ware's mini-game crown...has it succeeded?

    Exploitation of children is a terrible thing. It’s a sad fact that in some parts of the world nefarious employers will think nothing of paying youngsters a pittance to work in poorly ventilated sweat shops in...

  • Review Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)

    Samus' gunship finally lands on Wii, should you believe the hype? Are the controls as good as we hoped?

    Samus is finally unleashed on Wii. Originally a title pegged for launch, Metroid fans have been drooling almost a year longer than expected. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is billed as the final part of the Metroid Prime trilogy and somewhat carries...

  • Review Transformers: The Game (Wii)

    Is there 'more than meets the eye' when it comes to Activision's latest movie tie-in, or does it replicate the slightly disappointing feel of the big-budget movie it's based on?

    If you happen to be a child of the 80s then the appeal of Transformers shouldn’t need any explanation. The seminal early morning cartoon series - coupled with a...

  • Review Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Wii)

    The Boy Who Lived makes his debut on the Nintendo Wii. Has the shift to new hardware reinvigorated the young spell caster or will this movie tie-in share the same lamentable fate as previous instalments?

    Since the very early days of videogames, publishers have seen the advantages a popular movie license can bring. Throughout the years we’ve...

  • Review The Sims 2: Pets (Wii)

    Big Brother; noun. (1) an authoritarian leader and invader of privacy; (2) an older brother; (3) a dire commercial television series fuelling Channel 4 with ample funds to screen “Top 100” countdowns for the remaining ten months of the year when the show isn’t airing.

    I think my loathing of Big Brother rubbed off on my will to play such games...

  • Review Mercury Meltdown Revolution (Wii)

    Bored of companies cashing in on the Wii craze by lazily tacking on motion sensing control? So are we. However, Ignition Banbury buck the trend in spectacular fashion by giving us a title that is so perfectly realized it’s hard to imagine it was ever available on any other machine.

    Even the most stubbornly loyal Sony fanboy would admit, albeit...

  • Review Mario Strikers Charged (Wii)

    Another frantic season of arcade style football action

    Some of you will remember Mario Smash Football on the Gamecube, Mario Strikers: Charged Football simply builds on that original concept, adding a few new features and ideas but is generally the same game updated for Wii. One of the big additions that has been heavily promoted by Nintendo is...

  • Review Medal of Honor: Vanguard (Wii)

    Surprisingly still playing it months later, we decided to revisit this war game to see what lessons can be learnt for furture first person shooters.

    What to say about the game that has already been extensively put through the media machine. As a major Wii title, you will find tens of reviews about the game all over the internet and popular game...

  • Review Super Swing Golf PANGYA (Wii)

    Super Swing Golf. A hole in one, or a double bogey?

    [screenshot=45ed93df615da]Now Lads, Keep Your Eye On The BallIt is inevitable that we have started to see a large amount of interactive sports games on the Wii- Wii Sports ensured this. Naturally it will be the case that some of these games will be fantastic, while others will be shameless...

  • Review Metal Slug Anthology (Wii)

    Wooden Snail. Concrete Spider. Papier Maché Butterfly. Metal Slug. One of these is the moniker of a near-legendary platform-action series that is celebrating a glorious decade in the spotlight. The others are nonsense names made up merely to justify this rather pointless opening paragraph. Can you guess which is which?

    Give your average next...

  • Review Need For Speed: Carbon (Wii)

    Need For Speed comes to the Wii, does it rush into pole position as the Wii's first real racer?

    I must admit I was pretty skeptical about how well this game was gonna play before I'd even opened the box. I'd never played any of the Need for Speeds before, and have never been the boy-racer pimp-my-fiesta type. But I do love a good driving game, and...

  • Review Super Paper Mario (Wii)

    Mario dusts off his cap and sets out on his first proper adventure on Wii.

    Now, I say proper adventure, but really Super Paper Mario is something new, something different and something you've never played before. Essentially the game looks like any other classic Mario game, however there is one big twist, it's flippin' 3D! For once it isn't Bowser...

  • Review SSX Blur (Wii)

    Snowboarding; Literally one of the coolest sports on the planet. Can EA transfer the experience onto the Wii?

    Electronic Arts' SSX series has been around for a while. Starting on the Playstation 2 with plain old "SSX" it has spanned console platforms with varying success. Four sequels and 6 years later, EA release SSX Blur for the Wii. This time...

  • Review Pinball Hall of Fame - The Gottlieb Collection (Wii)

    Wii's first Pinball title, does it actually contain anything unique or is it just another port?

    Being a pinball-head meant a key Wii launch game for me was Gottlieb Pinball Classics. The game received only moderate coverage in both print and online media, it was simply eclipsed by the likes of Zelda and Red Steel. However, as I will go on to discuss...

  • Review The Godfather: Blackhand Edition (Wii)

    EA Take One Of The Most Renowned Movie Franchises And Turn It Into A Game. Success Or Failure? Read On...

    [screenshot=46128b9f9b431]You Respect Him, You Respect The Family The Godfather Blackhand Edition is based upon the events from The Godfather movie. It holds true to its roots, even though you play as Aldo; a new character to the story. The game...

  • Review Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii)

    Rabbits With Plungers, What Else Is There To Say?

    [screenshot=44d320f1eb8b3]Rayman Is Back... er, Just As Before!It's been a while since a Rayman title last graced any console, and never before has one been any more that a platformer. So it came as a surprise to find that the latest installment was actually a mini-game compilation. The story of...

  • Review Excite Truck (Wii)

    I am very excite!

    Nintendo’s Excitebike is a bit of a cult classic. It’s never been a massive selling series but true Nintendo fans have a very special place for it in their hearts. When Excite Truck was announced as a Wii launch title, those very same fans rejoiced – at last, they could put away their copies of Excitebike 64 and get stuck...

  • Review Madden NFL 07 (Wii)

    Brits take on multi player Madden madness.

    Without much competition in the American Football genre, EA have often been accused of complacency. However, with the upcoming All Pro Football 2K8 from 2k sports, they show clear signs of raising their game. In addition to reservations about the market dominating product, there are the issues that surround...

  • Review Red Steel (Wii)

    Allow me to pose you with a question. You are armed with a Katana blade and a shotgun. Your enemy is armed with just a sword. Would you have a sword fight with him or would you blow his brains out with your shotgun? Exactly.

    I guess Ubisoft thought that sword fighting might be something a bit different – particularly in a first person shooter game...