
Wii Game Reviews

  • Review We Ski (Wii)

    Namco invite us all to Happy Ski mountain for a spot of skiing, Wii style.

    We Ski appears speedily from over the cliff face just as Nintendo release Wii Fit with the now infamous Balance Board, which can, and should, be used whilst playing We Ski. At first glance We Ski might sound like just another skiing game with bolted on Balance Board controls,...

  • Review Iron Man (Wii)

    Iron Man? Pssht. More like Tin Can!

    Iron Man is one of those games that is just mediocre in everyway. It’s not broken but instead it’s simply no fun to play. From the mundane level design to the sloppy graphics, Iron Man is playable but no fun at all. It’s almost exactly what we expect from a movie tie-in. Based on the recent movie release,...

  • Review Mario Kart Wii (Wii)

    The most difficult game we’ll ever have to review

    Why? Simply because there are a number of angles and routes we could take to determine the final verdict. Those different routes would end up giving extremely different verdicts and so it is from this point of the review that we have to pick our destination carefully. To get straight to the point:...

  • Review SEGA Bass Fishing (Wii)

    Grab your rods boys, it's time to fish.

    SEGA invite you back once again into the world of arcade rehashes, bringing one of its more bizarre titles of the 90s onto the Wii. SEGA Bass Fishing which landed on Dreamcast in 1999 was a direct port of the some-what successful arcade game of the same name. With the appealing control possibilities of Wii, it...

  • Review Ninja Reflex (Wii)

    The way of the warrior is one of balance and harmony.

    Wolf-san! EA invite us to join them in the secret ancient world of the Japanese Ninja. Bringing together a handful of mini games, the developers aim to train your senses in the martial art to help you reach a higher power. The way of the warrior is one of "balance and harmony". The...

  • Review Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Wii)

    Right on target, or way off the mark?

    Konami's flagship Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven in other territories) series really caught the gaming world's attention with its fourth release, a beautifully playable and engrossing take on football. Since then it's become even more popular, and now rivals EA's FIFA brand in the sales stakes. However,...

  • Review Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Wii)

    Make sure you've got your Classic Controller handy for this one

    Few genres possess the stubborn nature of the 2D fighter. Whereas other game types evolve over time and strive to incorporate new and innovative features that not only make them easier to play but also more enjoyable, the 2D brawler is perfectly content to remain static. But before you...

  • Review House of the Dead 2&3 Return (Wii)

    Ah House of the Dead, welcome to the Wii.

    Since it's inception in back in the 90s SEGA's "House of the Dead" has arguably become the next biggest zombie series behind Capcom's infamous Resident Evil. SEGA's decision to bring the zombie-fest to the Wii comes as no real surprise since recent successful releases of other "light gun"...

  • Review SEGA Superstars Tennis (Wii)

    Sega’s next sporting smash hit?

    It seems his recent athletic clash with Mario has rubbed off on Sonic: here he is with fifteen friends in a brightly coloured, special move-filled variation on good old lawn tennis, not unlike the plumber’s N64, Game Boy Advance and Gamecube outings, on the surface at least. This isn’t a simple formula rip,...

  • Review No More Heroes (Wii)

    Otaku assassin Travis Touchdown finally lands on European shores - has the wait been worthwhile?

    When you fire up a game and see that the loading screen proudly proclaims that ‘Punk’s not dead’, you know you’re in for something of an unorthodox experience. The enigmatic Suda 51 and his team at Grasshopper Manufacture are arguably one of the...

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  • Review Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

    Perhaps the greatest game of this generation? Hmm... maybe, just maybe.

    Smash Bros.? What's Smash Bros.? If you are a Wii owner asking that question, you'll get many funny looks from other gamers that wonder where you have been the past ten years. Super Smash Bros. is perhaps Nintendo's most successful franchise (in terms of sales per game) in the...

  • Review Bleach: Shattered Blade (Wii)

    Death Gods, Swords, and Lots of Hair Gel- Yes, its Bleach!

    Its not very often you see a game where the main character is a bad-ass orange haired Death God- who's Japanese name, correct me if I am wrong, is 'Strawberry'- wielding a sword embedded with a soul. And its not very often that you see me create such a poor lead-in to a review. So let me cut...

  • Review Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii)

    What an odd craze that swept the gaming world...

    Guitar Hero has led the way for music games into the mainstream and has shown there's more to this genre than Dance Dance Revolution and StepMania. Harmonix, previously working with RedOctane and Activision, developed Guitar Hero for the PlayStation 2 oblivious to the incredible amount of popularity...

  • Review Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Wii)

    Sonic, grab your hoverboard there's a race to win!

    Sonic the Hedgehog spin-off racing series, Sonic Riders, returns in the form of "Zero Gravity", a sequel to the 2006 original. Unlike your standard racing game, SRZG actually has quite alot of story. Sonic and friends have been alerted about crazed robots from "MeteorTech"...

  • Review Asterix at the Olympic Games (Wii)

    Asterix joins the race for Olympic glory, can he and Obelix gain the gold medal?

    With Beijing hosting this years summer Olympic games it was no surprise that a number of Olympic themed games have appeared on this years calendar. Atari must of been kicking themselves when SEGA released Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, pretty much claiming all...

  • Review Endless Ocean (Wii)

    Does it sink or swim?

    It might seem an unlikely premise for a game, but Endless Ocean fits perfectly with Nintendo’s “Touch Generations” label by being cerebral as well as entertaining and offering experiences many people dream about: floating among tropical fish in beautiful coral reefs, or bounding through the wide ocean with bottlenose...

  • Review Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 (Wii)

    Lt. Berg must defeat those ever-baddies the Nazis in this latest from the Medal of Honor series.

    EA bring another Medal Of Honor title to Wii, this time built from the ground up for the system and features the oh-so familiar style of the series. Although Medal of Honor might be a minor side-note on the CV of a certain Steven Spielberg the series has...

  • Review High School Musical: Sing It! (Wii)

    Disney's unstoppable High School Musical franchise may represent permission to print money, but has the toe-tapping magic of the movies been retained for this Wii release?

    In order to bring you the best Nintendo coverage we possibly can here at NintendoLife, we sometimes have to bite the bullet, pull up our socks and make some painful sacrifices...

  • Review Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

    Umbrella have since been defeated, but how exactly did it all happen?

    Resident Evil, one of the biggest gaming series around today, has already landed on Wii with a port of the ever-popular Resident Evil 4. Capcom no doubt saw the innovative Wiimote and impressive sales figures as a new opportunity to expand the series even more. The Umbrella...

  • Review NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii)

    Ah NiGHTS.. you're finally here, it's been a long time coming, so how does it measure up?

    Journey of dreams, the sequel SEGA Saturn fanboys have been waiting 10 years for, after all those rumours its finally here, but was it ever going to live up to the cult following surrounding the original, NiGHTS Into Dreams? Our hero is NiGHTS, a Nightopian who...

  • Review Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii)

    Why did adventure games disappear?

    Innovation is a big reason that I play games. Playing the same game rehashed over and over again bores me senseless. So when a new idea for a game comes along, like Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure, I turn into a kid at a theme park, running to buy it. The story behind the game deals with Zack and...

  • Review The Golden Compass (Wii)

    Shape-changing sprites, death-dealing polar bears and lots of snow. Shiny Entertainment attempts to transform one of this year's biggest films into a half-decent videogame. Has the company succeeded? Read on...

    Where would videogame developers be without the humble Christmas Hollywood blockbuster? At the end of each year we witness a raft of...

  • Review Need For Speed: ProStreet (Wii)

    EA go back to basics with the latest entry in the stunningly successful NFS series - has the company done enough to bring back old fans?

    Need for Speed has been with us for over a decade now. Since making its debut on the ill-fated 3DO console, EA’s premier racing franchise has gone from being a fairly inoffensive car fan’s dream to a loud and...

  • Review WWE Smackdown! vs RAW 2008 (Wii)

    We're too depressed for jokes about sweaty men and spandex

    We’ll admit from the start that we truly believe this is the most difficult game this reviewer ever had to rate. Ever. And unfortunately it’s a flaw that comes from the fact that the Wii has been an absolutely massive commercial hit. You see the main problem with WWE Smackdown VS. RAW...

  • Review Smarty Pants (Wii)

    Your starter for ten: Is EA's latest franchise worth a look?

    Quiz games are something of a pet peeve for me. Being a hot-blooded male I obviously loathe TV quiz shows, and the particularly cynical side of me can see straight through the numerous dial-in competitions that exist purely to generate additional revenue for TV stations. However, the...

  • Review EA Playground (Wii)

    If your memories of the school playground feature scary bullies and kiss chase, then you might want to let EA's latest kiddie-friendly title repair the damage.

    There was a time when publishers were seen as the trendsetters in this industry. When Rockstar released Grand Theft Auto it tapped into the consciousness of the gaming public, triggering a...

  • Review Link's Crossbow Training (Wii)

    After Twilight Princess fades away Link is back in training and he needs your help!

    Our hero Link returns to the Wii rather sooner than expected in the form of Link's Crossbow Training, a shooting game set in the world of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The game has been created by Nintendo to demonstrate the use of the Wii Zapper, the...

  • Review Ghost Squad (Wii)

    Can arcade light gun games really work on Wii? Ghost Squad steps up to the test.

    SEGA, one of the masters of arcade shooters, are the first to bring one of their heavyweight light gun titles to the Wii, courtesy of the Wii Zapper- a gun shaped plastic housing for your Wiimote and Nunchuck. The Wii Zapper isn't required, it simply adds a little...

  • Review NBA Live 08 (Wii)

    It may just be netball with movement, but basketball is huge with our friends across the pond. Does that result in a decent videogame though?

    Reviewing American sports titles is always a difficult proposition when you’re a Brit. Sporting games rely on the player having an understanding or passion for the subject matter, and that is obviously...

  • Review Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)

    Welcome stranger.

    We know, we know. This review is a little late. I was going to make up some long winded story about how I had the review written out before a bunch of the undead stole my hard drive and took me on a wild goose chase around Raccoon City before I could get it back. I didn't think you'd believe that story though so I'll just come...